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Top Guns (Taking Your Breath Away)

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11:46 Tue 26 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
both fattmikee and blueberry stop acting like kids, your both are to be setting a example

Well said, things like this is what i thought i got away from in the underdogs thread, its childish and, to be bluntly honest, unacceptable... like our triple_b said... set an example rather than moaning and whining like children, if you can't ignore it, or still feel you need to have yet another go at each other, then it's sad... but still... private message each other, as i'm sure i am not the only one who is getting rather fed up of trying to keep up with the thread, and reading all these arguments. If you have a problem concerning the clans, please take it up with the captains, posting them on forums is letting them know... but the rest of us don't need to.

On a more cheerful note... errm, Dmaj7??? thats a cheery note on a guitar right??

Ok so I'm acting like a kid by trying to get games played and responding when abused via pm and on threads simply for doing so..

Maybe you need to get your blinkers off and look at the whole picture, not just jump on the bandwagon and slate me, when you know little about the facts..

Fact is I was trying to sort games and mike told me it was none of my business as I wasn't in fixture, he was wrong again, I was in fixture and at that stage I was vice...

Now I'm not, Good Luck in rest of season guys ..
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12:14 Tue 26 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
great .......................
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13:11 Tue 26 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  


Top Guns (5) v (25) Snooker Squad

rocketweaz8 (0) v (0) r1p0m4n_v2
pool_black (0) v (0) mich
emmajackson (0) v (0) lethal_lures
__sniper__ (0) v (0) jose_enrique
sam_gooner (2) v (13) hi_im_gary
chezz (0) v (0) chosen_one
run_outt (0) v (0) _rockstar_
jig_saw (3) v (12) whocares8x8

Top Guns (9) v (21) Uprising

staffie_man (2) v (13) erigert
chezz (0) v (0) shadwell17
run_outt (0) v (0) derik_dalton
blueberry (7) v (8) angry_bacon
jig_saw (0) v (0) cgibson92
jack86 (0) v (0) pirate_steve
sam_gooner (0) v (0) irish_ninja
__sniper__ (0) v (0) w_hoolahan

Go Go Top Guns!
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13:13 Tue 26 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture set 3

Ball Breakers (10) v (14) Top Guns

8us snoox v pool_black
8us doverlad32 (3) v (5) staffie_man

9us brooksy1986 v __sniper__
9us powea012 (2) v (3) thegreatone7

8uk jimmyd20 (2) v (6) rocketweaz8
8uk fire_queen (5) v (3) blueberry

str intermediate v emmajackson

Fighting Eagles (20) v (12) Top Guns

8us _huts24_ (4) v (4) chapster7
8us kingdadcool (5) v (3) blueberry

9us ronalddw (4) v (4)rocketweaz8
9us silenthill (7) v (1) jig_saw

8uk breksis v thegreatone7
8uk its_me v pool_black

str _pro__frog_ v __sniper__
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13:36 Tue 26 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
BLUEBERRY....don't let childish people get to you ok ignore them and prove ur worth more than sinking to react to it..
don't give up your place just because people say bad stuff, you have the power to ignore it so exercise that and continue in ur team :)....
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13:43 Tue 26 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
well said ace

but ive spoken to col via email and think his mind is set so we will wish him all the best and thank him for his help and team effort here
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13:43 Tue 26 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
BLUEBERRY....don't let childish people get to you ok ignore them and prove ur worth more than sinking to react to it..
don't give up your place just because people say bad stuff, you have the power to ignore it so exercise that and continue in ur team :)....

Well said.

Blueberry, you're bigger than those who are childish. You're a good player and we're grateful for you being on this team. Please don't let childish remarks put a damper on your game playing. You play a big part in the clan, so just ignore the idiots and keep up the good work you're doing
Posts: 6,262
13:49 Tue 26 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ok goose, will do
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14:03 Tue 26 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ok goose, will do

Does this mean you're gonna stay?
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14:26 Tue 26 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'l prob be back a week on thursday johnny, not sure when deadline is for games but if it aint b4 then leave me in my fixture mate and i will get it played
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14:28 Tue 26 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'l prob be back a week on thursday johnny, not sure when deadline is for games but if it aint b4 then leave me in my fixture mate and i will get it played

You better or else there will be trouble for you mr lol
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14:45 Tue 26 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'l prob be back a week on thursday johnny, not sure when deadline is for games but if it aint b4 then leave me in my fixture mate and i will get it played

and where u going hmmmm?
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15:20 Tue 26 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

me vs r1p0m4n_v2

9us = 2-3
8us = 0-5
8uk = 0-5
overal = 2-13
what can i say got lucky in the two games i won
got bit unlucky in 8us deserved to win 1 or 2 in that
8uk well never got a chance he never missed
very good player , thanks for that lol gl in ur season
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(IP Logged)
15:21 Tue 26 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  


Top Guns (7) v (38) Snooker Squad

rocketweaz8 (2) v (13) r1p0m4n_v2
pool_black (0) v (0) mich
emmajackson (0) v (0) lethal_lures
__sniper__ (0) v (0) jose_enrique
sam_gooner (2) v (13) hi_im_gary
chezz (0) v (0) chosen_one
run_outt (0) v (0) _rockstar_
jig_saw (3) v (12) whocares8x8

Top Guns (9) v (21) Uprising

staffie_man (2) v (13) erigert
chezz (0) v (0) shadwell17
run_outt (0) v (0) derik_dalton
blueberry (7) v (8) angry_bacon
jig_saw (0) v (0) cgibson92
jack86 (0) v (0) pirate_steve
sam_gooner (0) v (0) irish_ninja
__sniper__ (0) v (0) w_hoolahan

Go Go Top Guns!
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(IP Logged)
15:38 Tue 26 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'l prob be back a week on thursday johnny, not sure when deadline is for games but if it aint b4 then leave me in my fixture mate and i will get it played

and where u going hmmmm?

Not going any were lol, my monitor blew up other day so waiting on new comp coming mate.
Posts: 10,109
16:18 Tue 26 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

sam_gooner v irish_ninja

Seems Sam took his defeat pretty badly and has deactivated, can we have a sub please?
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16:24 Tue 26 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
fcl sub

sam_gooner (0) v (0) irish_ninja


thegreatone7 v irish_ninja
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:25 Tue 26 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

sam_gooner v irish_ninja

Seems Sam took his defeat pretty badly and has deactivated, can we have a sub please?

ill sub in mate
Deleted User
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16:26 Tue 26 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

sam_gooner v irish_ninja

Seems Sam took his defeat pretty badly and has deactivated, can we have a sub please?

ill sub in mate

i need to keep u for later m8 just incase
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16:26 Tue 26 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
ok then m8
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Top Guns (Taking Your Breath Away)

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