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Thread: Phoenix Reapers: "Masters of our own Destiny!" (Defending: GSC Champions)

Posts: 14,736
19:22 Tue 19/07/16 (BST)  
Reversed - we'll see how active drewdt3 can be - already been offline 11 days. (Deadline's a while away)

Does'nt make sense at all that ?

Did'nt you post that kirk cant play when drew can ... Yes drew was offline 11 days and will get all his matches played but if kirk can not play then why reverse this swap ?

Yeah your players the unavailable one - I made a swap to try and cater for all involved - yours is purely tactical so rejected. We'll make necessary changes in week 4 and not before seeing as you want to try and manipulate the fixtures ...already.

Thread: Phoenix Revenge - Resilient till the END!

Posts: 9,456
00:15 Tue 19/01/16 (GMT)  
If you're not fully aware on who a player is then a simple message to admin can clear this up. I think some of you need to give the league runners some respect rather than slating them. They are trying to be fair to all clans and by posting the same message on the clan league proves this, I will remind you that you did post that only approved players will make this team so we back up the post from horse on a player who joined only a couple of days contradicts previous posts, maybe a time line for league/staff to vet a player before signing because a previous banned member etc only upsets all involved. Something to think about I guess

Thread: Phoenix Revenge - Resilient till the END!

Posts: 1,029
19:39 Wed 02/12/15 (GMT)  
Evening guys, I have some good news and bad news.

Bad news first, I have been in Australia for the past few weeks and not been available for obvious reasons.

Good news....I am back!


Anyways, all joking aside, it is great to be back and welcome to the team to all involved this season coming. It's a shame a few have decided to leave, but I wish them all well in their future conquests!!

I will hopefully be on later tonight to play any inter clan tournament matches, failing that I should be about tomorrow night :)

Thread: Pocket Dynamos Chapter 11

Posts: 6,262
03:06 Mon 23/11/15 (GMT)  
Well played all involved in the killer game, glad to see it all went without a glitch, personally I can see why fran was annoyed but I guess rules are rules

Thread: The Funky Pool Devils "The New Beginning"

Posts: 399
01:58 Wed 28/10/15 (GMT)  
Klien (4) vs (2) Zantetsukenz (SL)

8us = 1 - 1
9us = 2 - 0
8uk = 1 - 1

Quite good games, a mistake from him in 8us which gave me the frame and a mistake from me in 8uk which gave him a frame.

Overall, very happy as it secures us the victory in the game. Well played to all involved in that fixture

Quality mate, big big win!!

Well done on win vs Greg as well unlucky not to get the big escape

Thread: The Funky Pool Devils "The New Beginning"

Posts: 2,588
22:49 Tue 27/10/15 (GMT)  
Klien (4) vs (2) Zantetsukenz (SL)

8us = 1 - 1
9us = 2 - 0
8uk = 1 - 1

Quite good games, a mistake from him in 8us which gave me the frame and a mistake from me in 8uk which gave him a frame.

Overall, very happy as it secures us the victory in the game. Well played to all involved in that fixture

Thread: The Revolution....we keep marching on

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
07:07 Sun 02/08/15 (BST)  
I'm really sorry to all involved, but i'm just going to rejoin firestorm. I was advised tonight about promising them first, and am a man of my word. I've never lied once on funkypool and don't don't want to start now.

I wish The Revolution well, as I really like a lot of guys and gals in this clan, but i think on balance, this is fair. Good luck folks hope you do great

Thread: Black Scorpions - Div 2 FCL and FBL champions!

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:53 Mon 06/07/15 (BST)  
well done all involved and congrats to us

Well played matey!
played some part lol

Thread: Black Scorpions - Div 2 FCL and FBL champions!

Posts: 7,297
18:38 Mon 06/07/15 (BST)  
well done all involved and congrats to us

Well played matey!

Thread: Black Scorpions - Div 2 FCL and FBL champions!

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:28 Mon 06/07/15 (BST)  
well done all involved and congrats to us

Thread: ~The Almighty Legend Killers- We will give you something to T.A.L.K. about!~

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:04 Wed 08/04/15 (BST)  
Guys i'm dropping out. I can tell at this early stage clans leagues aren't going to be for me.

I am extremely sorry for the inconvenience and especially to _jesus_ for the invitation.

Best of luck to all involved!

Dont mean me??

Thread: ~The Almighty Legend Killers- We will give you something to T.A.L.K. about!~

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:16 Wed 08/04/15 (BST)  
Guys i'm dropping out. I can tell at this early stage clans leagues aren't going to be for me.

I am extremely sorry for the inconvenience and especially to _jesus_ for the invitation.

Best of luck to all involved!

Thread: Unbeatables. If Only Carlsberg Made Threads

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:46 Mon 09/03/15 (GMT)  
Unlucky Keith,great effort by all involved.
Congrat's to Pro's.

Thread: The Professionals - FBL & FCL Champions

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:24 Sun 01/02/15 (GMT)  
is there a time for kaperisk vs crazy_greg in one of the remaining fixtures as if not i can sub in to get it played

that is if anyone is online now ofcourse lol

Edited at 13:55 Sun 01/02/15 (GMT)

as far as I know 3pm today

no worries, just thought i would offer the olive branch... just incase good luck to all involved with remaining fixtures

Thread: XVth Man : T'is the Season to be Jolly & Share...Just NOT OUR thread! :)

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:58 Mon 22/12/14 (GMT)  
joeyy has subbed in as especially over the Christmas time if we can keep matches ticking over with everyone being active the better it will be for all involved.

Cheers joeyy and good luck mate.

Edited at 13:02 Mon 22/12/14 (GMT)

Thread: The Unbeatables - another thread!!!

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:01 Fri 19/12/14 (GMT)  
Nice win that,well done all involved

Thread: The Revolution - Let The Revolution Begin

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:52 Fri 12/12/14 (GMT)  
nathyboy offline 7 days, our players offline 4 make us a sub and we may do the same. Live up too the new name and make a revolution (360) and make a sub. We have other fixtures to play than mess about with this one.


<automatically duplicates lol> prev sent 9 hours ago - jittzdulay were online earlier and is fully aware about his match.

Sooner a sub the better for all involved.

Thread: Black Scorpions - New Exciting Clan

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:57 Sat 20/09/14 (BST)  
Very nice win in killer well done all involved.

Thread: Wolf Pack - And The Party Starts

Posts: 775
00:04 Mon 08/09/14 (BST)  
FCL Fixture Set 4

The Professionals Vs Wolf Pack

beenjammin v x_connor
trickster v kaperisk
miss_harriet v deano1888
mattywellie v rossunited
scott7a v alex_lewis
dvz v jack_86
m0nster vs chapster_7
davey_1985 vs egghead

FCL- 5 Frames of 8US 9US And 8UK

Good Luck to all involved. Bite Hard

Thread: Wolf Pack - And The Party Starts

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:57 Thu 31/07/14 (BST)  
It is looking like most of the clan who i have spoken to are willing to play in the players champ

which is definitely pleasing to see, we have a lot of very able members here, so i expect to see a few of you make the latter stages

good luck to all involved.