Dial Up Connections
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11:01 Mon 10 Sep 07 (BST)
I have dial up connection (I know, Dark Ages, right?) and it doesn't look as though I'll be getting wireless for awhile. When I sign online, it is understandably slow, and I usually accept that, but if I am online for more than an hour at a time, I lose connection and have to dial up again. I can usually tell when this will happen because I'll see the "1/8" on top of the FP screen, and if I can sign on before it reaches "8/8" then all that happens is that I just wasn't responding for a few moments. It get irritating because it happens without fail, and sometimes it prevents me from getting a tournament invite or I get disqualified.
Like I said, I have to stick with dial up for now, but does anyone have any suggestions as to why I just sign offline randomly, and how to fix it?
Like I said, I have to stick with dial up for now, but does anyone have any suggestions as to why I just sign offline randomly, and how to fix it?
13:36 Mon 10 Sep 07 (BST)
With a dial up coneection it redials every so often which is what is happening. All dial up connections do this so dont worry.
You dont neccesarily need wireless but broadband would be a good idea.
Edited at 18:37 Mon 10/09/07 (BST)
You dont neccesarily need wireless but broadband would be a good idea.
Edited at 18:37 Mon 10/09/07 (BST)
Deleted User
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13:53 Mon 10 Sep 07 (BST)
This could be caused by connecting your computer to a phone socket using an old modem cable, or using an old modem. But, more often than not, this is the result of a poor signal on the phone line itself.
Technically, this is known as a "lost carrier", and it occurs when your connection is not strong enough to maintain a data phone call.
You will not notice the problem when making phone calls, because internet and data calls require a much stronger signal.
You will probably also find that, when you do connect, the speeds you receive are much slower than they should be, because your computer is forced to connect to your ISP at a slower speed due to the poor quality signal.
Technically, this is known as a "lost carrier", and it occurs when your connection is not strong enough to maintain a data phone call.
You will not notice the problem when making phone calls, because internet and data calls require a much stronger signal.
You will probably also find that, when you do connect, the speeds you receive are much slower than they should be, because your computer is forced to connect to your ISP at a slower speed due to the poor quality signal.
Deleted User
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13:57 Mon 10 Sep 07 (BST)
Just as a note katie, a wireless network is simply running 'broadband' without the use of wires through transmitting radio frequencies.
Broadband comes from the words "broad bandwidth" and is used to describe a high-capacity, two-way link between a user's computer and an Internet Service Provider (ISP).
Broadband comes from the words "broad bandwidth" and is used to describe a high-capacity, two-way link between a user's computer and an Internet Service Provider (ISP).
Deleted User
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15:26 Mon 10 Sep 07 (BST)
The modem I have is not so old, and it worked fine on the modem I had last. It only seems to give me problems with this modem.
I had broadband first but I changed it to wireless. I must have been sleeping during that particular web design class.
I had broadband first but I changed it to wireless. I must have been sleeping during that particular web design class.
Deleted User
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14:39 Tue 11 Sep 07 (BST)
Lol ok so i'm totally lost.
Katie do you have broadband or dial-up?
and do you at the present time have a wireless network?
Katie do you have broadband or dial-up?
and do you at the present time have a wireless network?
Deleted User
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23:22 Tue 11 Sep 07 (BST)
she has dial up one day and broadband the other lol
kid i like how you tried to make everything so simple up there when you were explaining things...but still like all of that just went right over my head, so i think you should try harder to make it more simple lol
kid i like how you tried to make everything so simple up there when you were explaining things...but still like all of that just went right over my head, so i think you should try harder to make it more simple lol
Deleted User
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11:42 Wed 12 Sep 07 (BST)
Lol Yeah well I am still unsure on what type of connection she is on...
Okay mari so which parts have made you go "urrr what!?"
I'll put them into layman's terms for you.
Okay mari so which parts have made you go "urrr what!?"
I'll put them into layman's terms for you.
22:49 Wed 12 Sep 07 (BST)
she is talking about her dial up.. and forget layman terms.. you need your own special terms for mari, which i have cleverly and thoughfuly named marigal's terms.. but yeah the connection in question is dial up.
Edited at 03:50 Thu 13/09/07 (BST)
Edited at 03:50 Thu 13/09/07 (BST)
Deleted User
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16:55 Tue 25 Sep 07 (BST)
Get Urself Broadband Its Only £15.00 Per Month Or Just Go To The Shop And Get A D-LINK Modem Router This Will Be More Reliable Than Your Current One It Is Said That D-LINK Never Go Wrong But Of Course I Disagree With This Theory.
Plus It Will Make Your Connection Much Faster With There Top Speed Technology.
By Dan
Plus It Will Make Your Connection Much Faster With There Top Speed Technology.
By Dan
18:06 Tue 25 Sep 07 (BST)
Er, better have a read of that again mate, bit of a contradiction in there!
stealthbird7 said:
Get Urself Broadband Its Only £15.00 Per Month Or Just Go To The Shop And Get A D-LINK Modem Router This Will Be More Reliable Than Your Current One It Is Said That D-LINK Never Go Wrong But Of Course I Disagree With This Theory.
Er, better have a read of that again mate, bit of a contradiction in there!
Deleted User
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18:13 Tue 25 Sep 07 (BST)
Wait, so your actually suggesting a dodgy piece of equipment to Katie?
Below the belt man!
Below the belt man!
Deleted User
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22:03 Tue 25 Sep 07 (BST)
I just want to know if there's anyway of increasing my connection through dial-up, or am I stuck unless I get broadband?
Edited at 03:03 Wed 26/09/07 (BST)
Edited at 03:03 Wed 26/09/07 (BST)
Deleted User
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09:53 Wed 26 Sep 07 (BST)
Katie your better off upgrading to broadband, it's much better and worth it.
katie_bug said:
I just want to know if there's anyway of increasing my connection through dial-up, or am I stuck unless I get broadband?
Katie your better off upgrading to broadband, it's much better and worth it.
Deleted User
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14:12 Wed 26 Sep 07 (BST)
depending on your connection you may be able to download a booster or somethin like that i use adsl and mobile broadband the speads are the following.
ADSL: 327kbps
Mobile Boadband: 692kbps
These Figures Are What I Have Had On My omputer Personally I Reccomend Mobile Broadband
ADSL: 327kbps
Mobile Boadband: 692kbps
These Figures Are What I Have Had On My omputer Personally I Reccomend Mobile Broadband
Deleted User
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14:21 Wed 26 Sep 07 (BST)
Can i ask why?
stealthbird7 said:
i use adsl and mobile broadband
Can i ask why?
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Dial Up Connections
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