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90 seconds to take a shot

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Posts: 2,056
18:03 Fri 22 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
i recently played someone in 9 ball(90 second game) and they waited till 1 second to take there shot every time , after this game i noticed that he continued to do this to many others, so this brings in the question do we need the shot timer to be as high as 90 seconds? 40 is enough in my opinion .

what do others think??
Posts: 40
18:04 Fri 22 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
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18:24 Fri 22 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
True cityfan, i reckon the max should be around that.

then again, people with lag problems might max it up.
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18:29 Fri 22 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
1st...congrats on you 2,500th post mcquistion!!

personally, i think that 40 seconds is still to long!

but i do see the side where people do have lag problems, thewy will need the time.

40 seconds should be the maximum in my opinion as 40 is long enough!
Posts: 31,220
18:37 Fri 22 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Sometimes people play at work, so they won't be able to play a shot without getting caught. In fact, I remember when it was 300 seconds. Which is 5 minutes. Good times...
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18:37 Fri 22 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
cityfan84 said:
i recently played someone in 9 ball(90 second game) and they waited till 1 second to take there shot every time , after this game i noticed that he continued to do this to many others, so this brings in the question do we need the shot timer to be as high as 90 seconds? 40 is enough in my opinion .

what do others think??
i have to agree but you have to think about this what about people who are playing this game while there at work.
Posts: 37
06:27 Sat 23 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Hmmm well surely if your at work your getting paid to work, while people at home have a day off and want to enjoy their day off by playing this. If your at work, simple dont play, unless you can commit to a good game taking place. otherwise your ruining the experience.

40 seconds is more than enough, if it isn't then why are the tournies set to a standard of 20 seconds per shot? obviously they think 20 seconds is long enough for everyone.

As for lag problems then if it was taking me 90 seconds to take a shot i think i'd be so frustrated i'd try to sort those problems first rather than put up with them and be frustrated by the massive amount of lag, how much fun can you have if your lagging that bad?
Posts: 4,751
06:52 Sat 23 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
By the way, lag problems don't affect the times. Regardless of your internet speed or a temporary connection failure you have the allotted time to take a shot.

The previous discussion of shot time ranges can be viewed here:
Posts: 37
07:36 Sat 23 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
I thought that was the case but didnt want to look like an idiot lol. If i'm right its the other person who waits to see your shot, not you who waits for the shot timer?
Posts: 2,939
11:53 Sat 23 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
i had a similar situation when i said i have to go for a tournament then he played it right down to the last second every shot till i had a invite i knew what he was doing this because before he was playin a lot quicker so im with you here mate
Posts: 31,220
12:26 Sat 23 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
_carl_ said:
i have to agree but you have to think about this what about people who are playing this game while there at work.

Good point... but what if both people are at work?
Posts: 37
12:48 Sat 23 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Simple, dont play whilst your being paid to work!
Posts: 8,940
06:19 Sun 24 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
By "work" i would assume most people refer to any type of "work" they may be doing. This could be writing an email to family or reading an ebook etc, where its nice to play effectively a turn based game.

I remember suggesting a cap on times a long time ago, as i never play anything but 10 second games, but i was happy with the explaination.

At the end of they day, if you dont like a particular game style, dont play it! Time limits are clearly displayed so theres no excuse.
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18:52 Sun 24 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Sometimes games between friends are bumped up to 90 seconds, so that each member has time to type. Also, mods find the 90 second limit very useful.

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19:57 Sun 24 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
spinner said:
By "work" i would assume most people refer to any type of "work" they may be doing. This could be writing an email to family or reading an ebook etc, where its nice to play effectively a turn based game.

I remember suggesting a cap on times a long time ago, as i never play anything but 10 second games, but i was happy with the explaination.

At the end of they day, if you dont like a particular game style, dont play it! Time limits are clearly displayed so theres no excuse.

spinner, i dont think they mean work as in sending an email. i think they mean work as in sumone working in an office earning money as posted earlier on this thread by clooneman. in which case why are they playing at work?

Edited at 00:58 Mon 25/06/07 (BST)
Posts: 8,940
16:37 Mon 25 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
I regularly play at work.

I have a break between 1 and 2 for lunch, during which time my terms and conditions say i can use the internet for leisure if i want.

Whether they are breaking their T&C of employment is irrelevant, and nobody's buisness but thiers.

Many people, hundreds at my place of work, are simply call handlers. They could easily play a 3 minute game without it affecting their work performance.

As Katie said above, for staff members its invaluable, and what if you just like to play while surfing the forums or indeed the internet?

As i said above, it would be just as fair for those who prefer longer games to say "why should we have 20 or 30 second games? 90 seconds is just fine so why make it shorter?"

Again, the time limit is clearly displayed, so you have no excuse other than your own ignorance if you enter a game that doesnt suit you.

Its just the same as moaning about all the people creating UK 8 ball games when you want to play US 9 ball!
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19:03 Tue 26 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Very True spinner
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19:07 Tue 26 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
i think 40 seconds should be max because some players are having the 90 second time limit, waiting till last minute in hope that there opponent leaves the game, it is very annoying, ive ebded up playing in those type of games but didnt leave, just waited to clear up, but now i dont bother in games above 30 seconds lol
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23:35 Tue 26 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Members can see how long the time limit is before even going into a game. There shouldn't be any complaining about a time limit, since you can create your own game and choose your time settings, and also you can view the time limit before going into a game at all. If the time limit isn't of your liking, simply don't play that game. The high time limit per shot is designed for those who want to chat as well as play, and if you just want to play, you can set the time limit to whatever you wish.

Edited at 04:37 Wed 27/06/07 (BST)
Posts: 37
07:54 Wed 27 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Spinner the point your making about we can see what the time limit is before entering is correct i agree, but christ man sometimes you just double click on a game which is available dont you? then when you get in and see the time limit you think....ah go on then whatever, then the person playing takes the michael. its as simple as that cos unfortunately we arent robots yet and cant be bothered to check every detail of everything we do everyday!!!!

oh and you knew FULL WELL what people meant when they said work, dont be so pedantic all your life.

Edited at 12:54 Wed 27/06/07 (BST)
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90 seconds to take a shot

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