
Player Details

Pages: 1
Won   Lost
1898p 1898p
9 Ball Marathon Tournament - lancashire (1) loses to 1898p (3) who potted a 1-9 combination
RANKINGS: 1898p 725.7 (+1.6), lancashire 727.2 (-4.2)
18:21 Wed 12/03/25 (GMT)
lancashire lancashire
1898p 1898p
9 Ball Marathon Tournament - lancashire (1) loses to 1898p (2)
RANKINGS: 1898p 724.1 (+1.6), lancashire 731.4 (-4.4)
18:20 Wed 12/03/25 (GMT)
lancashire lancashire
1898p 1898p
9 Ball Marathon Tournament - lancashire (1) loses to 1898p (1)
RANKINGS: 1898p 722.5 (+1.5), lancashire 735.8 (-4.5)
18:17 Wed 12/03/25 (GMT)
lancashire lancashire
lancashire lancashire
9 Ball Marathon Tournament - 1898p (0) loses to lancashire (1)
RANKINGS: lancashire 740.3 (+3.8), 1898p 721.0 (-1.1)
18:14 Wed 12/03/25 (GMT)
1898p 1898p
lancashire lancashire
Mega Points Random Tournament (8 Ball Pool UK) - pool_pirate (1) loses to lancashire (4) with 6 balls remaining
RANKINGS: lancashire 767.2 (+2.4), pool_pirate 726.2 (-1.5)
17:33 Wed 12/03/25 (GMT)
pool_pirate pool_pirate
pool_pirate pool_pirate
Mega Points Random Tournament (8 Ball Pool UK) - lancashire (3) loses to pool_pirate (1) with 2 balls remaining
RANKINGS: pool_pirate 727.7 (+2.4), lancashire 764.8 (-3.8)
17:31 Wed 12/03/25 (GMT)
lancashire lancashire
lancashire lancashire
Mega Points Random Tournament (8 Ball Pool UK) - pool_pirate (0) loses to lancashire (3) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: lancashire 768.6 (+2.4), pool_pirate 725.3 (-1.3)
17:28 Wed 12/03/25 (GMT)
pool_pirate pool_pirate
lancashire lancashire
Mega Points Random Tournament (8 Ball Pool UK) - pool_pirate (0) loses to lancashire (2) who ran the rack!
RANKINGS: lancashire 766.2 (+2.4), pool_pirate 726.6 (-1.2)
17:26 Wed 12/03/25 (GMT)
pool_pirate pool_pirate
lancashire lancashire
Mega Points Random Tournament (8 Ball Pool UK) - pool_pirate (0) loses to lancashire (1) with 4 balls remaining
RANKINGS: lancashire 763.8 (+2.5), pool_pirate 727.8 (-1.2)
17:25 Wed 12/03/25 (GMT)
pool_pirate pool_pirate
lancashire lancashire
Mega Points Random Tournament (8 Ball Pool UK) - n0trespondin (1) loses to lancashire (3) with 3 balls remaining
RANKINGS: lancashire 761.3 (+2.8), n0trespondin 738.8 (-1.2)
17:21 Wed 12/03/25 (GMT)
n0trespondin n0trespondin
lancashire lancashire
Mega Points Random Tournament (8 Ball Pool UK) - n0trespondin (1) loses to lancashire (2) with 1 ball remaining
RANKINGS: lancashire 758.5 (+2.8), n0trespondin 740.0 (-1.2)
17:19 Wed 12/03/25 (GMT)
n0trespondin n0trespondin
n0trespondin n0trespondin
Mega Points Random Tournament (8 Ball Pool UK) - lancashire (1) loses to n0trespondin (1) who ran the rack!
RANKINGS: n0trespondin 741.2 (+1.5), lancashire 755.7 (-3.4)
17:16 Wed 12/03/25 (GMT)
lancashire lancashire
lancashire lancashire
Mega Points Random Tournament (8 Ball Pool UK) - n0trespondin (0) loses to lancashire (1) on the black
RANKINGS: lancashire 759.1 (+2.8), n0trespondin 739.7 (-1.0)
17:14 Wed 12/03/25 (GMT)
n0trespondin n0trespondin
lancashire lancashire
8 Ball Marathon Tournament - apparition (3) loses to lancashire (5) with 1 ball remaining
RANKINGS: lancashire 756.7 (+1.4), apparition 675.4 (-2.3)
19:49 Tue 11/03/25 (GMT)
apparition apparition
lancashire lancashire
8 Ball Marathon Tournament - apparition (3) loses to lancashire (4) on the black
RANKINGS: lancashire 755.3 (+1.3), apparition 677.7 (-2.4)
19:46 Tue 11/03/25 (GMT)
apparition apparition
lancashire lancashire
8 Ball Marathon Tournament - apparition (3) loses to lancashire (3) with 3 balls remaining
RANKINGS: lancashire 754.0 (+1.3), apparition 680.1 (-2.5)
19:43 Tue 11/03/25 (GMT)
apparition apparition
apparition apparition
8 Ball Marathon Tournament - lancashire (2) loses to apparition (3) with 3 balls remaining
RANKINGS: apparition 682.6 (+6.1), lancashire 752.7 (-2.6)
19:40 Tue 11/03/25 (GMT)
lancashire lancashire
lancashire lancashire
8 Ball Marathon Tournament - apparition (2) loses to lancashire (2) on the black
RANKINGS: lancashire 755.3 (+2.5), apparition 676.5 (-2.4)
19:38 Tue 11/03/25 (GMT)
apparition apparition
lancashire lancashire
8 Ball Marathon Tournament - apparition (2) loses to lancashire (1) with 4 balls remaining
RANKINGS: lancashire 752.8 (+2.6), apparition 678.9 (-2.5)
19:34 Tue 11/03/25 (GMT)
apparition apparition
apparition apparition
8 Ball Marathon Tournament - lancashire (0) loses to apparition (2) with 4 balls remaining
RANKINGS: apparition 681.4 (+6.1), lancashire 750.2 (-5.7)
19:31 Tue 11/03/25 (GMT)
lancashire lancashire
Pages: 1