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The Funky Pool Devils "The New Beginning"

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Posts: 99
00:39 Thu 1 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  

legend_pot v me

8us leggy 2 v 0 me
9us leggy 1 v 1 me
8uk leggy 2 v 0 me

great player n funny guy guy never took it to serious as he knew it was open shut case lol but i had fun m8 gl in season ok bud hope u meet some one better lol
Posts: 1,111
00:44 Thu 1 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  

legend_pot v me

8us leggy 2 v 0 me
9us leggy 1 v 1 me
8uk leggy 2 v 0 me

great player n funny guy guy never took it to serious as he knew it was open shut case lol but i had fun m8 gl in season ok bud hope u meet some one better lol

haha ggs mate gl for the rest
Posts: 4,046
01:10 Thu 1 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi, I hear Jesus isn't well at the minute and wondered if anyone could sub in to play me tonight in his game after 8pm ?


Hi. He is pretty ill but has asked to stay on. I cant do subs for his games till the third week unless i remove him from the team which i dont want to do.
Posts: 11,062
01:19 Thu 1 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
arranged FCL with alex_lewis for Friday. I'll be on to play loads of games Friday.
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01:30 Thu 1 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Evening FPD , hope everyone is well

ul Tommy , wd you and everyone for getting games played, some good points coming in . gl seb
Posts: 4,046
03:01 Thu 1 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Set 2

The Professionals 56 VS 49 Funky Pool Devils

dgeneratio (7) vs (8) klien
dvz/crazy_greg vs watchinawe
triple_b (12) vs (3) _pot_luck_
andyw1 (11) vs (4) scottyjr
nzym_visual (4) vs (11) whocares8x8
vixen_xox (8) vs (7) _psmon_
silent_hill (8) vs (7) the__saint
destroyer_v2 (6) vs (9) buckjam

Firestorm Phoenix (37) vs (23) F.P.D

miss_harriet (9) vs (6) the__saint
2pac786 (12) vs (3) blackcabman7
(swp) friendyboy vs fasteddie_
(swp) alex_lewis vs whocares8x8
(swp) slimeball (5) vs (10) klien (s)
_fresh_ vs anoneeemouse
ghost_chili (11) vs (4) ferretlady
(s) legend_pot vs scottyjr

Funky Pool Devils (40) v (65) The Revolution

whocares8x8 (8) v (7)tinie_v17
klien (11) v (4) mr_magoo
ferretlady (2) v (13) veyron
buckjam (swap) v mrmagic
scottyjr (6) v (9) lolumadbro
wathinawe (7) v (8) poolbiird
blackcabman7 (swap) (4) v (11) kris
fasteddie_ (2) v (13) tip_doctor
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(IP Logged)
03:02 Thu 1 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Edited at 00:06 Thu 01/10/15 (BST)
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03:16 Thu 1 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
SL Fixture 2 Deadline 27/09/15 to 18/10/15

Firestorm Pheonix Vs FPD B

_fresh_ vs watchinawe
legend_pot 5 vs 1 bonfireheart
davybaumers vs king8ball
joeyy vs _psmon_

FPD A VS Firestorm Pheonix B

whocares8x8 vs tension
klein vs friendyboy
scottyjr vs 2pac786
fr34k_p0t vs _payback_

FPD A 4 vs 2 Pocket Dynamos

klien vs jasonb
fr34k_p0t vs scarlets2k15
whocares8x8 vs bulletzzzz
scottyjr 4 vs 2 punkpoet

Pocket Dynamos A vs FPD C

marksmith vs fasteddie_
blueberry vs _jesus_
bulletzzzz vs ric_flair
the__preist (3) vs (3) blackcabman7

FPD A vs Revs A

the__saint vs poolbiird
whocares8x8 vs veyron
scottyjr vs tinie_v17
fr34k_p0t vs lolumadbro

FPD B vs Revs B

watchinawe vs mad_matt
bonfireheart vs quickshot
king8ball vs mikeybboy
_psmon_ vs mrmagic

Pros B vs FPD C

andyw1 vs fasteddie_
crazy_greg vs _jesus_
dgeneratio vs ric_flair
latteo1993 (6) vs (0) blackcabman7

Pros A (9) vs (3) FPD C

vixen_xox (4) vs (2) fasteddie_
sean_92 vs _jesus_
silent_hill vs ric_flair
dvz (5) vs (1) blackcabman7

Uprising B vs FPD B

ritcho vs watcinawe
erigert vs bonfireheart
clifton188 vs king8ball
_psmon_ vs zantetsukenz

Message your opponents (please keep messages) and arrange your games as soon as possible. Keep us informed if you have any issues.

Good luck everyone
Posts: 6,262
03:18 Thu 1 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi, I hear Jesus isn't well at the minute and wondered if anyone could sub in to play me tonight in his game after 8pm ?


Hi. He is pretty ill but has asked to stay on. I cant do subs for his games till the third week unless i remove him from the team which i dont want to do.

No worries mate, I hope he's better soon...
Posts: 4,046
03:59 Thu 1 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
SL Cont.

