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Posts: 271
17:32 Thu 10 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Result : 9 ball : eagle 4-2 poolbiird,we could play much better both of us,i bet poolbiird is agree with me good luck to her for the rest of the season,was a pleasure
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01:20 Fri 11 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
TPA(0) v(6) Fighting Eagles Deadline is 5/20/12
8 ball dementedmind v vegas
8 ball run_outt v colpepper
9 ball relisys v pintoshandy
9 ball fleetwood v eaglestrike
uk stephenball(0) v(6) breksis
uk ads19v cam07
str greyhound v flash_is_bac
str j_a_m_e_sv soothsayer
Fighting Eagles(12) v (12)Team Angry
8 ball _redherring_ (3)v(3) chalkie358 ball kingywhu v mrmtp
9 ball eaglestrike (4)v(2) poolbiird 9 ball 07nels07 v slimeballUk breksis(3) v(3) ipotalot uk aaron1973(2) v(4) crazzymadman
str vegas v scott7a
str flash_is_bac v mattywellie

Edited at 21:18 Wed 09/05/12 (BST)

Edited at 23:12 Thu 10/05/12 (BST)
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01:23 Fri 11 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles Teamsheet

1) fattmikee Captain
2) soothsayer -James
3) gordo Vice Captain
4) pintofshady -Stevie
5) cam07-Mick
6) vegas-Dave
7) 07nels07 -Dara
8) eaglestrike
9) breksis
10) colpepper
11)fired_up_cue -Chad
12) aaron1973 -Aron
13) kingywhu -Ian
14) flash_is_bac -Dillion
15) _redherring_ -_Red_
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01:54 Fri 11 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
aaron1973 got beat by crazzymadman 4-2.

was gutted by my loss.

sry guys
Posts: 9,456
02:01 Fri 11 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
aaron1973 got beat by crazzymadman 4-2.

was gutted by my loss.

sry guys

Good games mate dont take a loss to heart you will win the next, such a great player credit to the team
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15:39 Fri 11 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Good morning all,_redherring_ is leaving to go to MVP's.I hope ever 1 else stays with the we have all stuck together so far.And i wanna thank all who have stayed and completed there games regardless of the win are loss as it is simply part of the Game.I woulda bet my life yesterday that aaron had it 5-1 lol.But it just wasnt in the cards as we say in the US.But if for any reason please dont just leave give us time to find a replacment.Thanks ur Friend Fatmikee.
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17:08 Fri 11 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Result

Eagles v TPA
pintofshandy 4-2 relisys ul m8 wp
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19:40 Fri 11 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
TPA(2) v(10) Fighting Eagles Deadline is 5/20/12
8 ball dementedmind v vegas
8 ball run_outt v colpepper
9 ball relisys(2) v(4 )pintoshandy
9 ball fleetwood v eaglestrike
uk stephenball(0) v(6) breksis
uk ads19v cam07
str greyhound v flash_is_bac
str j_a_m_e_sv soothsayer
Fighting Eagles(12) v (12)Team Angry
8 ball _redherring_ (3)v(3) chalkie358 ball kingywhu v mrmtp
9 ball eaglestrike (4)v(2) poolbiird 9 ball 07nels07 v slimeballUk breksis(3) v(3) ipotalot uk aaron1973(2) v(4) crazzymadman
str vegas v scott7a
str flash_is_bac v mattywellie

Edited at 23:12 Thu 10/05/12 (BST)
Posts: 157
16:26 Sat 12 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
fighting eagles v team angry
kingywhu 4 v 2 mrmtp
ggs he was unlucky to in off a game but they were close
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19:16 Sat 12 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
TPA(2) v(10) Fighting Eagles Deadline is 5/20/12
8 ball dementedmind v vegas
8 ball run_outt v colpepper
9 ball relisys(2) v(4 )pintoshandy
9 ball fleetwood v eaglestrike
uk stephenball(0) v(6) breksis
uk ads19v cam07
str greyhound v flash_is_bac
str j_a_m_e_sv soothsayer
Fighting Eagles(16) v (14)Team Angry
8 ball _redherring_ (3)v(3) chalkie358 ball kingywhu(4) v(2) mrmtp
9 ball eaglestrike (4)v(2) poolbiird 9 ball 07nels07 v slimeballUk breksis(3) v(3) ipotalot uk aaron1973(2) v(4) crazzymadman
str vegas v scott7a
str flash_is_bac v mattywellie

Edited at 23:12 Thu 10/05/12
Deleted User
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03:31 Sun 13 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
TPA(2) v(10) Fighting Eagles Deadline is 5/20/12
8 ball dementedmind v vegas
8 ball run_outt v colpepper
9 ball relisys(2) v(4 )pintoshandy
9 ball fleetwood v eaglestrike
uk stephenball(0) v(6) breksis
uk ads19v cam07
str greyhound v flash_is_bac
str j_a_m_e_sv soothsayer
Fighting Eagles(12) v (12)Team Angry
8 ball _redherring_ (3)v(3) chalkie358 ball kingywhu v mrmtp

9 ball eaglestrike (4)v(2) poolbiird 9 ball 07nels07 v slimeballUk breksis(3) v(3) ipotalot uk aaron1973(2) v(4) crazzymadman
str vegas v scott7a
str flash_is_bac v mattywellie

Edited at 23:12 Thu 10/05/12 (BST)

its about time we got these games sorted please
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04:37 Sun 13 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Well here we go again Rick,simply amazing we only have 3 games left with T/A but 6 with TPA.I cant wait till you start crying defaults.When you dont ever have a player online. wt a Joke.But u need to get on the Ball as i have sent ever game played buy T/A V TPA to league runners.Enough said.
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04:41 Sun 13 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Well all players in fixtures with Top Pool Aces please send messages to oppents to get these games played thx.Are we gonna have to here Rick cry defaults.LOL
Posts: 6,262
05:09 Sun 13 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  

'Love is in the air'
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21:41 Sun 13 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
flash_is_bac been off 7 days mikee, any chance of a sub for matty?
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05:24 Mon 14 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Will do there Lee np,but as i said in my message we will give flash a few more days thx.
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16:15 Mon 14 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Well guys its that time for me to have to drink all that cleen out stuff today.and tomorrow back to hospital for colinscope to see if thay find any more canser.Keep ur fingers crossed lol.and try and get the games with top pool aces played as Rick will draw it out till last day and then start crying about how we have had 2 weeks to get games played.Ur friend fattmikee
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19:35 Mon 14 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Well here we go again Rick,simply amazing we only have 3 games left with T/A but 6 with TPA.I cant wait till you start crying defaults.When you dont ever have a player online. wt a Joke.But u need to get on the Ball as i have sent ever game played buy T/A V TPA to league runners.Enough said.
And please stay off are thread unless you have something important to say which i dought.

mike i will say this once to you don't tell me what to do when i have the right to try get these games arrange to be played
you need to grow up and i will be telling the league runners to look at your comments on this
Posts: 215
23:55 Mon 14 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
mike i will be on saturday and sunday if needs be m8
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00:16 Tue 15 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Didnt no 1 tell u wt to do.thats impossible lol.If u have something to tell me send a message.very simple not all these posts on are thread no 1 cares to read them.
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