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Posts: 2,056
12:02 Mon 28 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Just been on funkysnooker and when somebody leaves the table, and it's still your shot it allows you to carry on untill you miss. I think this would be a good idea to bring this rule to pool as there has been many times that people have left the game as im just about to get a 7 baller or run out.

Anyone else think this is a good idea?
Posts: 8,940
12:08 Mon 28 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Its a very good idea, one that has been asked for for a long time. When the bugs are ironed out (there is a problem with tournament games currently reported on snooker) I'm sure it will be implimented here too.
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16:41 Mon 28 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey nice idea cityfan84 I quite agree with it.
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16:47 Mon 28 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
I think this is a very good idea because a couple of weeks ago i was on for a run out in us 8ball i got to the black and the player left i was quite annoyed i think theres alot of users what would do same goes with 7 ballings

Edited at 21:48 Mon 28/05/07 (BST)
Deleted User
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21:31 Mon 28 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
hey quick_pot, that user/member left the game as you were about to get a run-out? That's an offense that can lead to a ban of your opponent, I think you should complain if you haven't already...?
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21:37 Mon 28 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Every player has the right to leave the game when they want, it may seem unsporting in some cases but some people do actualy have to leave in a hurry, get disconnected from the net or have or reasons for leaving. You can't ban someone for it.
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21:41 Mon 28 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
squeezy, i'm talking about someone leaving the game purposely therefore they should get a ban for doing so, sorry I should have specified that.

It even says in the help center. Also, how coinsidental could it be...leaving a game just as someone is going to get an achievement?(Rhetorical question)

Since your against getting the ban, you do have a fair point, I think the person who leaves the game just as their opponent is going to get an achievement should get a warning, or if they are found online straight after, playing someone else, that in my opinion is definitely a ban.
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03:11 Tue 29 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Souljah- There will always be one case in which the opponent has problems whilst the player they are competing against is on the black. 99% of this you are correct with but with the amount of games being played there is a small percent, it may not be much, but they will have experienced the above scenario.

Nick brought the idea to snooker, and it has worked well. Whether or not this is brought to Pool, we don't know. But one thing that would need to be looked at is, "if the person who is carrying on, pots the black (not legitamitely), will that count as a loss?". If not the server will have to be programmed to recognise this and therefore take a long time to code.
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04:36 Tue 29 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
i can see where quick_pot is coming from, perhaps just give a straight 7 balling and double points lose if player leaves the room, that should help stop it
Posts: 8,940
05:13 Tue 29 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
These leaving room penalties have been discussed before, and many player leave through no fault of thier own. The fact you already lose the game is punishment enough.

The problem Kev mentioned is also happening in snooker, where someone who is ahead leaves the game, the other player plays on, but when their break ends, there is no-one there to award points to.

(this may have been fixed, i haven't checked that thread for while!)

As i mentioned before, i'm sure when all the bugs have been ironed out it will be implimented here. There's no reason not to!
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08:04 Tue 29 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
I like this idea, if someone leaves while you are on a run out or 7 is indeed shocking.
Posts: 10,415
08:08 Tue 29 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
you put penaltys in for that and ill quit lol. i always get timed out of games and personally i think it is unfair that you lose points. was in a game last night on last ball easy finish and get timed out by my stupid internet connection deciding to drop. gets me my second defeat in race to pro and loses 3 points. bit harsh already so 6 points and i will scream
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08:50 Tue 29 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
k3v said:
Souljah- There will always be one case in which the opponent has problems whilst the player they are competing against is on the black. 99% of this you are correct with but with the amount of games being played there is a small percent, it may not be much, but they will have experienced the above scenario

That's very true Kev. Thats why I said they should get a few warnings for doing so not a straight away ban.

And can I say to you all if your opponent leaves the game just as you are about to get an achievement, please do check their profiles straight away and check whether they are offline or playing someone else, if they are playing someone else straight away then that would be a little offensive and real annoying and should get warnings.

Thats all from me.
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Allowing to finish your shot....

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