Dedications thread
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22:18 Sun 21 Oct 07 (BST)
Well done, Chris!
dark_cloud said:
I would like to dedicate my uk 8 ball speed tournament on my light_cloud account:
to 7_ball_king, master_black, pool_life, martin_black, katie_bug, quick_pot, cityfan84, adidas and anyone else i know
to 7_ball_king, master_black, pool_life, martin_black, katie_bug, quick_pot, cityfan84, adidas and anyone else i know
Well done, Chris!
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22:57 Sun 21 Oct 07 (BST)
WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Way to go, Steven!~!!!!!
dr_fedx said:
i dedicate myyyyyyyyyy gb in the 9 ball tourny and almost winning it but losing in the finals cause the stupid balls!! to domi cause she asked lol, mari, katie, mariya, 7 ball for mentioning me and everyone else that knows me..(misterchyme btw.. posted under wrong name oppsie lol)
Edited at 07:15 Sun 21/10/07 (BST)
Edited at 07:15 Sun 21/10/07 (BST)
WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Way to go, Steven!~!!!!!
07:00 Mon 22 Oct 07 (BST)
id like to dedicate my uk8 run out to adidas the_goonies, bunrzybhoy,_xjuicyx_ horse10000, ab_rfc,miss_sugar, madmiketyson,_mash_,_wolvesdude_,nick87,quick_pot,, av_it and dark_cloud,
Also all mods and admin
Also all mods and admin
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07:27 Mon 22 Oct 07 (BST)
woooooooooooo hooooooooooooo well done city :-) nice one
x x
x x
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07:32 Mon 22 Oct 07 (BST)
would like to dedicate my 8ball marathon tourny win to - sheepboy for a good final , rob , burnzy, kev ,mike , all the rest of you gr8 guys ( you know who you are ) , and to one special lady , x x .
cymru am byth !!
cymru am byth !!
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07:35 Mon 22 Oct 07 (BST)
wooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooo congratulations steve well done oooer lady lol been a while since ive been called that lmao
x x x
x x x
08:05 Mon 22 Oct 07 (BST)
well done mash on the tourney win
id like to dedicate my us9 golden break to adidas the_goonies, bunrzybhoy,_xjuicyx_ horse10000, ab_rfc,miss_sugar, madmiketyson,_mash_,_wolvesdude_,nick87,quick_pot,, av_it and dark_cloud,
Also all mods and admin
id like to dedicate my us9 golden break to adidas the_goonies, bunrzybhoy,_xjuicyx_ horse10000, ab_rfc,miss_sugar, madmiketyson,_mash_,_wolvesdude_,nick87,quick_pot,, av_it and dark_cloud,
Also all mods and admin
09:11 Mon 22 Oct 07 (BST)
the old boy can still win a tourney just like 2 thank all the mods and most off all cityfan84 who i beat on the way 2 my win cheers ppl
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11:43 Mon 22 Oct 07 (BST)
well done steve on your torny win .
well done rob
well done rob
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11:51 Mon 22 Oct 07 (BST)
woooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooo well done
city :-) congratulations on another win
x x
city :-) congratulations on another win
x x
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12:44 Mon 22 Oct 07 (BST)
wd rob on your run out. also wd on your gb in us9. keep it up
cityfan84 said:
id like to dedicate my uk8 run out to adidas the_goonies, bunrzybhoy,_xjuicyx_ horse10000, ab_rfc,miss_sugar, madmiketyson,_mash_,_wolvesdude_,nick87,quick_pot,, av_it and dark_cloud,
Also all mods and admin
Also all mods and admin
wd rob on your run out. also wd on your gb in us9. keep it up
13:10 Mon 22 Oct 07 (BST)
Well done rob on both of your achievements and well done mash, thanks everyone for a dedi
Keep it up!
Keep it up!
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13:56 Mon 22 Oct 07 (BST)
Wooooo Bloooody Hooooo!!!
I dedicate my UK 8ball tourny win to hotstuby for a close final and to the following:
Graeme for his ongoing support, couldn't have done it without you hun *mwah*
Paula, Steph, Dave, Stell, Tally, John, Chris, Ben, Speedy, Liam, quasimodo, Kev and anyone else i know!
Oh and to Tony for his congrats!
Also want to dedicate my Uk run out to all the above too!!
Edited at 18:58 Mon 22/10/07 (BST)
I dedicate my UK 8ball tourny win to hotstuby for a close final and to the following:
Graeme for his ongoing support, couldn't have done it without you hun *mwah*
Paula, Steph, Dave, Stell, Tally, John, Chris, Ben, Speedy, Liam, quasimodo, Kev and anyone else i know!
Oh and to Tony for his congrats!
Also want to dedicate my Uk run out to all the above too!!
Edited at 18:58 Mon 22/10/07 (BST)
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13:58 Mon 22 Oct 07 (BST)
Ty for dedication!
I'd like to dedicate BOTH my lost finals to no one, but if i did win them i'd dedicate to...
Paula, Steph, Liam and Lou!!!
I'd like to dedicate BOTH my lost finals to no one, but if i did win them i'd dedicate to...
Paula, Steph, Liam and Lou!!!
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15:36 Mon 22 Oct 07 (BST)
i would like to dedicate my 50th uk 8 ball 7 balling to dollarbrand,_psmon_,emma,john,kev,ben,paula and everyone who uses the forum.
16:55 Mon 22 Oct 07 (BST)
Well done everyone and thanks to all those who mentioned me in their Dedi's
Id enter but am crap!
Id enter but am crap!
17:42 Mon 22 Oct 07 (BST)
I dedicate my 9 ball tourn win, to following lovleys!!!!!!! For hoof_hearted first and he knows why!!!!!! hope ok m8!!!
Pinkkyloo, Linzi86, hoof_hearted, horse10000, ab_rfc, burnzboy, adidas, quick_pot, goonies, presh, the magic potter, and all my friends on here. Let me not forget shermator for good final
Edited at 22:44 Mon 22/10/07 (BST)
Edited at 22:46 Mon 22/10/07 (BST)
Edited at 22:47 Mon 22/10/07 (BST)
Pinkkyloo, Linzi86, hoof_hearted, horse10000, ab_rfc, burnzboy, adidas, quick_pot, goonies, presh, the magic potter, and all my friends on here. Let me not forget shermator for good final
Edited at 22:44 Mon 22/10/07 (BST)
Edited at 22:46 Mon 22/10/07 (BST)
Edited at 22:47 Mon 22/10/07 (BST)
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