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21:48 Tue 12 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  

Phoenix Storm v Uprising

davybaumers v scooby
dbno v cgibson92
dv8 v sharky89
thegame26 v pirate_steve

The Professionals A v Uprising

dvz v derik_dalton
sixty_plus v pirate_steve
beenjammin v cgibson92
trickster v 2andygorams

Black Scorpions B (5) v (8) Uprising Ultras

walktall v lethal_lures
lfc12 v erigert
mikeybboy (5) v (8) r1p0m4n_v2
triple_b v ritcho

Pocket Dynamos (6) v (18) Uprising Ultras

jasonb (3) v (9) zantetsukenz
blueberry v ritcho
welshgizy19 v clifton188
fastboysam (3) v (9) r1p0m4n_v2

Deadline: 24/8/14
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21:57 Tue 12 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
DV8 said he is available 5-10.30 AEST, that's like 3-8.30am for me, no good at all. Can anyone play this and swap?
Posts: 7,297
22:04 Tue 12 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
lethal_lures offline 7 days , can we have a sub? in SL

Uprising Ultras.
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22:06 Tue 12 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
lethal_lures offline 7 days , can we have a sub? in SL

Uprising Ultras.

Ill say what I suspect captain will say - No, still 12 days left...
Posts: 7,297
22:07 Tue 12 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
lethal_lures offline 7 days , can we have a sub? in SL

Uprising Ultras.

Ill say what I suspect captain will say - No, still 12 days left...

well would rather hear that from captain .
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22:16 Tue 12 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
lethal_lures offline 7 days , can we have a sub? in SL

Uprising Ultras.

Ill say what I suspect captain will say - No, still 12 days left...

well would rather hear that from captain .

Huts, you heard it from an uprising player, that should be good enough.. I'll reiterate, Pete will be around and knows he's got games to play! Follow it up if he is still offline next week
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22:34 Tue 12 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
DV8 said he is available 5-10.30 AEST, that's like 3-8.30am for me, no good at all. Can anyone play this and swap?

i played him last week mate .. if you look at this results he plays a lot more than that
Posts: 3,846
00:18 Wed 13 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
dalton 7 trickster 8

us 8 2 3
us 9 2 3
uk 3 2

Were playing catch up all way through, got to decider and lost it

ggs wp

Edited at 21:44 Tue 12/08/14 (BST)
Posts: 3,846
00:44 Wed 13 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
super league

dalton 4 dvz 9

us 8 0 4 plus he ran out
us 9 1 3
uk 3 1

I had some bad luck in us with solits from ball in hand and lost my way a bit, he just potted everything

9 ball i abandoned safety break in hope of running out, he were exeption al and did a 2 9 combo , followed by a 3 9, uk i played well as i have been doing , and got some points back.

He were exeptional all way through and made game look easy ggs wp
Posts: 19,967
01:12 Wed 13 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
lethal_lures offline 7 days , can we have a sub? in SL

Uprising Ultras.

Pete should be available soon, last I heard was that he is back and is available for games. If he's not online before the weekend i'll probably sub in for him
Posts: 1,038
02:19 Wed 13 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
ritcho 8-4 triple_b

8us 2-2
9 ball 2-2
8uk 4-0 to ritcho

Once again a very good player and another slow start from me I've done that every game this season but I eventually got a bit of better luck and I think tired her out by 8uk. vwp ggs gl

Edited at 23:42 Tue 12/08/14 (BST)
Posts: 10,109
03:28 Wed 13 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
lethal_lures offline 7 days , can we have a sub? in SL

Uprising Ultras.

No, still 12 days left...
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03:33 Wed 13 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
im not asking for a sub obviously but stu can u get hold of chris ? i have sent him a message on here just want to know when is good for him really so i can try and make his times ?
Posts: 10,109
11:35 Wed 13 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
DV8 said he is available 5-10.30 AEST, that's like 3-8.30am for me, no good at all. Can anyone play this and swap?

We don't have anyone that can play those times Dale. I'll request a sub.
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11:38 Wed 13 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
DV8 said he is available 5-10.30 AEST, that's like 3-8.30am for me, no good at all. Can anyone play this and swap?

We don't have anyone that can play those times Dale. I'll request a sub.

stu he is on throughout day aswell mate i played him last week.
Posts: 7,297
11:39 Wed 13 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
lethal_lures offline 7 days , can we have a sub? in SL

Uprising Ultras.

Pete should be available soon, last I heard was that he is back and is available for games. If he's not online before the weekend i'll probably sub in for him

Thank you zante .
Posts: 10,109
11:39 Wed 13 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
DV8 said he is available 5-10.30 AEST, that's like 3-8.30am for me, no good at all. Can anyone play this and swap?

We don't have anyone that can play those times Dale. I'll request a sub.

stu he is on throughout day aswell mate i played him last week.

We can only go off the information their player gives us though mate!
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11:41 Wed 13 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
DV8 said he is available 5-10.30 AEST, that's like 3-8.30am for me, no good at all. Can anyone play this and swap?

We don't have anyone that can play those times Dale. I'll request a sub.

stu he is on throughout day aswell mate i played him last week.

We can only go off the information their player gives us though mate!

you know how i tend to agree majority of the time lol .. check the guys results 18-19-20 hours ago lol
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11:42 Wed 13 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
spoke to gibbo we have arranged for thursday night ... lets hope i have had some sleep by then :S
Posts: 10,109
11:44 Wed 13 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
DV8 said he is available 5-10.30 AEST, that's like 3-8.30am for me, no good at all. Can anyone play this and swap?

We don't have anyone that can play those times Dale. I'll request a sub.

stu he is on throughout day aswell mate i played him last week.

We can only go off the information their player gives us though mate!

you know how i tend to agree majority of the time lol .. check the guys results 18-19-20 hours ago lol

Oh I know mate, but if Dale has mailed their player asking for times, and dv8 has sent times back that Dale can't make, what are we supposed to do? Not arrange a time and just hope to catch him on? It's not really an option tbh!
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