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Posts: 10,109
15:44 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Although I disagree with deadline extensions of any form, the sensible move now would for for both teams to say any eligible players have permission to play until midnight. Personally (sorry UB's), I think 15th have a stronger case when it comes to default because greyhound was offline for so long. This said, UB's have offered all available players permission to sub in, so if it went to default, there's no way it could be 6 - 0 to 15th Man, and so UB's would progress anyway.

If the game isn't played, UB's are through - so if I was Ash I'd be doing whatever I could to make sure anyone actually got on the table and had at least a chance. If the scores were much closer I can see why I'd refuse to sub an active player out, but the 6 point margin makes his stance a little silly.

So all in all I disagree with Tappy's post. I'd say the default would be 4 - 1 to 15th man if I was controlling the default.

Edited at 13:47 Mon 23/02/15 (GMT)
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15:47 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
pmsl will we just cancel the extension and see what happens then yeah? Your that confident of a 6-0 why not refuse the extension in the first instance? Is it because you knkw all of the above is infact crap? You even said it yesterday we already have our point, why risk an extension if we didn't want it played?
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15:49 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Although I disagree with deadline extensions of any form, the sensible move now would for for both teams to say any eligible players have permission to play until midnight. Personally (sorry UB's), I think 15th have a stronger case when it comes to default because greyhound was offline for so long. This said, UB's have offered all available players permission to sub in, so if it went to default, there's no way it could be 6 - 0 to 15th Man, and so UB's would progress anyway.

If the game isn't played, UB's are through - so if I was Ash I'd be doing whatever I could to make sure anyone actually got on the table and had at least a chance. If the scores were much closer I can see why I'd refuse to sub an active player out, but the 6 point margin makes his stance a little silly.

So all in all I disagree with Tappy's post. I'd say the default would be 4 - 1 to 15th man if I was controlling the default.

Edited at 13:47 Mon 23/02/15 (GMT)
the exact point I was making to them. If he refuses to try sort something they are out. And it's me that talks crap apparently. They are that thick they can't see the woods for the trees!
Posts: 38,097
15:50 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
My guess would be 5-1 to us for the default personally because of the effort greyhound showed on deadline weekend (7 hours for 48 hours isn't too bad).

Problem is though most of our active players can't be used (A Team) so we would have to struggle to find a sub from the B Team.

Its up to Ash though and not sure if he wants to sub out at this point even if it would cost us a place in the Final.
Posts: 38,097
15:51 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
hope you don't mean me onevisit as i would take personal offence from that statement as i know how defaults work
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15:54 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I am meaning anyone who would not see the logic in making a sub later IF tappy goes to work. If that's you so be it.
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15:54 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
pmsl will we just cancel the extension and see what happens then yeah? Your that confident of a 6-0 why not refuse the extension in the first instance? Is it because you knkw all of the above is infact crap? You even said it yesterday we already have our point, why risk an extension if we didn't want it played?

Why are you talking about me getting subbed out when i'm online during the extension?
Could it be that you know full well none of your subs will be here to play like we all do and the only reason you have given an extension is that if greyhound comes on later when i'm at work you can post for a sub for me and have it refused.
Also maybe managing to up your players activity from 7 hours in 336 to 8 in 360?

You're so transparent as is faust as always lol
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15:55 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
pmsl will we just cancel the extension and see what happens then yeah? Your that confident of a 6-0 why not refuse the extension in the first instance? Is it because you knkw all of the above is infact crap? You even said it yesterday we already have our point, why risk an extension if we didn't want it played?

Why are you talking about me getting subbed out when i'm online during the extension?
Could it be that you know full well none of your subs will be here to play like we all do and the only reason you have given an extension is that if greyhound comes on later when i'm at work you can post for a sub for me and have it refused.
Also maybe managing to up your players activity from 7 hours in 336 to 8 in 360?

You're so transparent as is faust as always lol
im saying if you can't be on when you know our player will be on. You could make it on last night, then couldn't, then could so I'm never sure but if you can't make it on why would you not sort a sub?
Posts: 38,097
15:58 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
same could be said if greyhound works days.

sometimes i have seen instances where a player works nights and another works days so an agreement is hard to come by unless they have days off.

not blaming either player for this, its the activity before that i would blame
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16:00 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Spot on It works both ways. Our captains have said if you see any other eligible players then play, that is the difference.
Posts: 10,109
16:02 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
pmsl will we just cancel the extension and see what happens then yeah? Your that confident of a 6-0 why not refuse the extension in the first instance? Is it because you knkw all of the above is infact crap? You even said it yesterday we already have our point, why risk an extension if we didn't want it played?

Why are you talking about me getting subbed out when i'm online during the extension?
Could it be that you know full well none of your subs will be here to play like we all do and the only reason you have given an extension is that if greyhound comes on later when i'm at work you can post for a sub for me and have it refused.
Also maybe managing to up your players activity from 7 hours in 336 to 8 in 360?

You're so transparent as is faust as always lol

I'm transparent? What agenda do I have? Your own player says 5 - 1, and I say 4 - 1. That one point difference makes me biased does it? Is dgen also "transparent"? lol I've even posted I think the default should be in your favour, but the case has to be a lot more cut and dry than this for a maximum default score. Last SL default we got was a 0 - 0 despite the fact all the evidence was in our favour. Most of your points are valid, but for a 6 - 0, UB's would have had to do absolutely nothing, which clearly isn't the case.
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16:07 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
'where one side has made considerably more effort to get a game played than the other then it is likely that team will earn the maximum possible to act as an overall deterrent to inactivity, apathy or any deliberate attempt to deny the opposition the chance to score points.'

My opponent sent 1 message in the fortnight, on the evening before deadline saying he would be on Sunday evening...he was on for 1 hour of Sunday evening.
That's pretty much doing nothing
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16:08 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
You still won't answer the question though, why would you not make a sub if you know you wouldn't be on and would therefor be out?
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16:20 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Was gonna post an argument, then I suddenly realised ITS JUST A GAME.

Although I see its 15th man at the root of it again.
Posts: 19,967
16:42 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Say the default would be set at 6-0 for arguments sake, refusal to sub which has been posted in advance is an instant -1, because it prevents the game being played. So arguing over minor details is irrelevant.

Uprising, UB and Pro's (I think) have all subbed out an active player to accommodate an inactive one because they know that's the only way it'll be played even though they'd probably do better in a default. In sure other clans have too. It's not something we like doing but when an opponent isn't being obtuse about it we'll get it played. So it can't be said that it won't be done because it has been done several times before.

Edited at 14:48 Mon 23/02/15 (GMT)
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19:53 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
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20:48 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Oh well hopefully you can meet one of the others or default it is.

Will be available for another hour to get this finished.
Posts: 14,736
23:42 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL vs Unbeatables
Was: ooo_u_tap_2 vs greyhound
Now: friendyboy vs greyhound
Deleted User
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23:57 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Great result greyhound. Glad you finally got the chance to show what you could do against a usefully active opponent.

8 point margin. Ouch.
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00:10 Tue 24 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
onevisit we have to think about our bromance here was gunna say gl to yas in final but thats it now me an you finnito
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