Chat Censorship
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Deleted User
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14:29 Wed 16 May 07 (BST)
I am here to say that i am very hurt by the censorship on the chat.
The words L*sbian and G*y, are not dirty words.
yet anyone wanting to say those words get exactly the same **** as they would saying a swear word.
I find this offensive and feel i am being discriminated against as part of the aforementioned groups.
It makes me feel ill thinking there are still restrictions like this in place. One might liken it to not being able to say your religion or your ethnicity.
Being a l*sbian is a part of me, and your chat censorship, censors part of me. It is very hurtful.
Even now i have to change the words in order to post this.
The words L*sbian and G*y, are not dirty words.
yet anyone wanting to say those words get exactly the same **** as they would saying a swear word.
I find this offensive and feel i am being discriminated against as part of the aforementioned groups.
It makes me feel ill thinking there are still restrictions like this in place. One might liken it to not being able to say your religion or your ethnicity.
Being a l*sbian is a part of me, and your chat censorship, censors part of me. It is very hurtful.
Even now i have to change the words in order to post this.
Deleted User
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14:36 Wed 16 May 07 (BST)
I mostly agree. Although alot of funkypool users are children and tend to use this as a word to put someone down.
Maybe it needs looking at?
Welcome to the forums tanya!
Maybe it needs looking at?
Welcome to the forums tanya!
Deleted User
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14:44 Wed 16 May 07 (BST)
It's not the term itself that is offensive, it's the way it's used by the majority of people in an offensive way.
If it is not used in an offensive way, it is often used in a sexual manner. The blocking of these words is to protect younger...or more sensitive users from this type of conversation as it may deter people from entering this sort of conversation if the words they would use are filtered.
This is unfair to those who are genuinely homosexual however i'm sure you can see that there are a large number of people too immature to accept these people for who they are.
There are also some groups of people who completely disagree with homosexuality, be it religion or just personal choice, these people have to be considered too.
If it is not used in an offensive way, it is often used in a sexual manner. The blocking of these words is to protect younger...or more sensitive users from this type of conversation as it may deter people from entering this sort of conversation if the words they would use are filtered.
This is unfair to those who are genuinely homosexual however i'm sure you can see that there are a large number of people too immature to accept these people for who they are.
There are also some groups of people who completely disagree with homosexuality, be it religion or just personal choice, these people have to be considered too.
Deleted User
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14:48 Wed 16 May 07 (BST)
"There are also some groups of people who completely disagree with homosexuality, be it religion or just personal choice, these people have to be considered too."
that's not a good point!
that's not a good point!
Deleted User
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14:49 Wed 16 May 07 (BST)
They have as much right to disagree with homosexuality as the homosexual person has to agree with it.
Edited at 19:51 Wed 16/05/07 (BST)
They have as much right to disagree with homosexuality as the homosexual person has to agree with it.
Edited at 19:51 Wed 16/05/07 (BST)
14:51 Wed 16 May 07 (BST)
The basic answer I got to this is this is Nick's site and he has discretion and chose to cencor it. There are words that need looking at and I'll be as tactful as possible so's not to get booted...
door Knob
to name the few that I consider far worse that the two in the topic.
p.s. feel free to tell me to remove any of those, I'm just trying to get a point across
door Knob
to name the few that I consider far worse that the two in the topic.
p.s. feel free to tell me to remove any of those, I'm just trying to get a point across
Deleted User
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14:51 Wed 16 May 07 (BST)
thats the sort of bigotry that kept black people from being able to vote in south africa
Edited at 19:52 Wed 16/05/07 (BST)
squeezy said:
They have as much right to disagree with homosexuality as the homosexual person has to agree with it.
They have as much right to disagree with homosexuality as the homosexual person has to agree with it.
thats the sort of bigotry that kept black people from being able to vote in south africa
Edited at 19:52 Wed 16/05/07 (BST)
Deleted User
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14:55 Wed 16 May 07 (BST)
That was saying that one group of people was better than the other. I'm not saying that. Merely that other points of view need to be taken too.
I personaly agree with you.
I personaly agree with you.
14:55 Wed 16 May 07 (BST)
Oh also, those who use Lbian or gy as an insult can make anyword insulting so it'll be done regardless but this is targeted discrimination IMO. Afterall, I don't see the word spanner being cencored...and thats heart-wrenching.
Just lightening the mood a bit, Welcome to FP Tanya.
Just lightening the mood a bit, Welcome to FP Tanya.
Deleted User
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15:15 Wed 16 May 07 (BST)
As 1_eye said, it's because of the numerous times that those words you highlighted are used to abuse users that they are censored.
