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Thread: Funkypool available on Android phones

Posts: 6,262
20:15 Fri 25/01/13 (GMT)  
Nice work Nick, I hate my iphone even more now

But there is a few kindle fires in the house, so I'm looking forward to having a try..

Keep up the great work, doubles is next

Just need to loose my transparent screen

Thread: When Funky Dies.......

Posts: 9,456
04:24 Sun 21/08/16 (BST)  
We might get paid for all the abuse we get...... No..... It doesn't matter we will help run the site till it ends! Funkypool isn't going away but all the improvements like doubles isn't going to happen unless the owner wants it,

Thread: Why do you want Funky to change?

Posts: 38,097
13:24 Tue 24/05/16 (BST)  
What is the point? Nothing is gonna change the fact that Nick is letting the site die away, he clearly has no interest in the site anymore so this is a complete waste of time.

Agreed, Nick doesn't even post to show an interest after 6-10 month sabbatical or to show us how he is feeling.

Spoke to Fastboysam the other day and while it isn't true yet, he believes as a player that Nick will let this site ride into the sunset. Doesn't sound like Nick cares, Once he posts his plans are posted then the community can speak up if the site wants to move forward.

If Nick really cares then HAS to be Java, that is the first priority as losing members due to it and with new members not know about the Java issues then we get no new players to replace those who leave.

Maybe Doubles as a novelty, People been asking for years.
Team Killer as an actual type and each member on winning team gains rank even if eliminated.

More Staff Members, Remove inactive Admin and Promote Active Mods to Admin who has experience to keep the site going and check for banned users etc.

Thread: Misc. Suggestions

Posts: 1,040
08:01 Thu 16/07/15 (BST)  
a big flaw is spectators not able to watch a game if they join whilst a game has started

doubles would be great

in straight pool, premium members can set the target to reach

in killer if you pot the black u gain a life even if you are on 3

bring back competitions like the create a cue etc

Thread: What went wrong?

Posts: 38,097
17:14 Thu 09/07/15 (BST)  
Split my post into two so i don't have to worry about above being removed

Craig you have Micros, Yes it seems like mostly mornings but you still have them.

If i had my way there would be 15 tournaments a day every 2 hours with more at peak time (7,9,11 pm, 11 would be a speed) that would mean spending most of the day may not work and would feature the night tournaments as base for tournaments, i think then anyone could win and not those who spend most of the day on here like it has been for years on both sites. Ranked, not Ranked i don't care.

Alternately either eliminate Ranked Tournaments so more rooms can be created or make the ranking scale better for normal games.

I do think Spinners (Chris mentioned it too?) idea of Only Ranked is an interesting one as your rank always changes and even guys like me who don't play ranked, our rank would change too.

I do think this site is past its cell buy date though and after 8+ years of commitment some guys may have moved on to other games. And the fact that these aren't available on New Technology is also a downer as eventually PC/Laptops may be extinct.

These won't bring me back playing full time, a new game mode would for a month or two but novelty again. Doubles could save Funky for a while if it can be done

Thread: What went wrong?

Posts: 9,456
00:56 Mon 29/06/15 (BST)  
Nick stopped caring, thats what went wrong.

I 100% disagree with this comment, how can a man who has spent many years of his life making and maintaining one of the best pool/snooker sites not care, it came to a point where the revenue for his hobby in return resulted in the fact he needed to do other things. This is his my personal opinion and not that of a member of staff! We as members fully understand that the site has been in decline, what areas do you believe will bring the site back to the olden days?? I was part of that so I'm also wanting it to happen but apart from the normal comments like:
Doubles, change tournaments etc do you really believe the site can be changed? I think with the change in smart phones and new technology has impacted on the numbers, we are hoping the Java issue to be resolved soon.

Thread: Site has been ruined... So let's try and help!!

