battle of home nations
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18:16 Mon 9 Jul 07 (BST)
wolvesdude vs clooneman
- winner wolvesdude 2-0
ggs m8 wp
- winner wolvesdude 2-0
ggs m8 wp
18:24 Mon 9 Jul 07 (BST)
Aye, ggs, nice shot on that last solid!
Deleted User
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18:27 Mon 9 Jul 07 (BST)
thanks m8, didnt think i would catch it right.. btw scaley and stew_puf could you get your game played soon as plz, then we can get semis sorted lol
clooneman said:
Aye, ggs, nice shot on that last solid!
thanks m8, didnt think i would catch it right.. btw scaley and stew_puf could you get your game played soon as plz, then we can get semis sorted lol
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09:05 Tue 10 Jul 07 (BST)
semi's are race to 4, final will be race to 5, so as soon as scaley and stew get there game played, semi's can begin...
semi final 1 - (scaley vs stew_pufc) vs cityfan84
semi final 2 - wolvesdude vs madmiketyson
semi final 1 - (scaley vs stew_pufc) vs cityfan84
semi final 2 - wolvesdude vs madmiketyson
Deleted User
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09:32 Tue 10 Jul 07 (BST)
OK stu give me a time to be on and ill be here. Ill be around most of this evening so if im on PM me. If not set a time.
Deleted User
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14:18 Tue 10 Jul 07 (BST)
stew could you leave scaley a time m8, race to 2 in quarters, then race to 4 semi's, with final race to 5
scaley said:
OK stu give me a time to be on and ill be here. Ill be around most of this evening so if im on PM me. If not set a time.
stew could you leave scaley a time m8, race to 2 in quarters, then race to 4 semi's, with final race to 5
Deleted User
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15:21 Tue 10 Jul 07 (BST)
wolvesdude vs madmiketyson
- winner madmiketyson 4-3
v ggs m8 wp gl in final
- winner madmiketyson 4-3
v ggs m8 wp gl in final
Deleted User
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15:46 Tue 10 Jul 07 (BST)
scaley your browsing know wanna come on and we can get are game done
Deleted User
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18:17 Tue 10 Jul 07 (BST)
Hey, sorry i missed that. Take it you wont be on again tonight. How about 2pm tomorrow?
Deleted User
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18:18 Tue 10 Jul 07 (BST)
Ill keep checking back let me know if you cant make it, and suggest another time.
Deleted User
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09:45 Wed 11 Jul 07 (BST)
I saw you were logged in this morning i guess you never checked this thread. Im still about :P
Deleted User
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10:29 Wed 11 Jul 07 (BST)
oops sorry mate will be on till 5:30 if you aint on by then then ill be on between 10 - 12 tommorrow
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11:31 Wed 11 Jul 07 (BST)
Half 5 indeed! lol where are ya? Scared of my mighty Newbie 8ball status. I bet!
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07:24 Thu 12 Jul 07 (BST)
Right, ill be here any time between now and 5pm, then i got a football match to play, soo ill be back at 9. Dont leave a message saying come online now. Leave a time a couple hours away so i can check back and be there.
Deleted User
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10:56 Thu 12 Jul 07 (BST)
right ill be online till 5:30 then i gotta go 2 work and ill be back roughly about 11 until the earlier hours
if then you still havent played then ill be on between 10 - 12 friday morning and then back again from 3:30 till about6:30
hope that helps mate
if then you still havent played then ill be on between 10 - 12 friday morning and then back again from 3:30 till about6:30
hope that helps mate
Deleted User
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11:36 Thu 12 Jul 07 (BST)
stew if you dont come on to play your game by late tonight while scaley is here, then you forfeit match m8 and scaley will have a bye..
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