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14:41 Fri 8 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Thats an excellent solution Scaley!

The deactivation i've so often mentioned as a replacement for the delete function is all thats needed.

After a year, reminder email, and account becomes deactivated.

So, the account stays there, unless someone else requests the username in which case the new account replaces the old one.

Deleted User
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00:22 Sun 10 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
spinner said:
Thats an excellent solution Scaley!

The deactivation i've so often mentioned as a replacement for the delete function is all thats needed.

After a year, reminder email, and account becomes deactivated.

So, the account stays there, unless someone else requests the username in which case the new account replaces the old one.

Deleted User
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00:22 Sun 10 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
great idea.
Deleted User
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18:02 Sun 10 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
_incredible_ said:
issnt that false advertising?

No...there really are 40k+ members signed any of them can play at anytime they wish, same as all the guests that pop in and out
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