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:57 Tue 24/06/14 (BST)  
Firstly, I don't think any changes ever made to the site have, in themselves, ever caused numbers to reduce drastically. It's more a case of natural evolution and progression in that new ways to spend your time become available which appeal more to some than this one.

Anyone that ever posts about how great things were 'in the old days' really needs to take off those rose tinted spectacles. Yes there were more members online at any given time but there were at least as many arguments, disputes, obnoxious people and repeat offenders as there are now.

Like others, I would love to see a doubles game option, or a return of the Pro tables, however, if I could make one reasonably simple change to the overall scoring system it would be to split the Tournament Ranking system from the rest. You could then reset the so called 'Rank' game points weighting to exactly how it used to be and run them as two different systems, with two different sets of stats.

The Tournament Ranking system would then be the one that produced a genuine list, in order, at any given time, of player abilities based on open and fair competition. It would be the primary ranking list.

The other list, created from the 'Ranked' games, could then return to what it was previously - a 'High Score' list where players could strive to score as points as they could by opting to choose opponents and also challenge the existing High Score tables which, realistically, does not happen any more.

I am pretty sure that would appease some of the common complaints.

Whether anyone has the time or will to do it of course is something completely different and outside our control.

Thread: Site has been ruined... So let's try and help!!

Posts: 1,714
23:02 Mon 23/06/14 (BST)  
General Ideas

1. more coders to help nick out
2. less tournaments
3. doubles (cant express how important this would be)

My own Ideas

1. Group Messaging
2. Sticky Messages you want to keep
3. 5 sec tournaments
4. Official Newsletter Revived (flapjack could do it)
5. Harder game modes similar to Original on Snooker
6. Activity Tracker to help out League Runners with Defaults (Optional)

will stop there for now

Some of these ideas are great, why does no one listen to the ideas?

Although I do remember there being a thread about introducing doubles a long while back, but I can't remember the outcome of the situation.

Doubles has been mentioned countless times over the years. Nick would struggle to code it in and obviously has no time to do it now so it's not gonna happen really.

Thread: Site has been ruined... So let's try and help!!

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:32 Mon 23/06/14 (BST)  
General Ideas

1. more coders to help nick out
2. less tournaments
3. doubles (cant express how important this would be)

My own Ideas

1. Group Messaging
2. Sticky Messages you want to keep
3. 5 sec tournaments
4. Official Newsletter Revived (flapjack could do it)
5. Harder game modes similar to Original on Snooker
6. Activity Tracker to help out League Runners with Defaults (Optional)

will stop there for now

Some of these ideas are great, why does no one listen to the ideas?

Although I do remember there being a thread about introducing doubles a long while back, but I can't remember the outcome of the situation.

Thread: Site has been ruined... So let's try and help!!

Posts: 38,097
15:45 Mon 23/06/14 (BST)  
General Ideas

1. more coders to help nick out
2. less tournaments
3. doubles (cant express how important this would be)

My own Ideas

1. Group Messaging
2. Sticky Messages you want to keep
3. 5 sec tournaments
4. Official Newsletter Revived (flapjack could do it)
5. Harder game modes similar to Original on Snooker
6. Activity Tracker to help out League Runners with Defaults (Optional)

will stop there for now

Thread: website decline

Posts: 19,262
23:53 Mon 19/08/13 (BST)  
As ab says you cant please everyone.

I think the vast majority of people would like to see doubles implemented as well as less tournaments, maybe going back to how it used to be.

Some other ideas i thought and have probably being suggested before are...

- rank specific tournaments ( such as the settings you have in creating a game room)

- Bigger straight totals i.e first to 50,100 etc

- Limits on the amount a person can deactivate an account then create a new, for example a maximum 10 a year

- Scrap micros, although i know a few people enjoy them if they cant commit to the time constraints of a normal tournament

- Killer tournaments once a night. I think this would possibly gather the amount of entries that everyone wants.

