Underdogs getting back on track
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11 years ago
Hey guys, can i have your team lists for FBL fixture 5 by no later than Saturday 21st at Midnight. In fixture 5 you have games against Pheonix Storm and Unbeatables.
11 years ago
9us sharky89 v chris
chris offline 4 days, and deadline is on Sunday.
chris offline 4 days, and deadline is on Sunday.
11 years ago
The fact we were both on monday night and my games results shows i actually do log in
Usually i log in when i feel like playing or a game has been arranged and as neither has happened this week i've only felt like browsing, but be rest assured i'll log in when a game is arranged or i feel like playing
Edited at 16:15 Wed 18/12/13 (GMT)
Does Jooodles ever actually log in? Or does she constantly browse
The fact we were both on monday night and my games results shows i actually do log in
Usually i log in when i feel like playing or a game has been arranged and as neither has happened this week i've only felt like browsing, but be rest assured i'll log in when a game is arranged or i feel like playing
Edited at 16:15 Wed 18/12/13 (GMT)
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
11 years ago
2andygorams (5)v(3) funky_king
went up 3-0 after that luck goes away lol, ggs mate nice came back gl in rest.
went up 3-0 after that luck goes away lol, ggs mate nice came back gl in rest.
11 years ago
Uprising 42 v 5 Underdogs
8us (s)erigert 8 v 0 hardy202
8us 2andygorams 5 v 3 funky_king
9us (swap)sharky89 v chris
9us (swap)slimeball 7 v 1 mrfent
8uk shadwell17 6 v 2 jooodles(s)
8uk zantetsukenz 8 v 0 flapjack
str franer_ 8 v 0 junster333
There are now 8 frames of each type apart from straight where is it now 4.
please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on here so i can update scores and the fbl league thread
Deadline for the fixture is 22/12/13 @ Midnight GMT
Uprising 42 v 5 Underdogs
8us (s)erigert 8 v 0 hardy202
8us 2andygorams 5 v 3 funky_king
9us (swap)sharky89 v chris
9us (swap)slimeball 7 v 1 mrfent
8uk shadwell17 6 v 2 jooodles(s)
8uk zantetsukenz 8 v 0 flapjack
str franer_ 8 v 0 junster333
There are now 8 frames of each type apart from straight where is it now 4.
please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on here so i can update scores and the fbl league thread
Deadline for the fixture is 22/12/13 @ Midnight GMT
11 years ago
fcl swap
the underdogs v phoenix storm
jooodles v thanatos
cke1982 v i_am_me
cke1982 v thanatos
jooodles v i_am_me
the underdogs v phoenix storm
jooodles v thanatos
cke1982 v i_am_me
cke1982 v thanatos
jooodles v i_am_me
11 years ago
Fcl Set 5
The Underdogs 18 v 57 Phoenix Storm
rossunited 1 v 9 (tbc) cue_ball(s)(swap)
junster333 6 v 9 winter64(swap)
flapjack 5 v 10 chapster_7
mr fent 3 v 12 breakdown(s)
funky_king 3 v 12 ooo_u_tap_2(s)
jooodles v i_am_me(s)(swap)
cke1982 v thanatos(s)(swap)
krazyash_07 14 v 1 hardy202
The Underdogs 19 v 81 Uprising
(s)cke1982 3 v 12 erigert
junster333 2 v 8 zantetsukenz(tbc)
flapjack 0 v 15 franer_
mr fent 2 v 13 fuunky(swap)
funky_king 7 v 8 shadwell17
hardy202 0 v 15 cgibson92
jooodles 5 v 10 2andygorams
chris v pirate_steve(swap)
The Underdogs 18 v 57 Phoenix Storm
rossunited 1 v 9 (tbc) cue_ball(s)(swap)
junster333 6 v 9 winter64(swap)
flapjack 5 v 10 chapster_7
mr fent 3 v 12 breakdown(s)
funky_king 3 v 12 ooo_u_tap_2(s)
jooodles v i_am_me(s)(swap)
cke1982 v thanatos(s)(swap)
krazyash_07 14 v 1 hardy202
The Underdogs 19 v 81 Uprising
(s)cke1982 3 v 12 erigert
junster333 2 v 8 zantetsukenz(tbc)
flapjack 0 v 15 franer_
mr fent 2 v 13 fuunky(swap)
funky_king 7 v 8 shadwell17
hardy202 0 v 15 cgibson92
jooodles 5 v 10 2andygorams
chris v pirate_steve(swap)
11 years ago
please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on here so i can update scores and the fcl league thread
5 frames of 8 ball 9ball 8ball uk
Deadline is Midnight (UK) on 22nd December 2013.
