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Posts: 10,109
04:23 Thu 3 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't why you should post and try and get a reaction which will lead to a full blown argument
there are words for people like you

now run along and bother some one who really cares

I have stated my intent, which I believe that it would not be hard for mikee to think of his own clan name (which he already has had!!!) rather than using someone elses.

I am not after a reaction from you anyways, why would I care if you are an argumentative type, that's your thing. I wasn't even talking to you, I was replying to James.

So if you don't mind, I will wait until he has something constructive to add, thank you.

ignore craig m8 he one of them special breed humans lol

He certainly is, but at least he doesn't pretend to be someone he's not!
Deleted User
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04:24 Thu 3 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't why you should post and try and get a reaction which will lead to a full blown argument
there are words for people like you

now run along and bother some one who really cares

I have stated my intent, which I believe that it would not be hard for mikee to think of his own clan name (which he already has had!!!) rather than using someone elses.

I am not after a reaction from you anyways, why would I care if you are an argumentative type, that's your thing. I wasn't even talking to you, I was replying to James.

So if you don't mind, I will wait until he has something constructive to add, thank you.

ignore craig m8 he one of them special breed humans lol

He certainly is, but at least he doesn't pretend to be someone he's not!

i dont pretend i just dont admit
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04:28 Thu 3 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
lil stu want a puppy war on funky naawwww bless him
Posts: 10,109
05:42 Thu 3 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
lil stu want a puppy war on funky naawwww bless him

I have no idea what that means Jamie, but if it's war you want, pm me the time and the place!
Deleted User
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05:43 Thu 3 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
lil stu want a puppy war on funky naawwww bless him

I have no idea what that means Jamie, but if it's war you want, pm me the time and the place!

yes lets make war stu u get ur army il get mine u sad sad man must be another special breed human im going to come beat u up cuse my names stu and im so hard pethetic haha
Posts: 10,109
05:53 Thu 3 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
lil stu want a puppy war on funky naawwww bless him

I have no idea what that means Jamie, but if it's war you want, pm me the time and the place!

yes lets make war stu u get ur army il get mine u sad sad man must be another special breed human im going to come beat u up cuse my names stu and im so hard pethetic haha

Have you been taking English lessons of Mikee? You're barely comprehensible! I've never seen so many red lines beneath words in my life!! You'll never change Jamie!
Deleted User
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05:55 Thu 3 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
lil stu want a puppy war on funky naawwww bless him

I have no idea what that means Jamie, but if it's war you want, pm me the time and the place!

yes lets make war stu u get ur army il get mine u sad sad man must be another special breed human im going to come beat u up cuse my names stu and im so hard pethetic haha

Have you been taking English lessons of Mikee? You're barely comprehensible! I've never seen so many red lines beneath words in my life!! You'll never change Jamie!

cmon stu be nice all the messages on fb telling me to play for ur team and u will make me an account because u know i cant because i was banned u filthy cheat
Posts: 10,109
06:00 Thu 3 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
lil stu want a puppy war on funky naawwww bless him

I have no idea what that means Jamie, but if it's war you want, pm me the time and the place!

yes lets make war stu u get ur army il get mine u sad sad man must be another special breed human im going to come beat u up cuse my names stu and im so hard pethetic haha

Have you been taking English lessons of Mikee? You're barely comprehensible! I've never seen so many red lines beneath words in my life!! You'll never change Jamie!

cmon stu be nice all the messages on fb telling me to play for ur team and u will make me an account because u know i cant because i was banned u filthy cheat

Nicely admitted. You grassing to admin made me determined to succeed with Uprising, and only sign decent kids. I served my ban and came out a better person. I should thank you for that.

You returned a lying douche. Congrats!
Deleted User
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06:02 Thu 3 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
you made an account for me and messaged me telling me what it was and told me to sign for you and you wudnt tell no one ur a cheat this was 3 weeks ago stu u should be banned ffrom clan leagues
Deleted User
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06:07 Thu 3 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
only reason u hate me know is because i wont join ur team
Posts: 10,109
06:07 Thu 3 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
you made an account for me and messaged me telling me what it was and told me to sign for you and you wudnt tell no one ur a cheat this was 3 weeks ago stu u should be banned ffrom clan leagues

1. 3 weeks ago I had no interest in funkypool for various real life reasons. I certainly wasn't trying to recruit anyone.

2. Your English is so bad I don't even know what you're implying.

3. Before you left Uprising I mailed Ash telling him I don't want you in Uprising, and he should sign you.

You talk utter nonsense as always Jamie. You're a cancer to the game, and the sooner you're cut out - the better!
Deleted User
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06:08 Thu 3 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
u think im someone im not yes my name is jamie no im not shadows ur a cheat u need out
Posts: 10,109
06:11 Thu 3 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
u think im someone im not yes my name is jamie no im not shadows ur a cheat u need out

I didn't even mention shadows you halfwit! How obvious can you make it? You're a full on douche Jamie, and any clan that harbours you, demeans themselves!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
06:12 Thu 3 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
u think im someone im not yes my name is jamie no im not shadows ur a cheat u need out

I didn't even mention shadows you halfwit! How obvious can you make it? You're a full on douche Jamie, and any clan that harbours you, demeans themselves!

it dont take a god to work out who everyone thinks i am . your a cheat make accounts for banned players still silly girl
Posts: 10,109
06:15 Thu 3 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
u think im someone im not yes my name is jamie no im not shadows ur a cheat u need out

I didn't even mention shadows you halfwit! How obvious can you make it? You're a full on douche Jamie, and any clan that harbours you, demeans themselves!

it dont take a god to work out who everyone thinks i am . your a cheat make accounts for banned players still silly girl

You make it obvious. There's not many players on funkypool with the English skills of a lobotomised chimp! Your lack of intellect makes you stand out a mile!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
06:16 Thu 3 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
never seen some one cry som much over the internet . is ur adult channel broke naawww
Posts: 10,109
06:17 Thu 3 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
never seen some one cry som much over the internet . is ur adult channel broke naawww

Touche! Your wit is untouchable! I may cry "som" more after reading your cutting jibes!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
06:17 Thu 3 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
u think im someone im not yes my name is jamie no im not shadows ur a cheat u need out

I didn't even mention shadows you halfwit! How obvious can you make it? You're a full on douche Jamie, and any clan that harbours you, demeans themselves!

it dont take a god to work out who everyone thinks i am . your a cheat make accounts for banned players still silly girl

You make it obvious. There's not many players on funkypool with the English skills of a lobotomised chimp! Your lack of intellect makes you stand out a mile!

why waste time spelling over a jerk like u and the rest of fpool ur all wastmans
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
06:18 Thu 3 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
never seen some one cry som much over the internet . is ur adult channel broke naawww

Touche! Your wit is untouchable! I may cry "som" more after reading your cutting jibes!

awww stu wipe then tears lil one dont u cry
Posts: 10,109
06:18 Thu 3 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
As I said....cancer of funkypool. You need to be cut out!
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