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The Underdogs - Don't Fear The Fight, Fear The Bite

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Posts: 11,489
15:34 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
fcl sub

the underdogs v pocket dynamos

jame2010s v snoox
is now
cke1982 v snoox

what the hell u doing wade_ ur not vice captain unless u want a trial to be only vice captains update results etc
Posts: 11,489
15:36 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I was in a killer match,i said know and he pm me again and said not wanting to be bothered i put him on ignore.Plus we have like 8 days to play.i was on 2 times and he logged out lol.

clan matches are more important then friendlys though so u could of messaged him instead of putting him on ignore and said weve got 8 days to play and told him when ur gonna play
Posts: 11,489
15:38 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi cke: do you have anyone else online for mrfents place?

got no subs left

Ahh okay mate, hope he comes on today then.

lets hope mate guys left who where in fixture and othe rguys are ineligible
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:40 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Vs mrfent: friendyboy, _sachibub, _pro__frog you are eligible to play him, should either of you see mrfent online permission sub yourselves in.

Deleted User
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15:45 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Had no reply of mardu0o any chance of another sun bit hard to arrange a game if get no reply
Do Pro's posts not show up on this thread as everyone of them gets ignored. The deadline for this game is today, perhaps addressing this is a tad more pressing? As an available sub yourself cke1982 perhaps you could sub in yourself?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:59 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Had no reply of mardu0o any chance of another sun bit hard to arrange a game if get no reply
Do Pro's posts not show up on this thread as everyone of them gets ignored. The deadline for this game is today, perhaps addressing this is a tad more pressing? As an available sub yourself cke1982 perhaps you could sub in yourself?

I can come on now if you or someone else can be on cke
Posts: 11,489
16:25 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Had no reply of mardu0o any chance of another sun bit hard to arrange a game if get no reply
Do Pro's posts not show up on this thread as everyone of them gets ignored. The deadline for this game is today, perhaps addressing this is a tad more pressing? As an available sub yourself cke1982 perhaps you could sub in yourself?

i dont ignore anyones posts i try and answer as soon as i see them i said id give marduo a chance to get game played and sub him out so will do that
Posts: 11,489
16:26 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
just getting fixtures sorted and ill make subs etc
Posts: 11,489
16:45 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  


The Professionals B 16 v 20 Underdogsbite

onevisit 6 v 6 jame2010s

_nerdzz_ v hardy202(s)

davey_1985 v mardu0o(s)

solitude 3 v 9 aaron1973

liam_scfc 7 v 5 garethclin
killer v
killer v
Underdogsbite 26 v 34 Phoenix Inferno

jame2010s 6 v 6 davybaumers

(s)hardy202 2 v 10 krazyash_07(s)

(s)mardu0o 4 v 8 poolh8r(s)

aaron1973 8 v 3 patrick_nl

(S)mrfent v bigcjl2(s)

killer garethclin aaron1973 2 v 4
killer garethclin aaron1973 4 v 2
Posts: 11,489
16:46 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
format 4 racks of 8 Ball US
4 racks of 8 Ball UK
4 racks of 9 Ball US

please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on here so i can update scores and the sl league thread

Deadline 20th April
Posts: 19,819
16:47 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I think the deadline is the 27th,maybe ill wait till the 26th to play,what ya think now LOL.Keep it up.

Hey underdogs, by the post put on our thread wade doesn't have any intention of playing.
So can we have a sub?

Also cke have you arranged to play with snoox? Deadline tonight :)
Posts: 11,489
16:49 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Fcl Fixture 5

Underdogs 48 v 57 Pocket Dynamos

ichigo 10 v 5 ang3l

garethclin 4 v 11 silenthill

(s)mardu0o 5 v 10 fastboysam

(s)run_outt 7 v 8 jasonb

(s)jame2010s/cke1982 v snoox(3-9) tbc

tombstone_74 6 v 9 askingfan

aaron1973 10 v 5 _armsrace_(s)

orb 6 v 9 blueberry
The Professionals 45 v 15 Underdogs

davey_1985 13 v 2 ichigo

(s)dvz 14 v 1 garethclin

scooby 13 v 2 left_touch(s)