5 frames of 8 ball 9ball 8ball uk
Deadline is Midnight (UK) on 22nd December 2013.
11 years ago
Professionals 43 v 5 Underdogs
8us horse10000 8 v 0 flapjack
8us davey_1985 6 v 2 funky_king
9us scott7a 7 v 1 junster333
9us (s)mattywellie 7 v 1 rossunited
8uk _redherring_ 8 v 0 mrfent
8uk tinie 7 v 1 hardy202
str _nerdzz_ v chris(s)
Uprising 42 v 5 Underdogs
8us (s)erigert 8 v 0 hardy202
8us 2andygorams 5 v 3 funky_king
9us (swap)sharky89 v chris
9us (swap)slimeball 7 v 1 mrfent
8uk shadwell17 6 v 2 jooodles(s)
8uk zantetsukenz 8 v 0 flapjack
str franer_ 8 v 0 junster333
Professionals 43 v 5 Underdogs
8us horse10000 8 v 0 flapjack
8us davey_1985 6 v 2 funky_king
9us scott7a 7 v 1 junster333
9us (s)mattywellie 7 v 1 rossunited
8uk _redherring_ 8 v 0 mrfent
8uk tinie 7 v 1 hardy202
str _nerdzz_ v chris(s)
Uprising 42 v 5 Underdogs
8us (s)erigert 8 v 0 hardy202
8us 2andygorams 5 v 3 funky_king
9us (swap)sharky89 v chris
9us (swap)slimeball 7 v 1 mrfent
8uk shadwell17 6 v 2 jooodles(s)
8uk zantetsukenz 8 v 0 flapjack
str franer_ 8 v 0 junster333
11 years ago
There are now 8 frames of each type apart from straight where is it now 4.
please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on here so i can update scores and the fbl league thread
Deadline for the fixture is 22/12/13 @ Midnight GMT
please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on here so i can update scores and the fbl league thread
Deadline for the fixture is 22/12/13 @ Midnight GMT
11 years ago
outstanding games
Fcl Set 5
Vs Phoenix Storm
rossunited v friendyboy
jooodles v i_am_me
cke1982 v thanatos
.................................................................................................. v Uprising
cke1982 v erigert
chris v pirate_steve
v Professionals
str _nerdzz_ v chris
v Uprising
9us sharky89 v chris
Deadline 22nd dec
come on underdogs lets get games played no defaults wanted
outstanding games
Fcl Set 5
Vs Phoenix Storm
rossunited v friendyboy
jooodles v i_am_me
cke1982 v thanatos
.................................................................................................. v Uprising
cke1982 v erigert
chris v pirate_steve
v Professionals
str _nerdzz_ v chris
v Uprising
9us sharky89 v chris
Deadline 22nd dec
come on underdogs lets get games played no defaults wanted
11 years ago
Hello Underdogs!
I have more time to play here and if possible, i wish to get back to team. Living now uk and yes i have time :)
I have more time to play here and if possible, i wish to get back to team. Living now uk and yes i have time :)
11 years ago
Fcl Set 5
The Underdogs 18 v 57 Phoenix Storm
rossunited 1 v 9 (tbc) cue_ball(s)(swap)
junster333 6 v 9 winter64(swap)
flapjack 5 v 10 chapster_7
mr fent 3 v 12 breakdown(s)
funky_king 3 v 12 ooo_u_tap_2(s)
jooodles v i_am_me(s)(swap)
cke1982 v thanatos(s)(swap)
krazyash_07 14 v 1 hardy202
The Underdogs 19 v 81 Uprising
(s)cke1982 3 v 12 erigert
junster333 2 v 8 zantetsukenz(tbc)
flapjack 0 v 15 franer_
mr fent 2 v 13 fuunky(swap)
funky_king 7 v 8 shadwell17
hardy202 0 v 15 cgibson92
jooodles 5 v 10 2andygorams
chris v pirate_steve(swap)
The Underdogs 18 v 57 Phoenix Storm
rossunited 1 v 9 (tbc) cue_ball(s)(swap)
junster333 6 v 9 winter64(swap)
flapjack 5 v 10 chapster_7
mr fent 3 v 12 breakdown(s)
funky_king 3 v 12 ooo_u_tap_2(s)
jooodles v i_am_me(s)(swap)
cke1982 v thanatos(s)(swap)
krazyash_07 14 v 1 hardy202
The Underdogs 19 v 81 Uprising
(s)cke1982 3 v 12 erigert
junster333 2 v 8 zantetsukenz(tbc)
flapjack 0 v 15 franer_
mr fent 2 v 13 fuunky(swap)
funky_king 7 v 8 shadwell17
hardy202 0 v 15 cgibson92
jooodles 5 v 10 2andygorams
chris v pirate_steve(swap)
11 years ago
please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on here so i can update scores and the fcl league thread
5 frames of 8 ball 9ball 8ball uk
Deadline is Midnight (UK) on 22nd December 2013.
