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Black Scorpions - Div 2 FCL and FBL champions!

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Posts: 7,297
21:26 Sun 5 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
DIVISION 2 - FCL SEASON 25 - FIXTURE SET 4 (07/06/15 to 05/07/15)

Black Scorpions (68) vs (52) F.P.D. - Completed

bulletzzzz (9) vs (6) joe_willis
ben_tekkers (10) vs (5) canny_miss
_huts24_ (9) vs (6) re_rack_jack
achpfsk (7) vs (8) aladdin_sane
madmiketyson (7) vs (8) anoneeemouse
w_hoolahan (14) vs (1) buckjam
cue_control_ (4) vs (11) whocares8x8
klien (8) vs (7) junster333

Black Scorpions (66) vs (54) Pocket Dynamos - Completed

_huts24_ (5) vs (10) triple_b
w_hoolahan (9) vs (6) letsgochamp
achpfsk (10) vs (5) blueberry
madmiketyson (6) vs (9) punkpoet
klien (12) vs (3) toon_lad
bulletzzzz (11) vs (4) fastboysam
walktall (5) vs (10) jasonb
Ben_tekkers (8) vs (7) hippesville

Black Scorpions (55) vs (49) The Revolution

achpfsk (11) vs (4) drewdt3
madmiketyson (8) vs (6) veyron TBC
ben_tekkers (5) vs (10) mr_magoo
bulletzzzz (8) vs (7) mad_matt
Cue_control_ vs kingdadcool
w_hoolahan (10) vs (5) _siber_man_
_huts24_ (6) vs (9) deluxe
walktall (7) vs (8) kris

Format 5x 8us, 9us , 8uk

Please message your opponents and arrange day/time to play them

Edited at 20:51 Sun 05/07/15 (BST)
Posts: 7,297
21:28 Sun 5 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
DIV 2 - FBL SEASON 13 - FIXT SET 4 (18/06/15 to 12/07/15)

Black Scorpions (8) vs (8) F.P.D - completed

8 US _huts24_ (0) vs (2) junster333 (3-5)
8 US achpfsk (1) vs (1) re_rack_jack (4-4)
9 US cue_control_ (0) vs (2) aladdin_sane
9 US bulletzzzz (2) vs (0) ferretlady
8 UK w_hoolahan (2) vs (0) buckjam (5-1)
8 UK ben_tekkers (1) vs (1) jacksealy21 (4-4)
STR klien (0) vs (2) whocares8x8 (0-2)
STR madmiketyson (2) vs (0) joe_willis (2-0)

Black Scorpions (7) vs (7) Pocket Dynamos

8 US _huts24_ (1) vs (1) triple_b (4-4)
8 US achpfsk (2) vs (0) letsgochamp (5-3)
9 US bulletzzzz (0) vs (2) hippesville (0-5)
9 US cue_control_vs the_killer
8 UK madmiketyson (1) vs (1) blueberry (4-4)
8 UK ben_tekkers. (0) vs (2) jasonb (2-5)
STR w_hoolahan (2) vs (0) fastboysam (2-0)
STR walktall (1) vs (1) punkpoet (1-1)

Black Scorpions (5) vs (3) The Revolution

8 US _huts24_ vs _siber_man_
8 US achpfsk (1) vs (1) drewdt3 (4-4)
9 US bulletzzzz vs veyron
9 US madmiketyson vs mr_magoo
8 UK w_hoolahan (2) vs (0) mad_matt (5-2)
8 UK alfie1966vs kingdadcool
STR walktall (1) vs (1) kris
STR klien (1) vs (1) chezz

Format : 8x Either 8us , 9us , 8uk and 2 games of straight

Good Luck guys !

Edited at 20:16 Sun 05/07/15 (BST)
Posts: 2,588
01:58 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Clan Killer Cup

Just to let you guys know, me, shad and cue_control all went and played the first round.. cue was almost instantly knocked out, but me and shad fought all the way and it was 2 v 2 at the end (BS vs Pros).

We came second in the end and are now in the play offs.

With better support from the captains and organisation, we could have done a lot better than we did.

Have a think about that.

Edited at 23:03 Sun 05/07/15 (BST)
Posts: 19,819
02:03 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Professionals v Fearless Knights v Black Scorpions v F.P.D

well played everyone especially shadwell, you hung in there

1st Pros
2nd BS
3rd FK
4th FPD
Posts: 334
02:04 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Cheers zac :)
Posts: 334
02:07 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Clan Killer Cup

Just to let you guys know, me, shad and cue_control all went and played the first round.. cue was almost instantly knocked out, but me and shad fought all the way and it was 2 v 2 at the end (BS vs Pros).

We came second in the end and are now in the play offs.

With better support from the captains and organisation, we could have done a lot better than we did.

Have a think about that.

Edited at 23:03 Sun 05/07/15 (BST)

When I was on 1 life and pros were on 2 and 3 I thought it would have been over quick. I killed Dave and took a life of Been before I succumbed
Posts: 2,588
02:08 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Clan Killer Cup

Just to let you guys know, me, shad and cue_control all went and played the first round.. cue was almost instantly knocked out, but me and shad fought all the way and it was 2 v 2 at the end (BS vs Pros).

