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Medal  Medal×5 

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Location: Offline since
12:29 Sat 21/12/24 (GMT)
Member Since: Thu 27/02/20 (GMT)2020/02/27 17:05 GMTE dd/MM/yy (z)
Forum Posts: 1
About Me
tashi delek

is a Tibetan expression used in greeting, congratulation, and good-luck wishes. It is also used in Bhutan in the same way. "Tashi delek" is associated with Losar, the festival of the lunisolar new year.
(if youre more interested in tibetan culture)

Emerging with control over most of mainland China after the Chinese Civil War, the People's Republic of China incorporated Tibet in 1950 and negotiated the Seventeen Point Agreement with the newly enthroned 14th Dalai Lama's government, affirming the People's Republic of China's sovereignty but granting the area autonomy. Subsequently, on his journey into exile, the 14th Dalai Lama completely repudiated the agreement, which he has repeated on many occasions. The Chinese used the Dalai Lama to be able to have control of the military's training and actions.
Day Event Wins 5
Week Event Wins 1
All Time Points Won 12,906
8 Ball Arcade Adept
Ranking 742.4 (97th)
Maximum 758.8
Wins 200 (54.9%)
Losses 164 (45.1%)
Seven Ballings 8
Run Outs 4
Golden Breaks 1
Tournament Wins 25
9 Ball Arcade Adept
Ranking 726.4 (119th)
Maximum 745.7
Wins 179 (49.6%)
Losses 182 (50.4%)
Run Outs 11
Golden Breaks 1
Tournament Wins 10
Micro Tourny Wins 13
8 Ball Billiards Adept
Ranking 737.4 (237th)
Maximum 813.4
Wins 226 (58.4%)
Losses 161 (41.6%)
Seven Ballings 14
Run Outs 4
Tournament Wins 24
9 Ball Billiards Adept
Ranking 757.0 (130th)
Maximum 807.3
Wins 348 (54.2%)
Losses 294 (45.8%)
Run Outs 9
Golden Breaks 1
Tournament Wins 20
8 Ball Pool UK Adept
Ranking 754.4 (130th)
Maximum 781.1
Wins 254 (54.0%)
Losses 216 (46.0%)
Seven Ballings 9
Tournament Wins 22
Micro Tourny Wins 4
Killer Pool Newbie
Ranked Games 14 / 50
Ranking 694.2 (274th)
Maximum 694.2
Wins 12 (60.0%)
Losses 8 (40.0%)
Turn Success 157 of 193 (81.3%)
Safeties 41 of 148 (27.7%)
Overall 109.0%
Straight Pool Adept
Ranking 753.1 (82nd)
Maximum 767.4
Wins 61 (54.0%)
Losses 52 (46.0%)
Turn Success 2,786 of 3,462 (80.5%)
Greatest Run 39
Runs of 30+ 4
Tournament Wins 28
Tournament Wins 16
Overall Adept
Ranking 739.2
Wins 1,268 (54.3%)
Losses 1,069 (45.7%)
Tournament Wins 145
Micro Tourny Wins 17
Mini Golf
Games 1
Course Score 25