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Uprising V - Uber Alles

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19:59 Fri 5 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Set Four

Uprising (24) v (36) Professionals

derik_dalton (4) v (11) beenjammin
irish_ninja (8) v (7) _redherring_
chisisidovev v rapid_pot
sharky89 (8) v (7) scott7a
mich (4) v (11) i_am_blessed
angry_bacon v sean_paul
slimeball v the_only_ego
emmajane v dvz

Uprising (37) v (23) Vipers

erigert (8) v (7) emmajackson
bluenose1872 v the_saint
cgibson92 v lfc12
greenie1983 (7) v (8) therev
angry_bacon (9) v (6) zantetsukenz
chisisidovev (13) v (2) blackcabman7
derik_dalton v fry06
irish_ninja v winter64


Uprising (51) v (17) Underdogs

mich (6) v (9) welshie
bluenose1872 (14) v (1) kopiteking01
rabbit v sioned1
emmajane (12) v (3) jig_saw
erigert (8) v (0) ronald_faja TBC
walktall (11) v (4) kathleen_b

Deadline: 14/04/13

Edited at 17:30 Fri 05/04/13 (BST)
Posts: 10,109
20:00 Fri 5 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
TCL Set Six

Uprising (68) v (27) The Reliable Ones

mich (17) v (3) jig_saw
erigert (14) v (6) kippaxkid
emmajane (14) v (6) 2pac_rulez
walktall (11) v (4) kathleen_b
slimeball v truered
irish_ninja (12) v (8) tartanrox
faust v ian99
rabbit v wisky007

Deadline: 14/04/13

TCL Cup Semi-Final

Uprising (16) v (20) Snooker Squad

irish_ninja (2) v (4) jose_enrique
angry_bacon (4) v (2) crazy_greg
derik_dalton (3) v (3) davey_1985
cgibson92 (2) v (4) whocares8x8
bluenose1872 (4) v (2) r1p0m4n
mich v sarny_lad
sharky89 v thegame26
greenie1893 (1) v (5) lethal_lures
1 frame of 8arc
1 frame of 9arc
1 frame of 8US
1 frame of 9ball
1 frame of 8UK
1 frame of straight

Each game won will score one point for the clan. There will be no other points available

Deadline: 14/04/13

Edited at 17:31 Fri 05/04/13 (BST)
Posts: 10,109
20:00 Fri 5 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Set Four

Uprising (7) v (5) Fighting Eagles

chisisidovev v kingdadcool
slimeball v eaglestrike

irish_ninja v funky_dave
derik_dalton v vegas

faust v gordo
greenie1983 (3) v (3) squeezy

mich (4) v (2) its_me
bluenose1872 v buzby_

Uprising (24) v (12) Unbeatables

chisisidovev v dbno
angry_bacon (2) v (4) turte1560

sharky89 (5) v (1) the_9_ball
derik_dalton v hippesville

emmejane (5) v (1) poolbiird
cgibson92 (4) v (2) mad_matt

erigert (2) v (4) hacker
irish_ninja (6) v (0) im_bad

Deadline: 14/4/13
Posts: 10,109
20:01 Fri 5 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Killer Cup

Uprising v Vipers

Game One

Game Two


Playing Killer

As long as there are at least 6 players (minimum 3 from each clan) then a game can be played, should a clan have more than 3 online and wanting to play then they are also allowed to join, the numbers do not have to be even.

Players will be required to play 2 games of killer, this can be in succession of each other or you can arrange a separate killer match with different players at a later date.


Only the top 5 players will be able to earn points.

1st = 12 Points
2nd = 4 Points
3rd = 3 Points
4th = 2 Points
5th = 1 Point
6th and onwards = 0 points

At the end of the 2 games whoever has obtained the most points will be through to the next round. In the event of a tie, another game of killer will be played and the winner determines the clan that goes through.

Unplayed Games

In the event of an unplayed game, captains of both teams will be messaged and a decision on who goes through will be made based on information provided.

Deadline: 14/4/13

Come on fry06, therev and zantetsukenz..... pull your fingers out! :)
Posts: 19,262
20:54 Fri 5 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I should be on later tonight, hopefully have some on then
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21:06 Fri 5 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
michelle i will be on tonight 8pm onwards if u can be around?
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23:17 Fri 5 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
michelle i will be on tonight 8pm onwards if u can be around?

got about 30-45 mins Franner, get your backside on.
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23:40 Fri 5 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
michelle i will be on tonight 8pm onwards if u can be around?

got about 30-45 mins Franner, get your backside on.

im on 30mins now were u at???
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23:43 Fri 5 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Announcement

Evening Clanners,

Hope you are all well

Just a quick announcement please welcome greenie1983 to the FBL Team.

He will gradually take over responsibilities within the FBL and is in line to be the next FBL League Runner so treat him well

Thank you to all those who expressed interest in joining the team and I am sorry I couldn't pick everyone.

Enjoy your weekend folks!
Jema - Head FBL Runner
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23:50 Fri 5 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Congrats Greenie knew you'd get it bud
Posts: 22,512
23:51 Fri 5 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
At least now a member will see how much work goes into a league
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23:59 Fri 5 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
haha yh Jay, looking forward to it pal
Posts: 22,512
02:48 Sat 6 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Messaged Buzby three days ago and he messaged back with can play now or something, has not been online since then... im not in the habit to chase someone on snooker as i literally sign in there to see about clan games and check clan thread that is it. If he wants to play then he needs to come on
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16:23 Sat 6 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Fcl sub


Sean_paul vs angry_bacon

Is now

al_capone_ vs angry_bacon
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(IP Logged)
18:45 Sat 6 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
mich vs sarny_lad

1-0 8 arc I runout
1-0 9 arc I fluked
0-1 8 US I snookered myself on black for a runout
1-0 9 US I forget what happened here
1-0 8 UK
0-1 Straight We both missed easy shots, he broke down when he got to 28 and I double potted on 32.

4-2 me good games pal.
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20:19 Sat 6 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
good result Mich, nice 1 pal
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21:59 Sat 6 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
heard back fron wisky still got to try arrange a game,,,,sioned been offline for 8 days now
let u know if hear owt soon
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22:25 Sat 6 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Nice result Mich :) Sharky pull your finger out and get a 5-1 victory for the win
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22:40 Sat 6 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
chisisi vs rapid_pot

8us 3-2
9us 2-3
8uk 3-2

Overall 8-7 to chisisi

Cracking games to be a part of, and fully enjoyed them. Gg's rapid mate wp throughout even if 8us was a little rocky to start with, you finished it off very nice with a runout, and was a fantastic runout aswel!

Best of luck for the rest of the season mate.

Very close games here Uprising, could have gone either way, just happy it went my way today
Posts: 1,696
22:47 Sat 6 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Couple of good results there guys

Down to you sharky89 in the cup
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Uprising V - Uber Alles

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