Dedications thread 2!
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23:13 Wed 8 Aug 07 (BST)
well done stew m8 now lets c more form ya
stew_pufc said:
dedicate my 8 ball uk tourny to the unlucky loser joey horse
also dedicate it to nick87 blink182rip and gs3301 for watching the final
also dedicate it to nick87 blink182rip and gs3301 for watching the final
well done stew m8 now lets c more form ya
23:41 Wed 8 Aug 07 (BST)
Whoops! Only noticed this now! Well done hon!!!
katie_bug, 08:56 Tue 31 Jul 07 said:
Woooooo!! I never thought I'd get here, but I would like to dedicate my first tourny win EVER to the following people:
Mari and Steven, first and foremost, even if they didn't get to see it, because I just love them; to Adidas and Misterecks, for watching that game; to Tony and Begger for their support the entire tourny; to _unbreakable and ace_is_me for the PMs; to all the mods and admin, since they have been rooting for me since day 1; to everyone in the chat room who gave their congrats afterward; and to sachibub for a terrific final, since those against him were the toughest games I have ever played and it was neck and neck the entire way.
Mari and Steven, first and foremost, even if they didn't get to see it, because I just love them; to Adidas and Misterecks, for watching that game; to Tony and Begger for their support the entire tourny; to _unbreakable and ace_is_me for the PMs; to all the mods and admin, since they have been rooting for me since day 1; to everyone in the chat room who gave their congrats afterward; and to sachibub for a terrific final, since those against him were the toughest games I have ever played and it was neck and neck the entire way.
Whoops! Only noticed this now! Well done hon!!!
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09:49 Thu 9 Aug 07 (BST)
id like to dedicate winning the us 8 ball tourney and finally getting the set of tourney wins to matty12 (even though banned), burnzybhoy, madmiketyson, cityfan84, quickpot, nick87, pinkkyloo, the_goonies, drac, 30_01_90, niall, dano3546, adidas, hodson, mari_poke, linzi86 and to gg_vul in a great final, were he lost in v ul circumstances, wp m8 ggs..
09:51 Thu 9 Aug 07 (BST)
i dedicate my 12 noon tourny win yesterday ad today to anyone and everyone...
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09:54 Thu 9 Aug 07 (BST)
Cheers mate congrats
_wolvesdude_ said:
id like to dedicate winning the us 8 ball tourney and finally getting the set of tourney wins to matty12 (even though banned), burnzybhoy, madmiketyson, cityfan84, quickpot, nick87, pinkkyloo, the_goonies, drac, 30_01_90, niall, dano3546, adidas, hodson, mari_poke, linzi86 and to gg_vul in a great final, were he lost in v ul circumstances, wp m8 ggs..
09:55 Thu 9 Aug 07 (BST)
Cheers m8, sorry I coudln't watch it, and i'll tell matty if I speak to him before you kk?
Well Done
_wolvesdude_ said:
id like to dedicate winning the us 8 ball tourney and finally getting the set of tourney wins to matty12 (even though banned), burnzybhoy, madmiketyson, cityfan84, quickpot, nick87, pinkkyloo, the_goonies, drac, 30_01_90, niall, dano3546, adidas, hodson, mari_poke, linzi86 and to gg_vul in a great final, were he lost in v ul circumstances, wp m8 ggs..
Cheers m8, sorry I coudln't watch it, and i'll tell matty if I speak to him before you kk?
Well Done
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13:33 Thu 9 Aug 07 (BST)
Nice to see a winner with some dignity. Played a gr8 final, I have never liked losing, but I still think there is a way to conduct yourself win or lose. WP wolvesdude, hopefully not our last final vs each other!!
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13:37 Thu 9 Aug 07 (BST)
cheers mate, hope to play you again very soon in another final, good luck in future games, see you soon in a final lol
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02:22 Fri 10 Aug 07 (BST)
i dedicate my 31st 7 balling in us 8ball to,
cityfan84, lisa, lou, dan, kim, linz, wolvesdude, burnzybhoy, quick_pot, nick 87, si, crazzymadman, and all the f/js
Edited at 07:24 Fri 10/08/07 (BST)
cityfan84, lisa, lou, dan, kim, linz, wolvesdude, burnzybhoy, quick_pot, nick 87, si, crazzymadman, and all the f/js
Edited at 07:24 Fri 10/08/07 (BST)
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12:28 Fri 10 Aug 07 (BST)
and my 32nd lol
adidas said:
i dedicate my 31st 7 balling in us 8ball to,
cityfan84, lisa, lou, dan, kim, linz, wolvesdude, burnzybhoy, quick_pot, nick 87, si, crazzymadman, and all the f/js
Edited at 07:24 Fri 10/08/07 (BST)
cityfan84, lisa, lou, dan, kim, linz, wolvesdude, burnzybhoy, quick_pot, nick 87, si, crazzymadman, and all the f/js
Edited at 07:24 Fri 10/08/07 (BST)
and my 32nd lol
12:37 Fri 10 Aug 07 (BST)
Well done kev mate, dedicate uk8 golden break to the usual lot andall that pm'd me
12:49 Fri 10 Aug 07 (BST)
Woooo!! Congrats
_wolvesdude_ said:
id like to dedicate winning the us 8 ball tourney and finally getting the set of tourney wins to matty12 (even though banned), burnzybhoy, madmiketyson, cityfan84, quickpot, nick87, pinkkyloo, the_goonies, drac, 30_01_90, niall, dano3546, adidas, hodson, mari_poke, linzi86 and to gg_vul in a great final, were he lost in v ul circumstances, wp m8 ggs..
Woooo!! Congrats
12:51 Fri 10 Aug 07 (BST)
and my 32nd lol
Lol keep em coming kev!
adidas said:
adidas said:
i dedicate my 31st 7 balling in us 8ball to,
cityfan84, lisa, lou, dan, kim, linz, wolvesdude, burnzybhoy, quick_pot, nick 87, si, crazzymadman, and all the f/js
Edited at 07:24 Fri 10/08/07 (BST)
cityfan84, lisa, lou, dan, kim, linz, wolvesdude, burnzybhoy, quick_pot, nick 87, si, crazzymadman, and all the f/js
Edited at 07:24 Fri 10/08/07 (BST)
and my 32nd lol
Lol keep em coming kev!
14:41 Fri 10 Aug 07 (BST)
Would like to dedicate my 8 ball run out to ctyfan84, donny_, adidas, niall, mich (30_01_90), matty12 even though hes banned, wolvesdude, roxy_, quick_pot, jimfaebod, ground_break, souljah, mutchee.. really sorry if I forgot anyone please tell me and I'll add you in
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Dedications thread 2!
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