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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
Super League II commences Sunday 3rd June.

Please can you let me have your two teams of five for your first two games.

Opponents can be found here...

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles Teamsheet

1) fattmikee Captain
2) soothsayer -James
3) gordo Vice Captain
4) pintofshady -Stevie
5) cam07-Mick
6) vegas-Dave
7) 07nels07 -Dara
8) eaglestrike
9) breksis
10) colpepper
11)fired_up_cue -Chad
12) aaron1973 -Aron
13) kingywhu -Ian
14) flash_is_bac -Dillion
15) TBA
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
Killer FBL Notice

it has been decided to move forward this season,
with 2 x 2 in the league format

20 secs
friendly game
4 player set up
3 points for winning
2 points for 2nd place
1 point.. for 3rd place
0 points for going out first

any player from the clan team may play
the players can still be named in any other FBL format game
players can play in both killer games


please submit team sheets in the following format please

name of clan team.........
who your playing............
8us the grape
8us apple
9us banjo
9us rabbit
uk slug
uk the _radio
straight worms
straight sunshine
killer we_can_do_it
killer we_are
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
Super League II commences Sunday 3rd June.

Please can you let me have your two teams of five for your first two games.

Opponents can be found here...


Team lists needed by tomorrow evening please.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
Well i hope ever 1 has a good long vacation couse we need are players to get back in the Games.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
You settled and moved in to your new home then mike ? Up north now ? A Yankee
Posts: 215
13 years ago  [Link]  
wr u moved to mikeeeee
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
Super League II is officially launched!!!

Games can be found here...

A reminder of the format.

2 games of US8
2 games of US9
2 games of UK8

6 games in total - 1 point for each game won and 1 point for each 'event' achieved ('events' are Golden Breaks and Run Outs)

Deadline for completion of these fixtures in Midnight UK 17/6/12

Fixture Set 2 will be released in 10 days time (Wednesday 13/6/12)

Good Luck
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
FBL Notice

FBL fixtures for the preseason friendlies have now been released , deadline is sunday 10/6/12 @ midnight (gmt)

Good Luck Everyone , And Enjoy

Head League Runner
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
LOL no im not a Yankee Still in Florida.But the bad news is i cant get high speed.Back to that damm Hughnes Net.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
Can those that Sarah has asked to be on the default panel please message me.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
Sorry but the 1st Games had to be deleted as thay was wrong games .OMG

Edited at 15:43 Mon 04/06/12 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
8us : pintofshandy v bl3ss3d
8us : cam07 v shadows
9ball : upforit v j_a_m_e_s
9ball : gordo v playa87
8uk : fired_up_cue v jame2010s
8uk : kingywhu v its_me
str8 : eaglestrike v mattywellie
str8 : flash_is_bac v lethal_lures
killer : colpepper /eaglestrike v shadows/its_me
killer : colpepper /eaglestrike v lethal_lures/doubted_u2
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
Deadline is 10/6/12
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
Hi ever 1 well the new games are out GL.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
Super League II

Team Angry v Fighting Eagles

ipotalot v kingywhu
pricer73 v 07nels07
najork v soothsayer
recs_a v cam07
mooksterman v flash_is_bac

Snooker Squad v Fighting Eagles

tinie v gordo
whocares8x8 v pintofshandy
jose_enrique v vegas
dgeneratio v fired_up_cue
tokko v aaron1973

2 games each of US8, US9 and UK8 - one point for each plus a point for every GB or run out.

Deadline is Midnight UK on 17/6/12
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
Snooker Squad v Fighting Eagles

tinie v gordo
whocares8x8 v pintofshandy
jose_enrique v vegas
dgeneratio v fired_up_cue
tokko v aaron1973
-----------------------Team Angry v Fighting Eagles-------------------

ipotalot v kingywhu
pricer73 v 07nels07
najork v soothsayer
recs_a v cam07
mooksterman v flash_is_bac


Edited at 16:01 Mon 04/06/12 (BST)
Posts: 22,512
13 years ago  [Link]  
FBL Announcement

Due to recent events there is a new FBL website being made as we speak. I have been asked by league runner
mattywellie to post on behalf of him and ask all clans to please send their full team sheet to bluenose1872 as soon as possible.

This is so the teams can be added to the site as due to the other site being closed down it is impossible to get them. If you could please make sure it is up to date then there
will be no reason to go through all the team changes again.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
FBL Announcement


Games will be 3 x 3. There will be two killer games per fixture, the games can be played by anyone in the clan although people can only play one killer fixture. As we all have decided this is the best way to run it.

Points system will be a follows

Win with 3 people left 6-0

Win with two people left 5-1

Win with one person left 4-2

A time where their players are most active should be agreed at the start of the fixture between the 2 clans for these games, then each day you have 3 willing players online a half hour before that time you should post on your opponents threads to see if the game can take place that day.
This should stop any hounding of teams and make it very easy for defaults if they occur...which with the activity of clans we cant forsee.

This has been thought out and talked through at great length and we forsee this adding a great fun, team element to the games and allowing some teamwork to make up for the teams with the top straight players dominating.

We hope and believe very much that you will all enjoy the new format.

As we have lost some time in these pre-season friendlies we will only expect one killer game to be completed

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
eagles v shooters

gordo (6) v (0) playa87 ggs m8 got lucky in a few thats 9 ball
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