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More realistic ball Spin

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Posts: 37
09:43 Sun 20 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Nick, is there any way you can make playing off cushions more realistic? For instance at the moment when your on the cushion you can put backspin on! in real life you cant do this, i know funkypool isnt real life but it would make the game better i think and reward the better players who can play position. If your on the cushion you should only be allowed to put top spin on with limited side.

Edited at 14:56 Sun 20/05/07 (BST)
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11:36 Sun 20 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
I think it's better as it is on here.

Perhaps for snooker it could be a good addition though.
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13:02 Sun 20 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
I enjoy the impossible shots on funkpool
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13:13 Sun 20 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
phillippe124 said:
i know funkypool isnt real life but it would make the game better i think and reward the better players who can play position.

All of the good players are used to the way funkypool works though, that's why they are good!

The post never made sence to me anyway...

I like it the way it is...if it's not broke, don't fix it...or break it.
Posts: 37
14:35 Sun 20 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
squeezy why do you think its better as it is on here?

myfriendfats, there are no impossible shots on funkypool, therefore it needs making harder! Thats my point!

mr_mquiston, if its not broke dont fix it? so you should never improve a site? oh and as i got to virtuoso rank once i think i know how funkypool works too, and seeing as i got to that rank i think it needs making harder. Oh and i'm not surprised the sentence made no SENSE to you if thats how you spell..
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14:47 Sun 20 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
there are impossible shots - I've faced a few today!
Posts: 37
14:50 Sun 20 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Yes, there are, but not in the context i was talking about. I was referring to screw shots. There arent any limitations on those.
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14:54 Sun 20 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
I think it's fine as it is. Although if a change was to be made i would like the spin to be stronger, like on snooker!
Posts: 37
14:55 Sun 20 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
I think the spin on arcade snooker is far too strong, its stupid at times.
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14:57 Sun 20 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
I disagree, i think it's more realistic!
Posts: 37
14:59 Sun 20 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
obviously you dont play snooker in real life then.... I do
Posts: 8,940
15:03 Sun 20 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Welcome back phillippe!

The limiting of side/spin when on the cushion was once in the coming soon's, so it has certainly been thought about.

However to do that you need to bring 3D physics into the equation, which would be a practical re-write of the game engine.

Its a difficult balance between simple addictive gameplay and simulation. The easy option is to say there are plenty of games/sites out there catering for those looking for pure simulation.

As part of my "keep the pro games" campaign i suggested moving these to be more realistic. Perhaps that would be the best option. The UK table is a great example that no matter how much you upgrade and improve things, the core game always remains most popular.

There is a thread on snooker dealing with the intensity of spin off the cushion. This is certainly less on snooker than on a real table, but i haven't compared pool yet.

Sorry, rambling as usual! Yeah, stronger spin would be good, but maybe leave the other stuff for a more simulation based table.

(Edit - i was referring to proper snooker, arcade is totally unrealistic, but fun! thats what arcade should be tho )

Edited at 20:04 Sun 20/05/07 (BST)
Posts: 37
15:11 Sun 20 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Maybe your right spinner? I just think there are too many really good players on here now cos its so easy. Surely making it harder will seperate the skill levels again? Its too easy i think.

Edited at 20:12 Sun 20/05/07 (BST)
Posts: 8,940
15:48 Sun 20 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Thats the problem with balancing an easy to learn game with addictiveness and longevity.

The old pro US games were a good example. A small number of good players enjoyed them, but the effect introducing easier but more addictive games is undeniable.

At the end of the day, the difficulty level of the games are the same for all users.

phillippe124 said:
Maybe your right spinner?

No! Dont agree with me! The universe will implode!

Edited at 20:50 Sun 20/05/07 (BST)
Posts: 37
16:02 Sun 20 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
yes i agree its the same for everyone, but if you work from that rule then what if we just had to pot the white in the pocket all day long? some people would like it and some would miss eventually. but because its so easy people would tire of it.
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16:09 Sun 20 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
spinner said:

However to do that you need to bring 3D physics into the equation, which would be a practical re-write of the game engine.

Its a difficult balance between simple addictive gameplay and simulation. The easy option is to say there are plenty of games/sites out there catering for those looking for pure simulation.

Exactly. Well put.
Posts: 37
16:16 Sun 20 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
myfriendfats, if you wanted to see the sistine chapel would you look at it in a book and then tell us how it looks?

Clearly you cant explain things for yourself, dont take ONE PART of spinners explanation and think he is agreeing with you. He was looking at the thing from all angles, or shall i take three words from his paragraph and post it on here saying 'exactly, well put'. some people.

If you have any comments of your own on the topic cos you know about it, then please, contribute.
Posts: 8,940
17:37 Sun 20 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
phillippe124 said:
yes i agree its the same for everyone, but if you work from that rule then what if we just had to pot the white in the pocket all day long? some people would like it and some would miss eventually. but because its so easy people would tire of it.

Well, i dunno if you deliberately fell into this, but thats exactly what you have to do in golf and i'm totally addicted!

However, seriously, i know what you're saying, and it comes back to "the balance".

Clearly, simply pocketing the white would get boring very fast and people would never play.

The pro US games, whilst liked by many of us, were at the other end of the scale, being too difficult and therefore less addictive for casual users compared to the core UK game, and suffering because of it.

The new/current games have proved to be a good compromise.

I do think as the site is growing that demand will increase for a more realistic table with simulation physics.
Posts: 37
17:40 Sun 20 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
ok, well we'll have to wait and see wont we!
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17:41 Sun 20 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
eh? What are you on about?

Spinner summed it up exactly. If you start to complicate funkypool you'll take away what is so addictive about it. Case in point - sonic the hedgehog. In 2D it was well addictive. As soon as they "improved" it and made it 3D it wasn't worth playing. You make funkypool 3D you'll have to redesign the game and it will lose its simplicity which is why it's so addictive in the first place.
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More realistic ball Spin

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