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Pocket Dynamos Chapter 5

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Posts: 8,315
20:31 Mon 3 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fixtures 3 & 4
Pocket Dynamos 4 v 0 Wolf Pack

8 US blueberry v _dntbmad__
8 US cue_control_ v alex_lewis

9 US askingfan 4 v 2 x_connor
9 US the__king v communist

8 UK welshgizy19 v run_outt
8 UK walktall 4 v 2 rocketweaz8

STR silenthill v zacky_12
STRpunkpoet v _maverick_


Pocket Dynamos 0 v 0 Uprising

8 US snoox v cgibson92
8 US lfc12 v fuunky

9 US fry06 v derik_dalton
9 US silenthill v zantetsukenz

8 UK ang3l v r1p0m4n_v2
8 UK jasonb v kirk

STRfastboysam v pirate_steve
STRmarksmith v lethal_lures

6 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
2 racks of straight

Deadline 16th March

Good Luck All
Posts: 8,315
20:32 Mon 3 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Sets 3 & 4
The Professionals 75 v 30 Pocket Dynamos

_redherring_ 10 v 5 lfc12
franer_ 12 v 3 welshgizy19
liam_scfc 11 v 4 silenthill
davey_1985 12 v 3 snoox
techno v the__king
onevisit 11 v 4 blueberry
_nerdzz_ 12 v 3 majidhbutt
sixty_plus 7 v 8 jasonb

Pocket Dynamos 30 v 45 Phoenix Storm

fastboysam 5 v 10 bigcjl2
punkpoet 4 v 11 friendyboy
silenthill 10 v 5 shadwell17
walktall 5 v 10 chapster_7
jasonb 6 v 9 tombo1 Sub
askingfan v patrick_nl
cue_control_ v davybaumers
marksmith v skiller TBC

5 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
DEADLINE 9th March
Please contact your opponents
Gdluck all..

Posts: 8,315
20:33 Mon 3 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Players championship

_pro__frog_ 7 v 6 askingfan
cue_control_ 4 v 8 friendyboy
turtle1560 14 (VC) v 0 punkpoet(C)
fry06 6 v 7_egotistical
jasonb 6 v 7 x_connor
blueberry v its_me
majidhbutt V powea012
walktall v the__king
Deadline 5th march 2014

This is an optional competition, if you arn't interested just post on either here or the players champ thread.
If you do not have a game it means you have a BYE.

games are 4 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
Each rack won by a player scores a point. In addition one point is scored for each 'event' recorded. An 'event' is classed as a Golden Break or a Run Out
Sudden death 1 rack decider
chosen by the winner of the 12th rack
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:06 Mon 3 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Can you swap the 2 remaining fixtures please as patrick_nl is having trouble being online the same time as askingfan or your player cannot play when he asks.

So we could make:

patrick_nl vs cue_control_ & davybaumers vs askingfan ?


? Answer please would be appreciated - thanx.
Posts: 6,262
22:39 Mon 3 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
= Patience.. would be appreciated - thanks
Posts: 19,819
23:05 Mon 3 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Can you swap the 2 remaining fixtures please as patrick_nl is having trouble being online the same time as askingfan or your player cannot play when he asks.

So we could make:

patrick_nl vs cue_control_ & davybaumers vs askingfan ?


? Answer please would be appreciated - thanx.

Ash you originally posted it 6 hours in which time I wasn't online, if you ask something I will always reply just give me time.
I don't see why the above games cant be played as they are, but i will message askingfan.
Though he did manage to get his FBL game played all ready.. just pointing it out.
What times are patrick on?
Posts: 19,819
23:36 Mon 3 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Right I feel crap so I'm going bed if anyone posts I will get to it tomorrow morning or ang3l will deal with it :)
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23:50 Mon 3 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
the__king vs dvz

(1) (14)
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23:50 Mon 3 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
the__king vs communist
(5) (1)
Posts: 485
00:28 Tue 4 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  

Pocket Dynamos v Uprising

Straight marksmith (0) v (2) lethal_lures
Posts: 785
00:31 Tue 4 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  

silenthill vs zante

3-3 9us

Both made mistakes, both weren't at our best. He probably would have edged it on another day.
Posts: 6,262
00:42 Tue 4 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Can't win em all, decent result there Phil, zante ain't bad..

wd in fbl king and unlucky against dvz, he eats his weetabix

And sam, umm.. bed time for you, though steve is a machine
Posts: 703
00:42 Tue 4 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Pocket Dynamos v Uprising

STR fastboysam 0 - 2 pirate_steve

Completely hammered me, 35-0 and 56-5.

not fun. not good at all....
Posts: 8,315
01:19 Tue 4 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thank you all for getting games played ...
Posts: 8,315
01:40 Tue 4 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fixtures 3 & 4
Pocket Dynamos 6 v 0 Wolf Pack

8 US blueberry v _dntbmad__
8 US cue_control_ v alex_lewis

9 US askingfan 4 v 2 x_connor
9 US the__king 5 v 1 communist

8 UK welshgizy19 v run_outt
8 UK walktall 4 v 2 rocketweaz8

STR silenthill v zacky_12
STRpunkpoet v _maverick_


Pocket Dynamos 1 v 5 Uprising

8 US snoox v cgibson92
8 US lfc12 v fuunky

9 US fry06 v derik_dalton
9 US silenthill 3 v 3 zantetsukenz

8 UK ang3l v r1p0m4n_v2
8 UK jasonb v kirk

STR fastboysam 0 v 2 pirate_steve
marksmith 0 v 2 lethal_lures

6 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
2 racks of straight

Deadline 16th March

Good Luck All
Posts: 8,315
01:45 Tue 4 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Sets 3 & 4

Pocket Dynamos 30 v 45 Phoenix Storm

fastboysam 5 v 10 bigcjl2
punkpoet 4 v 11 friendyboy
silenthill 10 v 5 shadwell17
walktall 5 v 10 chapster_7
jasonb 6 v 9 tombo1 Sub
askingfan v patrick_nl
cue_control_ v davybaumers
marksmith v skiller TBC

5 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
DEADLINE 9th March
Please contact your opponents
Gdluck all..

Posts: 8,315
01:49 Tue 4 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Players championship

_pro__frog_ 7 v 6 askingfan
cue_control_ 4 v 8 friendyboy
turtle1560 14 (VC) v 0 punkpoet(C)
fry06 6 v 7_egotistical
jasonb 6 v 7 x_connor
blueberry v its_me
majidhbutt V powea012
walktall v the__king
Deadline 5th march 2014

This is an optional competition, if you arn't interested just post on either here or the players champ thread.
If you do not have a game it means you have a BYE.

games are 4 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
Each rack won by a player scores a point. In addition one point is scored for each 'event' recorded. An 'event' is classed as a Golden Break or a Run Out
Sudden death 1 rack decider
chosen by the winner of the 12th rack
Posts: 19,819
14:07 Tue 4 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
wd and ul for the games.
I wish I could sleep for longer !!!
Posts: 8,315
14:21 Tue 4 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:42 Tue 4 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
We wont make the swap as you are hesitant to do so, cheers for replying Zak last night.

We will make a sub shortly, in order to get matches played.

Edited at 13:24 Tue 04/03/14 (GMT)
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Pocket Dynamos Chapter 5

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