Remember, this is a pool site, which is child-friendly. A large percentage of the people who play on here are children, and personal details such as your name, sexuality, location etc are not things that are wise to blurt about in the chat rooms. The moderators have made this clear, even though it isn't breaking the official rules of the chat rooms. This applies to everyone, not just you.
The filter isn't there to discriminate, it's there to protect the users .
Edited at 20:16 Wed 16/05/07 (BST)
Remember, this is a pool site, which is child-friendly. A large percentage of the people who play on here are children, and personal details such as your name, sexuality, location etc are not things that are wise to blurt about in the chat rooms. The moderators have made this clear, even though it isn't breaking the official rules of the chat rooms. This applies to everyone, not just you.
The filter isn't there to discriminate, it's there to protect the users .
Edited at 20:16 Wed 16/05/07 (BST)
Deleted User
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15:21 Wed 16 May 07 (BST)
I asked about this also many moons ago with one of the older mods. Ended up chatting for about half an hour about it.
Tis a shame, but thats what society is like, taking different as offensive.
There are many words in the English language that are deemed offensive by some, but not others. Just the way it goes really.
Tis a shame, but thats what society is like, taking different as offensive.
There are many words in the English language that are deemed offensive by some, but not others. Just the way it goes really.
Deleted User
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15:57 Wed 16 May 07 (BST)
Tanya, i appreciate your arguement here, but i think you also need to have a bit more of an open mind to how people are responding.
As it has been mentioned, the words are not at all offensive, but they are used in a derragatory and mean way. they are used to hurt someones feelings, etc. its the same as calling them any other curse word. Now get me right, I'm not saying the word actually means that, or that it should be used in that way, but face it, that is how the majority of the public does use it.
My best friend is actually homosexual, so don't come at me like i'm a redkneck who hates homosexuals. The fact is that the term homosexual is allowed because like you said, its not something that is offensive, and nothing to be ashamed of in any way shape or form. Nick merely censored the other words to try to prevent name calling and abuse.
sorry misread your statement
Edited at 20:57 Wed 16/05/07 (BST)
As it has been mentioned, the words are not at all offensive, but they are used in a derragatory and mean way. they are used to hurt someones feelings, etc. its the same as calling them any other curse word. Now get me right, I'm not saying the word actually means that, or that it should be used in that way, but face it, that is how the majority of the public does use it.
My best friend is actually homosexual, so don't come at me like i'm a redkneck who hates homosexuals. The fact is that the term homosexual is allowed because like you said, its not something that is offensive, and nothing to be ashamed of in any way shape or form. Nick merely censored the other words to try to prevent name calling and abuse.
sorry misread your statement
Edited at 20:57 Wed 16/05/07 (BST)
Deleted User
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15:57 Wed 16 May 07 (BST)
beepbopboop sorry
Edited at 20:58 Wed 16/05/07 (BST)
Edited at 20:58 Wed 16/05/07 (BST)
Deleted User
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15:57 Wed 16 May 07 (BST)
Going on a slight tangent, just because a word you think is okay does not get censored, doesn't mean it isn't offensive. (See Domi's list above.) People always try to find a way around getting their words censored, and although we try, there are just too many people (young members, usually) that get offended over something you thought was okay. Please try to remember that this is a family-friendly site, and although you may feel that the word you are using is appropriate for you, it may not be for someone who is, say, 12 or 13.
And to add to brighteyes, most words that are banned are the slang version of politically correct words.
Edited at 20:59 Wed 16/05/07 (BST)
And to add to brighteyes, most words that are banned are the slang version of politically correct words.
Edited at 20:59 Wed 16/05/07 (BST)
16:18 Wed 16 May 07 (BST)
I agree the slangs should be cencored but the full length word is not as "spiteful" and more "descriptive" in my mind. Much like the D word is a slang yet the P word is a scientific name for it.
Also if Gy was an offensive word then there wouldnt be a national celebration for it that tried to inform and educate those who are homophobic.
Also if Gy was an offensive word then there wouldnt be a national celebration for it that tried to inform and educate those who are homophobic.
Deleted User
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16:23 Wed 16 May 07 (BST)
[Link] is not an offensive word... we've been over this...
but guys call each other that to try and hurt their feelings, honestly you can't tell me that you haven't heard people calling each other gy in a mean way...
but guys call each other that to try and hurt their feelings, honestly you can't tell me that you haven't heard people calling each other gy in a mean way...
16:29 Wed 16 May 07 (BST)
Capped, discussed in detail in linked thread.
Capped, discussed in detail in linked thread.
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