Pocket Dynamos B VS FPD C

walktall vs fasteddie_
re_rack_jack vs _jesus_
w_hoolahan vs ric_flair
the__priest vs blackcabman7
Posts: 399
08:22 Thu 1 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  

legend_pot v me

8us leggy 2 v 0 me
9us leggy 1 v 1 me
8uk leggy 2 v 0 me

great player n funny guy guy never took it to serious as he knew it was open shut case lol but i had fun m8 gl in season ok bud hope u meet some one better lol

haha ggs mate gl for the rest

Deadline is this weekend so a reply to my message would be nice
Posts: 83
15:23 Thu 1 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  

8us - kingball(1) -(1) clifton188
9us - kingball(1) -(1) clifton188
8uk - kingball(0) -(2) clifton188

K - (2) - (4) - C

I had a good game in 8us and managed to close that , a lucky break in 9us , Clifton wiped me out on 8uk as I attempted an obvious flop shot on the black in the second game

Very good player , enjoyed the games.

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16:26 Thu 1 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Result SL Fix 2 against poolbiird

8us 1-1
9us 0-2
8uk 1-1 total 2-4 Down

sry guys not at the game today a very good player should have made it 1-1 in 9us but I missed a vital ball ggs and gl for the rest of the season
Posts: 305
17:41 Thu 1 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Welcome to Halloween Havic!!

And we are live Flair vs muletzzzz !!

And there's the bell Flair comes out and does his dance !! And gives the crowd a big Wooooooooooooooooo This match is the best outta 3 pinfalls Ric pokes muletzzzz in the eyes muletzzzz falls to the ground and Slick Ric jumps on top of him and starts ground and pound what has gotten into Flair !! Muletzzzz is a bloody mess 8us 2-0
Flair goes for the pin and Buletzzz kicks out Muletzzzz is gaining momentum Hits Flair with the body slam then the elbow drop !! Blood is everywhere from muletzzzz but he has heart Flair needs to make a comeback somehow Flair throws Muletzzzz out of the ring rolls out FLair grabs the chair and hits muletzzzz!!! 1-1 9us
We have a blood bath here Somehow Muletzzz is getting up calls Flair over and Hits him with a chair from a fan they are fighting in the stands blood is squirting all over the fans this is the most brutal match i have ever called!! 2-0 8uk Wait they are in the stands and the ref has started his count 1,2,3,4,...5,6,.....7,....8,9.....10 DOUBLE COUNTOUT No one wins but the FANS!!

3-3 overall
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02:01 Fri 2 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
wd ric

sorry , got wooped by fresh 13-2

i was ul in a couple , but he played brill . prob best to keep me as sub atm
Posts: 871
02:06 Fri 2 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
thanks sarah correct you were unlucky a few times, excellent 9 ball play
Posts: 4,046
15:23 Fri 2 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Set 2

The Professionals 56 VS 49 Funky Pool Devils

dgeneratio (7) vs (8) klien
dvz/crazy_greg vs watchinawe
triple_b (12) vs (3) _pot_luck_
andyw1 (11) vs (4) scottyjr
nzym_visual (4) vs (11) whocares8x8
vixen_xox (8) vs (7) _psmon_
silent_hill (8) vs (7) the__saint
destroyer_v2 (6) vs (9) buckjam

Firestorm Phoenix (50) vs (25) F.P.D

miss_harriet (9) vs (6) the__saint
2pac786 (12) vs (3) blackcabman7
(swp) friendyboy vs fasteddie_
(swp) alex_lewis vs whocares8x8
(swp) slimeball (5) vs (10) klien (s)
_fresh_ (13) vs (2) anoneeemouse
ghost_chili (11) vs (4) ferretlady
(s) legend_pot vs scottyjr

Funky Pool Devils (40) v (65) The Revolution

whocares8x8 (8) v (7)tinie_v17
klien (11) v (4) mr_magoo
ferretlady (2) v (13) veyron
buckjam (swap) v mrmagic
scottyjr (6) v (9) lolumadbro
wathinawe (7) v (8) poolbiird
blackcabman7 (swap) (4) v (11) kris
fasteddie_ (2) v (13) tip_doctor
Posts: 6,262
18:04 Fri 2 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi, I hear Jesus isn't well at the minute and wondered if anyone could sub in to play me tonight in his game after 8pm ?


Hi. He is pretty ill but has asked to stay on. I cant do subs for his games till the third week unless i remove him from the team which i dont want to do.

Please don't think I was suggesting you remove Jesus as that would be wrong after all he's done for mankind !
Posts: 399
18:36 Fri 2 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Might struggle playing legend pot he's told me this evening not a specific time and I'm not spending my Friday night waiting around for him. I can do Saturday night but not sure what time I will get back from the stoke game might not be till around 8ish. Sunday I have to be at work 1ish so can only do the morning or when I finish work which is 10 Sunday night. Is there anyone to swap the games as I would like to play it or hope he can make 1 of the times I have said.
Posts: 399
19:01 Fri 2 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Should be playing him at 7
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The Funky Pool Devils "The New Beginning"

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