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Phoenix Revenge - 'The Cluster of Greatness!'

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Posts: 10,109
03:00 Sun 20 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Oh well: Uprising's loss is definitely Phoenix Revenges gain -

I have been trying to get Harry for a long time and always lost out to other teams, hopefully this is a new beginning and not just a continuation from having him before. (ever so briefly).

I'll make you a picture mate, if you remove that hideous one - it's painful seeing thegame26 wearing one, you have no need now

Posts: 2,327
03:02 Sun 20 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Oh well: Uprising's loss is definitely Phoenix Revenges gain -

I have been trying to get Harry for a long time and always lost out to other teams, hopefully this is a new beginning and not just a continuation from having him before. (ever so briefly).

I'll make you a picture mate, if you remove that hideous one - it's painful seeing thegame26 wearing one, you have no need now

I'll be the only one sending the pictures round here!

Just kidding lol
Posts: 14,736
03:06 Sun 20 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
What the HELL is going on now?

Edited at 01:15 Sun 20/03/16 (GMT)
Posts: 14,736
03:51 Sun 20 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Phoenix Revenge (FULL SIDE)

_knightmare_ (CC) (A)
friendyboy (CC) (B)
joeyy (Vc) (B)
_fresh_ (Vc) (A)
legend_pot (B)
2pac786 (A)
rapid_pot (A)
rewill (A)
_gerardddd_ (B)
andyw1 (B)
the__priest (B)
jmx (B)
im_crap_alot (A)
shadows (A)
_egley_ (B) - After his last SL fixture vs BS

It appears w_hoolahan will be going to another team. Had I known he'd already agreed to join another team next season (BS) - I wouldn't have asked tbh - Good Luck to him and we'll be fine just as we have been all season.
Posts: 14,736
13:35 Sun 20 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I just read some garbage about a 'Loyalty Policy' wow really???

I don't have nor need one of those, the players on this team are free to come and go as they please. There are no boundaries and no one is tied to this team.

I like to think that all who are listed above are here for a few reasons;

* They enjoy it and appreciate the time and effort I and Alex, Kieran & Joeyy make to keep them updated and fully aware who they have to play.

* They appreciate that ONE player doesn't make a team, the WHOLE lot of them do. They support and get on well with each other. ALL egos are left on the front door step!

* You can still be 'a winner' even if you lose but tried your best. The score is only a statistic, what you get from the game experience wise is so much more rewarding.

* The team will continue to progress each and every season we are in existence and that should continue to inspire and keep our players interested for times to come.

* Loyalty is a word over used on here, it's more about keeping each other content, be as organised as possible and be prepared for the unexpected.

* No one is expected anything of them apart from to play pool, try their best, accumulate as many points together as a team collective and to enjoy themselves.

That is all I will ever ask of my players here at Phoenix Revenge.

Edited at 11:40 Sun 20/03/16 (GMT)
Posts: 10,109
13:40 Sun 20 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Wow, Captain Brownnose seems to have taken something pretty personally! I can see how the word "loyalty" could cause offense to someone like yourself!
Posts: 3,846
13:52 Sun 20 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I couldn't work out if it were Nelson Mandella he were quoting or Robbie Williams
Posts: 14,736
14:05 Sun 20 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
What's that supposed to mean?

Loyalty: A Strong Feeling or Allegiance.

Loyalty is a two way street, I think you expect too much of your players and are very quick to show your true colours the moment any player questions your real motives and their own ambitions.

Harry is a young, ambitious, top player and a little insecure as that's proven by him wanting to not only join other teams but feel he has the support when he does so. There is nothing wrong with having any ambition and why shouldn't he want to join another team, offer his assistance and get the opportunity to play against the better players?

You only have ever wanted/signed top players so you can win everything but the moment they decide maybe I should move for me you act like a juvenile delinquent and throw your toys out of your pram. Let me guess Harry's been blocked or deleted from FB now? Just like Sam and Tinie were.

Loyalty is supporting someone or something regardless of own personal gain and appreciating what they've done for you and your team. Loyalty is knowing that wherever or whoever they play for their former Captain will continue to support and want the best for them. You wouldn't know what 'being loyal' is if it bit you on the backside.

Everything has to be fausts way or the high way. Good luck to Harry, glad he's seen your true colours and yes they are hideous.

And you have the audacity to question others...take a look in the mirror sunshine.
Posts: 3,846
14:22 Sun 20 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
have u been on monkey dust again?
Posts: 10,109
14:38 Sun 20 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
You prove time and time again you have zero integrity. With Harry, our chances of winning all the comps left was greater than they are now. I placed the loyal lads in front of desperation for glory. Something you would never do.
Posts: 14,736
15:03 Sun 20 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

I'll be online around 9:30pm tonight but if you see either; shadows, rewill or im_crap_alot then feel free to play one of those instead.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:31 Sun 20 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just downloaded Commodo Dragon or whatever it is onto this laptop . Hopefully goes better then IE (since that wont even load up IE home page)

Is there like any settings i should tweak too make it run better or anything like that.
Posts: 38,097
16:35 Sun 20 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ash advised it should be Comodo "Ice" Dragon too pal, Runs slow for me but i use Super Fast Opera for browsing.

Depending on your RAM you could experience lag on some adverts on Comodo.
Posts: 14,736
16:37 Sun 20 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Comodo IceDragon I hope?

No tweaks mate - you could put the Laptop setting to Best Performance instead of - What windows recommends that might help.

