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Lets make a Wikipedia page!

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Deleted User
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17 years ago  [Link]  
Currently creating the page...

Leave me some ideas and i will try and add them to it.

(Screenshots, comments basically anything i can add)

Thanks, Chris.
Posts: 4,447
17 years ago  [Link]  

List of mods and admin....

The amount of members.....

How long the game has been running....

Comments from FP users about the site....

I'll think of more....


Can you add videos?

If you can, add a vid of a tourney final, and make sure you get loads of Pm's for congrats!


We could have a short list for FP's most loved and admired players....We could all have a vote out of say, 5 people!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17 years ago  [Link]  
Thanks sm_rat!

I need an introduction for the beginning of the page, ideas welcome

(So far created a table of all staff members but havent saved the updates as of yet!)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17 years ago  [Link]  
Any others willing to help out please do!

Here is a link to the work in progress...
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17 years ago  [Link]  
Unfortunately guys, admin on wikipedia dont agree with there being a funkypool wikipedia page!

I'm going to go contest this!
Posts: 4,447
17 years ago  [Link]  
Why dont they want a wiki page of FP?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17 years ago  [Link]  
I'm currently in discussion with a Wiki Admin.
Posts: 4,447
17 years ago  [Link]  
Tell us how it goes yeah?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17 years ago  [Link]  
I had a long discussion with two administrators of Wikipedia and unfortunately the reason behind funkypool not being allowed its own article is that there is no independant research about it.

What this means is that information we could put onto the wikipedia article doesnt have any evidence to back it up. Other similar sites as Runescape and Habbo Hotel are allowed because they have independant research done on them.

Sorry guys, I did try though
Posts: 10,415
17 years ago  [Link]  
surely if enough people request it to wikipedia something could happen?

And as flumpy pointed out at the start this article has been deleted twice so dont just put one up there LOL.

maybe we should all just request an article and if agreed then chris and whoever can make it
Posts: 4,447
17 years ago  [Link]  
Personally, I think that the wiki admin should set up a petition page...

Then they should set limit of say 100 ppl, and if enough sign within 2 weeks we should have one...

Put that idea to them darka and see if it works...
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17 years ago  [Link]  
I'm liking this idea!

But won't happen as dark_cloud pointed out..

Edited at 21:51 Fri 16/11/07 (GMT)
Posts: 19,967
17 years ago  [Link]  
go on you funkypool
wiki page wud be great
in funkysnookers face!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17 years ago  [Link]  
dark_cloud said:
What this means is that information we could put onto the wikipedia article doesnt have any evidence to back it up.

Can't they just look at the site and see that what you are saying is true?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17 years ago  [Link]  
i have been away and this is why I said NOT to go ahead and make one yourself.

I am a regestered member of Wiki and it is dam hard to get a new article in there to stay there.

Some of the comments have been a good idea but as said above, the article has to be neutral with rescourses from other websites (independant websites)

THis is why I made this thread for brainstorming then I was going to go to a drawing board to make the article look as professional as possible.

It's not as easy as it sounds, making a good article will take hours of my time and I wasnt planning to do this for around a month or so.

But we screwed it now.....thats it I suppose
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17 years ago  [Link]  
Aflumpire as you said there is a need for independant sources backing up the information provided...

So how exactly were you going to go away for hours in a month or so and make this wiki page. If you manage to find this independant research please tell me how "we screwed it now..." surely if you have found some then it doesnt matter.
Posts: 10,415
17 years ago  [Link]  
by independant sources what does that mean.
as in could you not set up a freewebs site reviewing the game or sumthing- i dunno~?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17 years ago  [Link]  
No we need an "official" independant researcher such as a newspaper...
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17 years ago  [Link]  
madmiketyson may have a point.

but even if someone here knew someone who is a reviewer or works at a newspaper or magazine, even gaming and computers, try talking to them and see if they could write something about funkypool.

They would have to ask and negotiate with their boss, but to have the first official review on funkypool may be worth more than just another review on a current game.

I was a bit annoyed yesterday so dont hold what I said against me. I could have made it so it was a neutral point of view, or made it look like it. Also my friend is good at doin that. I tell him some info and he turns it into neutral information for me.

Anyone know anyone who works in what I said above??
Posts: 1,190
17 years ago  [Link]  
that seems like alot of trouble for something that wont have much of an impact.. the reason people use wikipedia is to research stuff they have already heard of and would like to no more about it (atleast thats what i use it for) and it would be much easier for a person to just come on funky and look around then to go threw all the hastle of newspaper/magazine articles.. which yes would be free advertising.. but more then likely a pain in the butt
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Lets make a Wikipedia page!

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