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Posts: 7,974
16:41 Thu 9 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Keep it simple.

ALL games ranked, including guests (give them the default at the start of each session, then even guests get to play for rank)

Points for ALL tournaments, but limit the number of tournaments that count towards a players daily total, and use the highest points won to decide the daily winner. (fair to all, so those with more time than others don't dominate, and encourages more to enter to increase pot)

just leave it alone or put it back to how it used to be
after the monumental failure when it was changed last time

I was told to give it time by both admin and mods
the reason it was changed was to get more ranked games
it failed, sort clan games spend your time worrying about that

limiting tournament success is now the answer

how about reintroducing 2 micros an hour with tournament points, that gives everyone a chance to win daily events
that's easy

but now you want to limit success, applause

spend time on known faults

logging in being number one
advertising the site
security if you ban some one they stay banned and not have numerous fake accounts
causing everyone mischief
Posts: 10,109
16:57 Thu 9 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Keep it simple.

ALL games ranked, including guests (give them the default at the start of each session, then even guests get to play for rank)

Points for ALL tournaments, but limit the number of tournaments that count towards a players daily total, and use the highest points won to decide the daily winner. (fair to all, so those with more time than others don't dominate, and encourages more to enter to increase pot)

Superb idea. At the moment, tournapoints are worthless. None of the top players bother trying to accumulate points, they're just a way of showing who has spent the most hours playing funkypool. If you spend all day on funkypool, and enter every tournament - you'll almost certainly win the day event medal - however good you are. This needs to change to bring some credibility back to the tournaments.

It's good for the site that someone can spend most of their waking life playing tournaments, but you look at the top ten in the overall tournapoints won, and three of the names on there aren't even in the top 50 of funkypool players. This can't be right?

Edited at 14:01 Thu 09/07/15 (BST)
Posts: 38,097
17:13 Thu 9 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
lol Craig, life doesn't revolve around you, because someone disagrees your having ago at them. Me, Fuunky, Spinner, whos next? we let you have your opinions now you have to listen to ours and not spout crap.
Posts: 38,097
17:14 Thu 9 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Split my post into two so i don't have to worry about above being removed

Craig you have Micros, Yes it seems like mostly mornings but you still have them.

If i had my way there would be 15 tournaments a day every 2 hours with more at peak time (7,9,11 pm, 11 would be a speed) that would mean spending most of the day may not work and would feature the night tournaments as base for tournaments, i think then anyone could win and not those who spend most of the day on here like it has been for years on both sites. Ranked, not Ranked i don't care.

Alternately either eliminate Ranked Tournaments so more rooms can be created or make the ranking scale better for normal games.

I do think Spinners (Chris mentioned it too?) idea of Only Ranked is an interesting one as your rank always changes and even guys like me who don't play ranked, our rank would change too.

I do think this site is past its cell buy date though and after 8+ years of commitment some guys may have moved on to other games. And the fact that these aren't available on New Technology is also a downer as eventually PC/Laptops may be extinct.

These won't bring me back playing full time, a new game mode would for a month or two but novelty again. Doubles could save Funky for a while if it can be done
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:16 Sat 11 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
What went wrong? I left :P
Posts: 19,819
02:54 Mon 13 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
What went wrong? I left :P

Agreed !!!
Posts: 254
16:47 Mon 13 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Yep, but everyone has a life, and it was sorted quickly so no harm done.

Back to topic...

That's like saying anyone that does correctly remove an offensive comment 'doesn't' have a life. You did however have time to reply sarcastically with a moderator caption saying 'hello'. But still, if that's your excuse for missing the obvious then so be it.

Spinner has a life.

Slightly off topic, but maybe you could make way for a more suitable admin, one that can come on more than twice a year and when he/she does come on they can actually do what you couldn't and at the same time not try to put it back on the member?

You're making luckypot look good at this rate and that's no mean feat!

Now lets see how long it takes to get a comment removed aimed at staff as opposed to a member
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:49 Mon 13 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I try to stay out of debates or banter or whatever people say this is ... With that said ,,,Gumma even if you made a valid point, It goes out the window because you deactivate then come back and so on,, If you/we believe what you were saying. Then don't deactivate to only comeback to post .. Stay and be a member not just one who only post. You/we need positive inputs..And most of the time that's what you do.

We all are passionately debating this topic because we ALL enjoy funkypool. We are like a truck with bad tires just spinning and not going anywhere... but the key is we are all still trying to make funkypool better.. Maybe not the way I agree or the way gumma thinks or craig or faust or Dgen and so on... But we all want the same Funkypool back like it was We need to work together ... A house divided will fall... .. Let's all get on the same page even if we do not agree with everything. It's better than nothing.
Remember real newbies/members only see negative things never positive ... We need to change that together
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