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The Unbeatables..........and that's it!!

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02:12 Wed 7 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah it's no problem at all mate, I know things do come up and get in the way like and I completely understand that, but would have been polite for a quick "sorry, cant give you a time right now, got to dash" regarding the pm earlier.

To be honest, I agree, it's not like john to be like this, he is usually great at communicating with to get games played.
Posts: 851
13:51 Wed 7 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Is no1hustl3r expected back? I won't have a prob getting on most eve's until deadline now but a sub may be needed as they've been off for a week?
Posts: 13,570
14:15 Wed 7 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Good Mornin all
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16:21 Wed 7 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Right im sorry unbeatables , really letting you down here

i went out to pick the misses up last night , left the laptop in the hands of my little brother, Ive now 100% chissi and will deffinatly have the game played by the end of today

as for the other games i have , messages have been sent its just about catching them :)

Sorry again as you said its not like me im just being a real muppet haha
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16:42 Wed 7 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
It's no problem bud lol I'll catch u at 7pm tonight mate, I'll be waiting
Posts: 3,250
21:26 Wed 7 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Is no1hustl3r expected back? I won't have a prob getting on most eve's until deadline now but a sub may be needed as they've been off for a week?

I'll probly have to sub mad_matt into that one, if you see him on at anytime you can go ahead and play him, matt can make the sub
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23:05 Wed 7 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Arranged to play John at 7pm, now 8 and still no sign.
Posts: 4,557
00:40 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
ritcho v mad_matt

is now:

skiller10 v mad_matt

7pm tomorrow is fine for matty and skiller .
Posts: 13,570
01:47 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
hippesville v greenie1983

8 US: 2 - 3
9 US: 1 - 4
8 UK: 4 - 1.....overall 8 - 7 to greenie1983

gotta say i played pretty bad and dave cleared up the mess after any mistakes i made. he had a nice fluke on a 4 in 9 to clea, but hand on heart he deserved it. i really didn't start till uk and by then he only needed the 1 frame.

sound geezer and v ggs, keep er lit m8
Posts: 22,512
04:03 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  

While sorting out some league issues on the website and updating games i came across an error on the google docs page for the golden cue. Basically some results are not matching up or players who have played are not showing up at all. I can't think of another way to sort this but start from set one and work my way up again so you all have a good idea where you are on the table. This is going to take hours to do so in that time until i post again can all players/captains NOT post results on result page. I am marking it will a bolded line to stop me getting confused. I hope i can get it done tonight, so please bare with me.

Posts: 11,063
04:04 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
one_for_all vs hippesville
is now
dgeneratio vs hippesville
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16:35 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
r1p0m4n v msl

ggs mate
Posts: 3,250
19:10 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL League
(5 frames each of 8us/9us/8uk)

Elite Force 51 v 54 Unbeatables

huts24 (5) v (10) turtle1560
w_hoolahan (6) v (9) im_bad
paulshaw7 (7) v (8) dbno
shadwell17 (8) v (7) hippesville
2pac_rulez (9) v (6) poolbiird
dntbmad__ (7) v (8) msl
dessie_22 (9) v (6) serious_game
skiller10 v mad_matt

Unbeatables 53 v 62 Untouchables

mad_matt (3) v (7) mrmagic - TBC
hippesville (7) v (8) greenie1983
dbno (6) v (9) chisisidovev
turtle1560 (11) v (4) emmajane
rynocov (9) v (6) clarebye
poolbiird (6) v (9) bluenose1872
msl (5) v (10) i_am_blessed
no1hustl3r (6) v (9) snowden


Untouchables 53 v 37 Unbeatables - Complete

mrmagic (7) v (8) dbno
clarebye (10) v (5) hippesville
i_am_blessed (10) v (5) rynocov
cue_ball (12) v (3) msl
chisisidovev (6) v (9) turtle1560
mich (8) v (7) poolbiird

Deadline: 11th August 2013
Posts: 3,250
19:12 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL League
(7 frames of game type, 3 if straight)

Unbeatables 35 v 19 Ball Breakers

no1hustl3er (5) v (3) dvae
dbno (5) v (3) __sniper__
serious_game v doverlad32
mad_matt (3) v (5) _sachibub
rynocov (5) v (3) bud13
poolbiird (5) v (3) chapster_7
msl v pmix
giantfish (7) v (0) welshgizy19
Killer: 5 v 2

Unbeatables 21 v 27 Untouchables

no1hustl3r v mrmagic
msl (2) v (6) snowden
serious_game v chisisidovev
hippesville (6) v (2) emmajane
poolbiird (5) v (3) bluenose1872
rynocov (1) v (7) mich
giantfish v rapid_pot
dbno (5) v (2) i_am_blessed
Killer: 2 v 5

(4 frames of game type, 2 if straight)

Snooker Squad 14 v 9 Unbeatables

crazy_greg v rynocov
jose_enrique (5) v (0) no1hustl3r
dgeneratio v hippesville
thegame26 v dbno
lethal_lures (4) v (1) poolbiird
davey_1985 (1) v (4) mad_matt
whocares8x8 (2) v (2) turtle1560
r1p0m4n (2) v (2) msl

Deadline: 11th August 2013

Edited at 16:15 Thu 08/08/13 (BST)
Posts: 3,250
19:16 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  

giantfish 7-0 welshgizy19

Good job giantfish, just make sure to post result here next time, had to get this off BB thread
Posts: 11,063
22:28 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi guys, rynocov off 4 days, dbno off 3 days in our cup game. We have no subs, so I hope all of our guys come online.
Deleted User
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23:36 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
mad_matt (6) vs (9) mrmagic

good games well played mate
Posts: 22,512
23:40 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Golden Cue Notice

After 4 - 5 hours of work on the golden cue i am finally pleased to announce that the issues that has arisen are now sorted. Every player that has played a game is on there and i have triple checked everything. If i have missed something or you think something is wrong then please message me regarding it.

You may now use the FCL Result page again. Any results that where posted earlier today and last night have all been done.

Thank you
Deleted User
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23:57 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
no1hustl3r out mad_matt in

mad_matt v mrmagic
Deleted User
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00:01 Fri 9 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
mad_matt (1) vs (7) mrmagic

absolutely battered guys he played very well, I think it is time that i hang up my funky clan cue as i am leting the team down badly with the awful results of late
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The Unbeatables..........and that's it!!

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