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Change the stat system??

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Posts: 2,056
15:52 Wed 8 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
I think it should stay as it is. For the reason- top players have worked there way up to the top and having there score reset is just silly as people have this done to them as a punishment.

Funkypool is a successful site as it is, why change it.
Posts: 1,473
16:10 Wed 8 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
maybe without going to these extremes we could have a weekly achievements board introduced on the homepage or rank section,say the top 10 rank made of the week or the top 10 achievers,then there can be more recognition for new players.Not sure how hard this would be to do though.
Posts: 9,926
17:25 Wed 8 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
I think a quarterly season stats or monthly stats would be great idea. And then keep the rest as overall stats. What about a tourney entered to win ratio as well, and total of finals, semis and quarters reached to show a gauge of current form?
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17:58 Wed 8 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
So long as my stats are still recorded and added to I wouldn't mind having a season based stat system.

All Time | Yearly | Monthly

Having 3 different leaderboards like that would be good

It'd be nice to not be 1st on most wins for a change to let people know that I do actualy do go out of the house
Posts: 10,415
09:21 Thu 9 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
squeezy said:

It'd be nice to not be 1st on most wins for a change to let people know that I do actualy do go out of the house

Your not first on most wins lol quick_pot overtook u a while ago not sure how long exactly tho

and im with most of u on this
i think its a good idea as long as the current stats we have are added too and kept i think that a season type thing like the premier league etc would be awesome...
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11:14 Thu 9 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
madmiketyson said:
squeezy said:

It'd be nice to not be 1st on most wins for a change to let people know that I do actualy do go out of the house

Your not first on most wins lol quick_pot overtook u a while ago not sure how long exactly tho

I only look at the one table, dont play the US games hardly so I dont count the overall table
Posts: 5,373
12:03 Thu 9 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
cityfan84 said:
I think it should stay as it is. For the reason- top players have worked there way up to the top and having there score reset is just silly as people have this done to them as a punishment.

Funkypool is a successful site as it is, why change it.

Completely agreed.

And people saying it favours old players and makes it too hard for new players to make top 50... The system does in no way help the established players, it does exactly the opposite.

I just made it into the twenties in 8 ball US and have been registered for less than two months. Not to brag the slightest, just to demonstrate how stupid it is to claim that the system in any way prevents it.
Posts: 5,373
12:06 Thu 9 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
topshot said:
maybe without going to these extremes we could have a weekly achievements board introduced on the homepage or rank section,say the top 10 rank made of the week or the top 10 achievers,then there can be more recognition for new players.Not sure how hard this would be to do though.

Sounds far better.
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13:22 Thu 9 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
janmb - this thread, if you read it, is not particularly about the rankings which, by the way, anyone can progress in either by legal or illegal means. This appears to be the only 'top 20' you have made so before using a word like 'stupid' perhaps consider how long you expect to be playing for before you reach the top 10 let alone the top of any of the other tables - even if you are the best player in US 8 Ball??
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13:37 Thu 9 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
porky_pig said:
janmb - this thread, if you read it, is not particularly about the rankings which, by the way, anyone can progress in either by legal or illegal means.

No one gets a 'true' high ranking through cheating, we always catch them, don't worry. Just so we're clear.
Posts: 5,373
16:27 Thu 9 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
porky_pig said:
janmb - this thread, if you read it, is not particularly about the rankings which, by the way, anyone can progress in either by legal or illegal means. This appears to be the only 'top 20' you have made so before using a word like 'stupid' perhaps consider how long you expect to be playing for before you reach the top 10 let alone the top of any of the other tables - even if you are the best player in US 8 Ball??

If you wanna launch an attack on me just because I disagree with the people who claim the system is opposed to new players making their way up on the ladder here, by all means feel free.

And although highly off topic, if you absolutely need to know why I have a decent 8 ball ranking and virtually none at all on the other tables, I suggest you take a look at how many games I've played in the respective game types ;)

Like 1_eye already pointed out, I feel confident cheaters are caught.

Edited at 21:28 Thu 9/08/07 (BST)
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17:20 Thu 9 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Not quite sure how you can take anything that was said as a personal attack. I was pointing out that the thread was not about the rankings ladder but in fact the other listings such as tournament wins, gbs, rack runs etc. In addition I was commenting about you not appearing in any of these top 50 listings (other than the rankings ladder) in US8 ball not either of the other two games. The point being that even if you are the best US8 baller ever to play the game how long will it be before you top these listings bearing in mind that you are starting from a position that is 1 to 2 years behind other players. Would you not like to see a system in place that gave an indication of where you actually stand currently in relation to these and other players and consequentally a realistic chance to overhaul them as well to show you are the best. Ranking ladders alone unfortunately can never show that in isolation. In my position in the 9 ball rank I could play any number of supposedly poorer ....
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17:25 Thu 9 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
... players and inch my way slowly to the top without ever playing any of the top players. Would that make me the best 9 baller in the game? Certainly not.

Finally to use the word stupid in your original posting was a little disrespectful to those people that have shown support for a change and was perhaps uncalled for. However I fully respect your views on the subject and your opposition which is what a forum thread is supposed to be about.
Posts: 5,373
17:34 Thu 9 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Alright alright, sorry if I offended you. Lets not turn this into a low level argument anyways.

I did get the impression you meant ranks (for whatever reason), but not sure I agree the other more static stats should ever be erased either. They are merely a list of a player's accomplishments, not a rank ladder to be competed over.
Posts: 5,373
17:46 Thu 9 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
porky_pig said:
The point being that even if you are the best US8 baller ever to play the game how long will it be before you top these listings bearing in mind that you are starting from a position that is 1 to 2 years behind other players.

Good point by all means, but I'm not sure I see any problem about it. I have great respect for the players who have won several thousand games and quite frankly I think they deserve to have their stats remain even if it means I'll have a hard time ever getting there myself.
Posts: 10,415
09:37 Sat 11 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
thats not what he means tho- we would still keep our overall stats and they would be added too.
all he is suggesting is a season type stat board that shows who the top players in the last month, quarter or year or whatever.
id hate to lose all my stats too but that isnt the point they would be kept.
what chris suggests is a chance for new players including myself to haver a chance of topping the 7ballers and gbs etc tables which realistically we cant do at the moment with quick and city around!
Posts: 5,373
12:32 Sat 11 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
madmiketyson said:
all he is suggesting is a season type stat board that shows who the top players in the last month, quarter or year or whatever.

If we are talking about exclusively additional stats, I fail to see what there is to debate at all. Additional stat features (in this case season based ones) hurts no one and only adds to the game.

Sounds like a win-win scenario, for everyone except the poor buggr left to implement it lol :D

Edited at 17:33 Sat 11/08/07 (BST)
Posts: 10,415
13:48 Sat 11 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
yeah we are mate and i agree that there isnt anything to debate other than whether nick would want to code it all into the game
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13:49 Sat 11 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Not a bad idea. Current leaders would perhaps be the first players to be inducted into a Funky Hall of Fame as recognition.
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Change the stat system??

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