We came second in the end and are now in the play offs.

With better support from the captains and organisation, we could have done a lot better than we did.

Have a think about that.

Edited at 23:03 Sun 05/07/15 (BST)

When I was on 1 life and pros were on 2 and 3 I thought it would have been over quick. I killed Dave and took a life of Been before I succumbed

I think the shot that ruined us was when i played the risk shot to set you up on black and failed.. you got the black, but with a better shot from me, we would have both had 2 lives vs the pro's who had 5 lives between them.

You held on brilliantly though, gg man

More importantly, thank you to you and cue for helping me play the Killer clan cup, would never have got second with you. At least you two didnt listen to Lee and Harry and stay away from, what turned out to be, a class game.
Posts: 10,109
02:10 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
This will mean nothing coming from a man with no soul - but impressive performance Shad!
Posts: 19,967
02:13 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
With the two fixtures played, the cup stands as follows:

Killer Cup Wildcard Match (3 vs 3 vs 3 vs 3)
Unbeatables vs Black Scorpions vs Pocket Dynamos vs Fearless Knights

Winner progresses to the final

Killer Cup Final (5 vs 5 vs 5)
Uprising vs Professionals vs Wildcard Winner

Could representatives/captains from Unbeatables, Black Scorpions, Pocket Dynamos and Fearless Knights message preferences of times to punkpoet by midnight Tuesday 7th July.

This game is to be completed by Sunday 19th July, and the default time for killer will be 9pm on this day.
Posts: 334
02:33 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
This will mean nothing coming from a man with no soul - but impressive performance Shad!

How do you know I am not on about the Faust who sold his soul for his betterment? Lol.

Thanks though
Posts: 7,297
03:35 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Congratulations guys !

We have won the FCL Div 2 and Me and Harry would like to thank you all who played this Season. You all showed great team spirit throughout this season and the team performances have been great!

since the split in leagues i felt confident that we would do well and gain enough points to win this league. it was important to stay focus and get high overall scores which im delighted we did .

Well done guys !
Posts: 13,570
03:37 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Well Done fer Div 2 BS
Posts: 2,588
03:38 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Gratz guys
Posts: 7,297
03:40 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Gratz guys

you played well and played your part so well done too !
Posts: 2,588
03:41 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Gratz guys

you played well and played your part so well done too !

Thanks.. I wish I could have done more
Posts: 7,297
11:49 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
DIV 2 - FBL (18/06/15 to 12/07/15)

Black Scorpions (8) vs (8) F.P.D - completed

8 US _huts24_ (0) vs (2) junster333 (3-5)
8 US achpfsk (1) vs (1) re_rack_jack (4-4)
9 US cue_control_ (0) vs (2) aladdin_sane
9 US bulletzzzz (2) vs (0) ferretlady
8 UK w_hoolahan (2) vs (0) buckjam (5-1)
8 UK ben_tekkers (1) vs (1) jacksealy21 (4-4)
STR klien (0) vs (2) whocares8x8 (0-2)
STR madmiketyson (2) vs (0) joe_willis (2-0)

Black Scorpions (7) vs (7) Pocket Dynamos

8 US _huts24_ (1) vs (1) triple_b (4-4)
8 US achpfsk (2) vs (0) letsgochamp (5-3)
9 US bulletzzzz (0) vs (2) hippesville (0-5)
9 US cue_control_vs the_killer
8 UK madmiketyson (1) vs (1) blueberry (4-4)
8 UK ben_tekkers. (0) vs (2) jasonb (2-5)
STR w_hoolahan (2) vs (0) fastboysam (2-0)
STR walktall (1) vs (1) punkpoet (1-1)

Black Scorpions (5) vs (3) The Revolution

8 US _huts24_ vs _siber_man_
8 US achpfsk (1) vs (1) drewdt3 (4-4)
9 US bulletzzzz vs veyron
9 US madmiketyson vs mr_magoo
8 UK w_hoolahan (2) vs (0) mad_matt (5-2)
8 UK alfie1966 vs kingdadcool
STR walktall (1) vs (1) kris
STR klien (1) vs (1) chezz

Format : 8x Either 8us , 9us , 8uk and 2 games of straight

Good Luck guys !

We have won FCL div 2 now lets finish off these fixtures above and win FBL div 2 also guys!
Posts: 19,819
16:17 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Please can you send in default info for the unplayed game(s) ASAP to either me or zante.
You have 48 hours but needs to be done quickly really.
Posts: 334
17:33 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Well done all.
Posts: 7,297
18:02 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Please can you send in default info for the unplayed game(s) ASAP to either me or zante.
You have 48 hours but needs to be done quickly really.

Will send you it tonight zac. Ty
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(IP Logged)
18:28 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
well done all involved and congrats to us
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Black Scorpions - Div 2 FCL and FBL champions!

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