stat based tournies

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Deleted User
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11:12 Thu 20 Sept 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Is there any plans to introduce regular tournies for people of certian stats?? so there would be a 650-670 tourny then 670-690 and so could be based around the regular ones which invite any ability but these ones would allow people of the same abitlity to compete..also my idea of stat being affected could be implemented on these ones only as the stats gained/lost would be the same as if you played one on one.
Posts: 4,762
11:47 Thu 20 Sept 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Jeez, Can't you just search the forums mate. There has been many threads of this being mentioned.

EDIT: Have a little look around, You should find a few

Edited at 16:50 Thu 20/09/07 (BST)
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stat based tournies

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