If using Windows 10 type in System Settings and it'll display the Advanced System settings. Then click on Settings under 'Performance'
Posts: 6,417
16:43 Sun 20 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

You only have ever wanted/signed top players so you can win everything but the moment they decide maybe I should move for me you act like a juvenile delinquent and throw your toys out of your pram. Let me guess Harry's been blocked or deleted from FB now? Just like Sam and Tinie were.

Loyalty is supporting someone or something regardless of own personal gain and appreciating what they've done for you and your team. Loyalty is knowing that wherever or whoever they play for their former Captain will continue to support and want the best for them. You wouldn't know what 'being loyal' is if it bit you on the backside.

Everything has to be fausts way or the high way. Good luck to Harry, glad he's seen your true colours and yes they are hideous.

And you have the audacity to question others...take a look in the mirror sunshine.

That is wrong in so many ways. We have lost r1p0m4n, lolumadbro, horse recently, which are all great players and we respected their choices. But if u decide to be undecided during a season and wanting to make yourself more important than the rest of the team, or if u decide to leave two days before the seasons starts like tinie and Sam, those are things which we dont have any respect for.

Unlike you who have accepted the__priest 3 times in this clan already lol
Posts: 14,736
16:57 Sun 20 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Remaining Only:
Deadline: 21/03/2016

Phoenix Revenge A (6) vs (0) Black Scorpions B
8us: _knightmare_ vs cuester (s) *
9us: 2pac786 (2) vs (0) sinkemall (5-3)
8uk: _fresh_ (2) vs (0) callaway40 (5-0)
Str: rapid_pot (2) vs (0) celticbhoy

* shadows, rewill & im_crap_alot has permission to sub in

Phoenix Revenge B (1) vs (3) Uprising Strawberries
8us: the__priest (1) vs (1) dv8 (4-4)
9us: joeyy vs thegame26 (Sunday)
8uk: andyw1 (0) vs (2) dark_chocco (1-5)
Str: legend_pot vs erigert (Sunday)

Edited at 15:04 Sun 20/03/16 (GMT)
Posts: 14,736
16:58 Sun 20 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
*** ACTIVE ***

*** NEW SL ***

SL Fixture Set 3: 06/03/2016 >>> 27/03/2016
Format: 2 x 8us, 9us & 8uk (Bonuses awarded for GB event or Runout event ONLY)

Phoenix Revenge A (matches)

Phoenix Revenge A (13) vs (12) Dragon Flame B - Complete
rapid_pot (2) vs (5) dvz
_fresh_ (3) vs (3) __start__
rewill (5) vs (1) i_am_noob
2pac786 (3) vs (3) dgeneratio

Phoenix Revenge A (8) vs (4) FPD's C
(swp) 2pac786 vs mitch_bougi
_knightmare_ (3) vs (3) watchinawe
(swp) im_crap_alot s ric_flair
(swp) rapid_pot (5) vs (1) blackcabman7

Phoenix Revenge A (13) vs (5) Cues Brothers B
(swp) versatile (3) vs (3) i_am_rubbish
(swp) _fresh_ vs sarahh
shadows (6) vs (0) beemerken
im_crap_alot (4) vs (2) b0nfireheart (s)

Phoenix Revenge A (7) vs (11) Black Scorpions B
shadows (3) vs (3) sinkemall
versatile (1) vs (5) callaway40
_fresh_ vs askingfan
rewill (3) vs (3) celticbhoy
Posts: 14,736
16:58 Sun 20 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
*** ACTIVE ***

*** SL ***

SL Fixture Set 3: 06/03/2016 >>> 27/03/2016
Format: 2 x 8us, 9us & 8uk (Bonuses awarded for GB event or Runout event ONLY)

Phoenix Revenge B (matches)

Phoenix Revenge B (7) vs (11) Black Scorpions A
andyw1 (3) vs (3) bigcjl2
joeyy vs kingdadcool
jmx (2) vs (4) _huts24_
the__priest (2) vs (4) slimeball

Phoenix Revenge B (5) vs (8) Dragon Flame A
legend_pot vs allypunk
andyw1 (3) vs (4) poolbiird
(swp) joeyy vs red4eva
(swp) friendyboy (2) vs (4) asdfghjk

Phoenix Revenge B (5) vs (7) Cues Brothers A
the__priest (2) vs (4) letsgochamp
legend_pot vs hippesville
jmx (3) vs (3) _egley_
friendyboy vs _takeiteasy_

Phoenix Revenge B (5) vs (2) FPD's B
the__priest vs lolumadbro
legend_pot vs silent_phil
friendyboy vs im_crap_adam
(s) andyw1 (5) vs (2) buckjam

* The BEST of Luck and message your opponent(s) ASAP - Thanks.
Posts: 1,111
17:21 Sun 20 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Game

legend_pot 1 - 1 erigert

My poor straight form continues, just cant seem to get a rhythm going recently really struggling with getting them high breaks to win frames and the cannon luck just isn't going for me atm. First frame I got to twenty but my cannon left me on nothing, he had a chance he got v ul with the white going in off I got to 34 and didn't have a shot played a bit of safety and I potted a nice plant to win it. second frame I didn't get much of a chance tbh he was on around 30 before I had a chance and of course I played a cannon and double potted and he sealed it from there. he deserved the second played very well in it, I didn't deserve the win the fact that I needed three chances to win the first is shocking, ggs mate wp pleasure as always playing yourself
Posts: 1,111
17:22 Sun 20 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just downloaded Commodo Dragon or whatever it is onto this laptop . Hopefully goes better then IE (since that wont even load up IE home page)

Is there like any settings i should tweak too make it run better or anything like that.

I've just played a match on internet explorer and it works like a dream for me
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Phoenix Revenge - 'The Cluster of Greatness!'

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