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Limewire File

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Posts: 1,630
14:30 Wed 28 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Umm, not sure really it was a few months back, forgot about it, but i don't believe anything changed, wouldn't a virus scan rid the problem?

And windows media player came up, but nothing happened after
Deleted User
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14:36 Wed 28 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Okay well AVG granted is a good tool to detect an infection, however, they dont find everything! Thats a key thing to remember.

Think about it, in order to find every piece of malware (the overall name for virus', spyware, trojan, worm etc...) the online database in which the program uses to detect these infections need to somehow include every piece of malware. Basically thats near impossible.

But unless you notice anything obvious I wouldnt become paranoid that you may indeed be infected
Posts: 1,630
14:41 Wed 28 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well I've been quite paranoid since i had this system lol.. it had no protection, as i didn't really know much about computers.

It's always been slow, but i think thats down to a slow processor, memory etc. And i have some pop-ups, but not many.
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18:19 Thu 29 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
alot of people slag of limewire in here i think its great and av never had any trouble with it
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19:56 Thu 29 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Bit of common sense is all you need with torrent/P2P software. Although there are a lot of dodgy files about these days.
Posts: 5,223
04:38 Fri 30 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Isnt limewire illegal?
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Posts: 5,223
04:48 Fri 30 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well it is and it isnt...
I'm confuzed :S
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05:05 Fri 30 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
If you're downloading copyrighted material, for instance the new Killswitch album. Thats illegal.
Some local un-heard of band not so.

Copyrighted material is illegal to download, but not illegal to put on the system.

If you're not sure, don't use it.
Posts: 5,223
05:07 Fri 30 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
kk ta that explained it.
Deleted User
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05:40 Fri 30 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
my limewire isnt working :( it wont connect. if opend torent and stuff ut nah
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06:14 Fri 30 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
your better off asking spinner he seems to be the computer whizz of funky pool
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06:43 Fri 30 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Spinner if you read this i need assistance
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09:28 Fri 30 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Updated your firewall recently? Or has it just randomly stopped working?
Posts: 56
10:56 Fri 30 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
either, use a program like mcafee to do a full system scan because it sounds like malware or spyware, ive had the same problem so i recommend backing up the important stuff on your computer i.e. working songs, programs and pictures etc, and then re - installing your windows system, this will put your computer back to its original state when you first got it and then you can jut upload all your personal files etc, hope that helps
Posts: 8,937
11:10 Fri 30 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well, firstly, limewire and torrents are completely different systems.

The probable cause is your firewall blocking the programs access. Just make sure its on the list of exceptions.
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12:11 Fri 30 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
IIRC, Limewire being Peer to Peer (P2P) takes the file from one source directly and torrents just take it from a few places at once and jigsaw it together?
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12:52 Fri 30 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Limewire is indeed a P2P sharing client, which as oli said retrieves the file from one source, the Gnutella Network.

I've been doing a bit of a reading up on both Torrents and P2P sites and the best definition of a Torrent is as follows. said:
Unlike downloads off the Web, torrents do not point to a single source on a P2P network when requesting files. Instead, torrents contain specific information that multiple computers in the network can read to send various parts of the requested file simultaneously. Torrents keep active track of which parts of the file are needed to complete the request. By downloading bits of the file from dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of sources, large files can download very quickly.

Quoted from:

Hope this helps clear things up
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15:15 Fri 30 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Whoop. My simpleton 6pm brain worded something almost legibly. Excellent. There is hope for me yet.
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19:00 Fri 30 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
I can't really see why people still bother using Limewire. Soulseek is leagues ahead in terms of number of search results and ability to download whole albums. Even if you don't like Soulseek, Frostwire is basically a free version of Limewire Pro (it even looks the same).
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Limewire File

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