(swap)(s)_nerdzz_ v run_outt

liam_scfc v mardu0o(s)

beenjammin 11 v 4 tombstone_74

(swap)onevisit 8 v 7 aaron1973

diamond_v2 12 v 3 orb
Posts: 11,489
16:49 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Fcl Fixture 5

Underdogs 48 v 57 Pocket Dynamos

ichigo 10 v 5 ang3l

garethclin 4 v 11 silenthill

(s)mardu0o 5 v 10 fastboysam

(s)run_outt 7 v 8 jasonb

(s)jame2010s/cke1982 v snoox(3-9) tbc

tombstone_74 6 v 9 askingfan

aaron1973 10 v 5 _armsrace_(s)

orb 6 v 9 blueberry
The Professionals 45 v 15 Underdogs

davey_1985 13 v 2 ichigo

(s)dvz 14 v 1 garethclin

scooby 13 v 2 left_touch(s)

(swap)(s)_nerdzz_ v run_outt

liam_scfc v mardu0o(s)

beenjammin 11 v 4 tombstone_74

(swap)onevisit 8 v 7 aaron1973

diamond_v2 12 v 3 orb
Posts: 11,489
16:49 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Fbl Fixture set 5

Underdogs 3 v 5 Pocket Dynamos

8 US aaron1973 1 v 1 welshgizy19 (3-3)

(s)8 US wade_ v majidhbutt

9 US mardu0o v askingfan

9 US sfk9 v fastboysam

8 UK tombstone_74 2 v 0 angl3 (4-2)

8 UK mrfent v long_pot

(s)STR cke1982 0 v 2 silenthill

(s)STR garethclin 0 v 2 punkpoet
US8, UK8 and US9 consisting of 6 racks and 2 games of Straight.

please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on here so i can update scores and the fbl league thread

Deadline 27/4/14

Posts: 11,489
16:50 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Fbl Fixture set 5

Underdogs 3 v 5 Pocket Dynamos

8 US aaron1973 1 v 1 welshgizy19 (3-3)

(s)8 US wade_ v majidhbutt

9 US mardu0o v askingfan

9 US sfk9 v fastboysam

8 UK tombstone_74 2 v 0 angl3 (4-2)

8 UK mrfent v long_pot

(s)STR cke1982 0 v 2 silenthill

(s)STR garethclin 0 v 2 punkpoet
US8, UK8 and US9 consisting of 6 racks and 2 games of Straight.

please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on here so i can update scores and the fbl league thread

Deadline 27/4/14

Posts: 11,489
16:51 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  

underdogs bite v wildpack

ichigo v bob22cat

hardy202 v emo148

tombstone_74 v run_outt

wade_ v black_shadow

sfk9 v ronald_faja
Raging Phoenix 0 v 0 Underdogs

friendyboy v pudding

thegame26 v aaron1973

cue_ball v aces_back

poolh8r v mr fent

joeyy v cke1982

Posts: 11,489
16:54 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
format 4 racks of 8 Ball US
4 racks of 8 Ball UK
4 racks of 9 Ball US

please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on here so i can update scores and the sl league thread

Deadline Midnight Sunday 4th May 2014
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:55 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
We have friendyboy who will be on very shortly to sub in for bigcjl2 -
Posts: 11,489
16:57 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Outstanding Games

any news on these games before subs are made not many defaults this season no more defaults wanted come on underdogs


v The Professionals B

_nerdzz_ v hardy202(s)

davey_1985 v mardu0o(s)

killer v
killer v
v Phoenix Inferno

mrfent v bigcjl2(s)

Deadline 20th april
Fcl Fixture 5

v Pocket Dynamos

cke1982 v snoox(3-9) tbc
v The Professionals

liam_scfc v mardu0o(s)
_nerdzz_ v run_outt

Deadline 20th april
Posts: 11,489
17:00 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Fbl Fixture set 5

v Pocket Dynamos

(s)8 US wade_ v majidhbutt

9 US mardu0o v askingfan

9 US sfk9 v fastboysam

8 UK mrfent v long_pot
US8, UK8 and US9 consisting of 6 racks and 2 games of Straight.

please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on here so i can update scores and the fbl league thread

Deadline 27/4/14

Edited at 14:05 Sun 20/04/14 (BST)
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The Underdogs - Don't Fear The Fight, Fear The Bite

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