- Tournapoints reward scheme - I personally dont like the tournapoints, but maybe offering something like a premium cue design or something of that kind of thinking.

Iv not really put any complete thought into these ideas, but im sure you all can come up with pro's and con's for them all.

Thread: website decline

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:19 Mon 19/08/13 (BST)  
Doubles, doubles, doubles

and more doubles

Thread: Get more people!

Posts: 38,097
02:27 Sat 15/06/13 (BST)  
Maybe if nick listened to his members then i would actually show some interest in helping spread the word, but i can't even count the amount of people who have said that going back to the old layout of the site would possibly increase numbers.

I'm not only talking about hourly tournaments; the ranking system now is ridiculous and the multiple accounts shouldn't even be allowed.

Doubles still hasn't made an appearance.....people give ideas and no one listens, you're all wasting your time.

nick has mentioned about doubles being hard to implement so its not likely to be implemented.

multiple accounts shouldn't be allowed but how do you take apart family members who play on the site?

number of tournaments are silly in my book but in a new players view they can get a feel for tournaments straight away and they can enter many tournaments.

think friendly was better though, less seriousness, less pressure and more fun/sportsmanship

Lastly the ranking system was flawed before, yeah its a bit silly now but over time nick has made it harder and harder to reach Virtuoso which is suppose to be the Best Rank you could achieve and on the old system it was a lot easier to achieve.

However ranking tournaments is what made it harder for me. On old system you could pick opponents so on Snooker to get to 900 i played players below 750, i wasn't proud of that but at the time i was missing Virtuoso and that was easiest way.

Thread: Get more people!

Posts: 492
02:10 Sat 15/06/13 (BST)  
Maybe if nick listened to his members then i would actually show some interest in helping spread the word, but i can't even count the amount of people who have said that going back to the old layout of the site would possibly increase numbers.

I'm not only talking about hourly tournaments; the ranking system now is ridiculous and the multiple accounts shouldn't even be allowed.

Doubles still hasn't made an appearance.....people give ideas and no one listens, you're all wasting your time.

Thread: New updates 17th April

Posts: 4,751
18:10 Fri 03/05/13 (BST)  
and is doubles in the pipeline?

Afraid not.

Thread: New updates 17th April

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:06 Fri 03/05/13 (BST)  
and is doubles in the pipeline?

Thread: Remember when Funkypool was good?

Posts: 22,512
14:57 Mon 22/04/13 (BST)  
Friendly would be fine, until a ranked way could be worked out

I would not mind friendly though as at least you still get win/loss added to profile. I think i seen a while ago about doubles tournament - i think that would be hard to implement wouldnt it.

Thread: Remember when Funkypool was good?

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:09 Mon 22/04/13 (BST)  
what we need is a new type (doubles if managable) to freshen the game and make people want to return

Just bringing back this post from a few years back for anyone new(ish) to the issue.

nick said:
Doubles friendlies is not so difficult, where first 2 entering the room form the first pair.

Those who want doubles (everyone, it seems) are you content with doubles friendlies?

Would love to know whether this was explored and if so what the outcome was. If it's too difficult to implement then at least we would all know. But even if it was possible to introduce it just for friendlies where you could select your partner then the new benefits to members would be huge.

Thread: Remember when Funkypool was good?

Posts: 38,097
11:04 Mon 22/04/13 (BST)  
Agreed about the advertising, I don't care tho to be honest I just think it would be much better reducing the amount of tournaments so they are actually worth winning!

agree here too many tournaments now in my view and one every 2 hours would be enough so you can have a break inbetween tournaments

what we need is a new type (doubles if managable) to freshen the game and make people want to return

Thread: Killer tournaments?

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
09:14 Sat 06/04/13 (BST)  
Love the enthusiasm about this but all has been said and documented before, Doubles was normally the next stage of the conversation and from what i gather no proper input was ever shown from developers for these events.

These are both things that lots of people want but is apparently too hard to implement.