need more holes

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14:04 Tue 8 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
He is round here

Seriously, novelty/fun games have been requested many many times. They will never be as popular as the core game but give the site a sense of fun and origionality rarely found elsewhere.

Adding more courses is relatively simple now the main coding has been done, and i think the key to keeping the game alive is exactly what aflumpire suggested. Plenty of holes with 9 being picked at random each time. Swap out an old one for a new one every month or so and it would never get boring, and could never be "mastered".

I'm sure Nick will appreciate the idea. Nice one

Edited at 19:04 Tue 8/05/07 (BST)
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16:52 Tue 8 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
At least someone agrees with me!

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need more holes

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