5 frames of 8 ball 9ball 8ball uk
Deadline is Midnight (UK) on 22nd December 2013.
11 years ago
Professionals 43 v 5 Underdogs
8us horse10000 8 v 0 flapjack
8us davey_1985 6 v 2 funky_king
9us scott7a 7 v 1 junster333
9us (s)mattywellie 7 v 1 rossunited
8uk _redherring_ 8 v 0 mrfent
8uk tinie 7 v 1 hardy202
str _nerdzz_ v chris(s)
Uprising 42 v 5 Underdogs
8us (s)erigert 8 v 0 hardy202
8us 2andygorams 5 v 3 funky_king
9us (swap)sharky89 v chris
9us (swap)slimeball 7 v 1 mrfent
8uk shadwell17 6 v 2 jooodles(s)
8uk zantetsukenz 8 v 0 flapjack
str franer_ 8 v 0 junster333
Professionals 43 v 5 Underdogs
8us horse10000 8 v 0 flapjack
8us davey_1985 6 v 2 funky_king
9us scott7a 7 v 1 junster333
9us (s)mattywellie 7 v 1 rossunited
8uk _redherring_ 8 v 0 mrfent
8uk tinie 7 v 1 hardy202
str _nerdzz_ v chris(s)
Uprising 42 v 5 Underdogs
8us (s)erigert 8 v 0 hardy202
8us 2andygorams 5 v 3 funky_king
9us (swap)sharky89 v chris
9us (swap)slimeball 7 v 1 mrfent
8uk shadwell17 6 v 2 jooodles(s)
8uk zantetsukenz 8 v 0 flapjack
str franer_ 8 v 0 junster333
11 years ago
There are now 8 frames of each type apart from straight where is it now 4.
please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on here so i can update scores and the fbl league thread
Deadline for the fixture is 22/12/13 @ Midnight GMT
please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on here so i can update scores and the fbl league thread
Deadline for the fixture is 22/12/13 @ Midnight GMT
11 years ago
outstanding games
Fcl Set 5
Vs Phoenix Storm
rossunited v friendyboy
jooodles v i_am_me
cke1982 v thanatos
.................................................................................................. v Uprising
cke1982 v erigert
chris v pirate_steve
v Professionals
str _nerdzz_ v chris
v Uprising
9us sharky89 v chris
Deadline 22nd dec
come on underdogs lets get games played no defaults wanted
Fcl Set 5
Vs Phoenix Storm
rossunited v friendyboy
jooodles v i_am_me
cke1982 v thanatos
.................................................................................................. v Uprising
cke1982 v erigert
chris v pirate_steve
v Professionals
str _nerdzz_ v chris
v Uprising
9us sharky89 v chris
Deadline 22nd dec
come on underdogs lets get games played no defaults wanted
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
(IP Logged)
11 years ago
FCL vs Underdogs
* poolh8r has permission to sub in vs jooodles.
* poolh8r has permission to sub in vs jooodles.
11 years ago
we played our game, finished 12-3 to me
outstanding games
Fcl Set 5
Vs Phoenix Storm
rossunited v friendyboy
jooodles v i_am_me
cke1982 v thanatos
.................................................................................................. v Uprising
cke1982 v erigert
chris v pirate_steve
v Professionals
str _nerdzz_ v chris
v Uprising
9us sharky89 v chris
Deadline 22nd dec
come on underdogs lets get games played no defaults wanted
Fcl Set 5
Vs Phoenix Storm
rossunited v friendyboy
jooodles v i_am_me
cke1982 v thanatos
.................................................................................................. v Uprising
cke1982 v erigert
chris v pirate_steve
v Professionals
str _nerdzz_ v chris
v Uprising
9us sharky89 v chris
Deadline 22nd dec
come on underdogs lets get games played no defaults wanted
we played our game, finished 12-3 to me
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Underdogs getting back on track
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