Dedications thread 2!
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10:53 Fri 14 Sept 07 (BST)
8 ball marathon to Rob, only one who put up a fight. Just squeezed through 3-2 and to barca4ever for being the worst loser I've ever come accross.
10:58 Fri 14 Sept 07 (BST)
Cheers pot for the dedi keep it up m8.. ty linz and wd dr35
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11:42 Fri 14 Sept 07 (BST)
well done james
bunrzybhoy said:
I would like to dedicate getting 860 on US8 and becoming 10th in the ranks to _wolvesdud_, cityfan84, adidas, quick_pot, nick87, pinkyyloo, the_goonies, linzi86,_mash_, madmiketyson,alex19933, _starburst, drac, smithbit, souljah
If i forgot someone sorry.. tell me and i will put you in.
Edited at 08:06 Fri 14/09/07 (BST)
If i forgot someone sorry.. tell me and i will put you in.
Edited at 08:06 Fri 14/09/07 (BST)
well done james
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11:43 Fri 14 Sept 07 (BST)
nice going mike well done
madmiketyson said:
dediacte my 2 golden breaks, run out, and 3 7 ballers at us 8ball to rob, kev ,james and alan
Edited at 13:07 Fri 14/09/07 (BST)
Edited at 13:07 Fri 14/09/07 (BST)
nice going mike well done
15:47 Fri 14 Sept 07 (BST)
id like to dedicate my us8 tourney win to adidas the_goonies, bunrzybhoy, horse10000, ab_rfc madmiketyson,_mash_,_wolvesdude_,nick87,quick_pot,, av_it and dark_cloud,
Also all mods and admin
Bout time i won and done it with a 7 baller to end it
Edited at 20:48 Fri 14/09/07 (BST)
Also all mods and admin
Bout time i won and done it with a 7 baller to end it
Edited at 20:48 Fri 14/09/07 (BST)
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16:02 Fri 14 Sept 07 (BST)
congrats rob, 1 more for the 100 m8, good luck
18:45 Fri 14 Sept 07 (BST)
I dedicate my US 8 Ball tourney win to all my friends on funkypool
18:58 Fri 14 Sept 07 (BST)
WD Horse i think my presence helped
20:39 Fri 14 Sept 07 (BST)
I dedicate my 9ball tourney win to ajmb92, horse10000, blink182rip, pinkyyloo, linzi86, quick_pot, nick87, cityfan84, _wolvesdude_, the_goonies, bunrzybhoy, presh_86 and madmiketyson
Edited at 01:39 Sat 15/09/07 (BST)
Edited at 01:39 Sat 15/09/07 (BST)
20:44 Fri 14 Sept 07 (BST)
I dedicate my US 9 Ball tourney win to all my friends on funkypool
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20:46 Fri 14 Sept 07 (BST)
Well done mate, next time i'll get an ad-blocker so i can put a better fight up
ab_rfc said:
I dedicate my 9ball tourney win to ajmb92, horse10000, blink182rip, pinkyyloo, linzi86, quick_pot, nick87, cityfan84, _wolvesdude_, the_goonies, bunrzybhoy, presh_86 and madmiketyson
Edited at 01:39 Sat 15/09/07 (BST)
Edited at 01:39 Sat 15/09/07 (BST)
Well done mate, next time i'll get an ad-blocker so i can put a better fight up
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20:46 Fri 14 Sept 07 (BST)
Well done horsey
horse10000 said:
I dedicate my US 9 Ball tourney win to all my friends on funkypool
Well done horsey
21:09 Fri 14 Sept 07 (BST)
well done keith m8, wooooooooooooooooooooo
22:50 Fri 14 Sept 07 (BST)
id like to dedicate my uk8 tourney win to adidas the_goonies, bunrzybhoy, horse10000, ab_rfc madmiketyson,_mash_,_wolvesdude_,nick87,quick_pot,, av_it, rjc_poolking and dark_cloud,
Also all mods and admin
Edited at 03:51 Sat 15/09/07 (BST)
Also all mods and admin
Edited at 03:51 Sat 15/09/07 (BST)
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Dedications thread 2!
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