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Posts: 10,415
11:41 Tue 29 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
please dont cap this and tell me to look at the sticky thread at the top.
The link you give for microsoft vm doesnt work and i dont know where to download it as it says there is some kind of legal dispute that means you can no longer download it?
I tried everything to get rid of my lag but nothing seems to work. i have disabled java as instructed on the sticky but the game still works and the test says it is still running sun java so i dont know how to take it off. i have deselected the check box as told.
I tried cleaning the computer as quick_pot suggested which got rid of 3 trojans?
i just want a solution to lag as it is destroying my rank. i lost nearly twenty points in 3days as well as a couple of tournys.
and on my race to pro account from the game shouts window i would already be at pro with three losses or so if my computer didnt lag so much.
It is sending me crazy lol please someone sort it out and get me microsoft java or ad blocker or whatever will help me
Deleted User
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11:53 Tue 29 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
I suggest seeing either a mod or spinner himself in game mike!
Posts: 10,415
11:55 Tue 29 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
noone is online lol im so frustrated mate i could scream
Posts: 8,940
12:18 Tue 29 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Ok, lets go!

Can you check a few common probs off the list ;

Nothing else running (especially MSN messenger, thats a killer)

ATI graphics cards - common problems with these, post the card version here and i'll try to fid alternative drivers.

If you found 3 trojans (viruses) it sounds like you have more problems though. what virus scanner did you use?

An ad-blocker is a big no-no on the site, and whatever anyone tells you wont make any difference. An ad blocker is yet another program running so will actually lower performance.

You dont want to disable Java, thats what the game runs on. What you will want to try is diabling Flash. Simply going to add/remove programs and uninstalling flash will cure the problem if its advert related.

I do suspect however that things are more related to malware (spyware, viruses etc).

If you have either any anti-spy/ad ware, i advise getting rid of it (especially ad-aware, an awful program and for many purposes malware in itself).

Post back with operating system/browser etc and lets take it from there

Posts: 10,415
13:49 Tue 29 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
its a dell computer running windows xp and internet explorer 7.
i never have msn or anything bar funkypool running when it happens
graphics card? dont think i have one if i do then its a standard one lol
i used AVG Free edition as quick_pot said this should make it run faster and it did for a day or so. it said it found 3 trojans and i presume it got rid of them.
i tried to follow the instructions for changing java to microsoft vm but it didnt work.
i have no malware or anti spy/ad ware as far as i know.
only had net since february and the computer had no problems before. nothing else really struggles bar windows explorer crashing sometimes. i download sometimes off bitlord and limewire. cant really think of anything else to tell u about tbh.
that is pretty much that. its not always lagging. it just does it sum days and sum days it just does it for a bit of the day if that makes sense lol. it sort of comes and goes. can be running fine one minute then cant take a shot t next
Deleted User
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13:55 Tue 29 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
I stopped using limewire along time ago, someone told me some bad stuff about them, so i thought better safe than sorry.

Fancy a game then mike?
(Hope ya get ya problem sorted)
Posts: 10,415
14:02 Tue 29 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
my 3 trojans are apparently locked in a virus vault as they are not healable. what should i do with them spinner?
Posts: 8,940
14:32 Tue 29 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Just delete them. The files are unusable anyway.

Ok, first thing that springs to mind is bitlord. Its a known piece of adware, and will probably be trying to cause popups which you may not see due to IE7 blocking them.

I reccoment utorrent (google it) a nice small clean program.

Also ensure that all sharing programs you may use are completely stopped.

Limewire just keeps running in the backgroud by default and will slow things to a crawl even if you're not using it, most bittorrent clients are the same.

AVG is the best anti-virus, however i reccomend downloading windows defender from the microsoft website to ensure you have no other gremlins lurking.

If you want to try the Microsoft VM (not supported now due to the legal wrangle with Sun) you can still find versions to download from here :
Posts: 10,415
14:54 Tue 29 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
windows defender requires windows installer3.1 or later?
what the hell does that mean
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:56 Tue 29 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
mike mate best prob if ya cant get it working is re-boot your computer till last time it workied properly...and if that still dont work just reset it to factory settings lol thats what ive done
Posts: 8,940
15:48 Tue 29 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
A re-install is a bit extreme, but certainly an option.

All that means is you need the installer update, nothing bad.

Make me think maybe your windows updates are off?

By the way, are you on dialup?
Posts: 10,415
19:07 Tue 29 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
it hasnt lagged all nite hopefully stay same ill let u no onthis thread what its like tomorro
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