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US Pool Tournaments Replace Some Pro Tournaments

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Deleted User
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10:01 Sat 21 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
nick said:

Current Breakdown:
40.1% 8 Ball UK
28.4% 8 Ball
_2.0% 8 Ball Pro
27.2% 9 Ball
_2.3% 9 Ball Pro

is this how many games are played?
Deleted User
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11:04 Sat 21 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
spinner said:

However, with its own schedule, pitted opposite one of the new games or UK, there will be much fewer players, rather than more.

I'm on your side believe me, but you need to put a proper case. Given your obvious passion for the game, that shouldn't be too hard.

My suggestion would, correctly, mean the pro games were the ones people worked towards and the games that show you are the better player. Surely thats what you want too?

I don't really understand what you're proposing. To me I'm not interested in the ranking, I'm after tournament wins. Yes I play ranked games occasionally because I want to get to professional but the fact that you keep having to top up your score to stay above 800 turns me off a bit.
Deleted User
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11:09 Sat 21 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Anyway regarding the seperate schedule what I'm proposing is this:

12pm UK 8 ball first to 3
2pm UK 8 ball speed
4pm UK 8 ball first to 2 etc etc

12pm US 8 ball first to 3
1pm US 9 ball pro
2pm US 8 ball speed
3pm US 9 ball first to 3
4pm US 8 ball pro speed
5pm US 9 ball first to 2
6pm US 8 ball first to 2
7pm US 9 ball pro speed
8pm US 8 ball first to 2
9pm US 9 ball first to 2
10pm US 8 ball pro first to 3
11pm US 9 ball speed

etc etc

mapped out in some way to keep people happy eg so there's a speed tourny following a pro table so there's something for people who get KO'd early in the pro as well as speed tournys in the pro discipline and longer matches in pro for the better players but other US tournys going on around them for everyone else who doesn't want to take part.

Anyway, I'm pleased Nick has said the schedule will be changed in the future because my fav tourny happens at 1am which is inconvenient to say the least!
Posts: 8,940
11:31 Sat 21 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
myfriendfats said:

I don't really understand what you're proposing. To me I'm not interested in the ranking, I'm after tournament wins. Yes I play ranked games occasionally because I want to get to professional but the fact that you keep having to top up your score to stay above 800 turns me off a bit.

Ok, sorry about that let me make it a little clearer.

At the moment, there is no attraction to playing the Pro games, as they are just another game type.

My proposal is to split them away from the current top 3 popular games (hence my suggestion of adding a pro UK table, something also asked for on a regular basis).

Different page for Pro ranks and tournament wins, including overall, and its own tournament schedule.

This way, someone who has topped the ranks or indeed tournament wins tables in the normal game then has the challenge of doing so in the professional "leagues".

Posts: 4,751
11:42 Sat 21 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
poolcue2k6 said:
is this how many games are played?

Yes, this is proportion of games played.
Deleted User
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11:51 Sat 21 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
If everyone played UK 8 ball there wouldn't be this problem would there?

Decisions have to be made based on the majority, also if there are so many people saying 'I liked the Pro Games' why is there never a game room?

Personally I didn't take a liking to either, US pro wasn't as good as UK 8 in my opinion so I didn't play it much, 9 ball Pro, although extremely fun, could be won by complete flukes which made me rather angry with it Not played the new games so wont comment on them. UK 8's perfect simplicity makes it the best pool game i've played. Second only to playin doubles with women down the pub
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:08 Sat 21 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
spinner said:

My proposal is to split them away from the current top 3 popular games (hence my suggestion of adding a pro UK table, something also asked for on a regular basis).

Different page for Pro ranks and tournament wins, including overall, and its own tournament schedule.

This way, someone who has topped the ranks or indeed tournament wins tables in the normal game then has the challenge of doing so in the professional "leagues".

Sounds interesting. I wouldn't be against something like this, just so long as I can enter pro tournaments at times I'm online!

Maybe you could have pro tournaments seperate and include a UK version and have the odd tournament of each at prime time (eg 8pm) going UK, 8 ball and 9 ball alternately (thereby ensuring variety so they don't always fall on the same weekday) and have a race to 3 raising to 4 in the semis and 5 in the final?

Edited at 17:10 Sat 21/04/07 (BST)
Posts: 10,415
13:47 Sat 21 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
yep i like spinners idea make pro status something to work towards and when you get there youll feel good lol.
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US Pool Tournaments Replace Some Pro Tournaments

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