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The Untouchables

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Posts: 22,512
01:42 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL League

Untouchables (62) v (53) Unbeatables

mrmagic (7) v (3) mad_matt
greenie1983 (8) v (7) hippesville
chisisdovev (9) v (6) dbno
emmajane (4) v (11) turtle1560
clarebye (6) v (9) rynocov
bluenose1872 (9) v (6) poolbiird
i_am_blessed (10) v (5) msl
snowden (9) v (6) no1hustl3r

FCL Cup Quarters

Untouchables (53) v (37) Unbeatables

Fixture Completed

Deadline: 11/08/13
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01:43 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Nice win there greenie, gets us over the the line in the fixture, just need mrmagic to pull his finger out now and get the last 5 frames played there

Any idea when you are playing born_killer yet greenie?
Posts: 13,570
01:43 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL vs unbeatables

greenie983 vs hippesville

8US 3-2
9US 4-1
8UK 1-4

8-7 overall

gaz gave me a few chances in 8US and 9US and i seemed to clear everytime, 8UK was a diff story i never really had a shot apart from when he fouled, ggs as always and 1 of the nicest blokes on here, always a pleasure

awwww shucks :s yer cheques in the post lol

deserved it like i said, and i really did play like my grany till we got to uk, tho you were v ul with pozish on yer last red to clear up.......was mm in it.

gl yawl
Posts: 22,512
01:43 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL League

Untouchables (25) v (21) Unbeatables

mrmagic v no1hustl3r
snowden (6) v (2) msl
chisisidovev v serious_game
emmajane (2) v (6) hippesville
bluenose1872 (3) v (5) poolbiird
mich (7) v (1) rynocov
rapid_pot v giantfish
i_am_blessed (2) v (5) dbno
UT (5) v (2) UB

Untouchables (54) v (7) Underdogs

clarebye (8) v (0) kathleen_b
emmajane (8) v (0) derodedel
brooksy1986 (5) v (3) _golden_cue_
buzby_ (6) v (2) todd2000
greenie1983 v born_killer
mrmagic (7) v (1) the_viking
rapid_pot (7) v (0) hardy202
i_am_blessed (7) v (0) woodwizard
UT (6) v (1) UD


Untouchables (23) v (5) Underdogs

chisisidovev (4) v (1) kathleen_b
clarebye (5) v (0) jimmyd20
mich (2) v (2) todd2000
bluenose1872 (5) v (0) ronald_faja
mrmagic (2) v (2) the_viking
emmajane v markselby7
i_am_blessed (5) v (0) anoneeemouse
rapid_pot v born_killer

Four frames of your game type, two frames if your playing straight. One point win bonus.

Deadline: 11/8/13
Posts: 22,512
01:43 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL League

Untouchables (62) v (53) Unbeatables

mrmagic (7) v (3) mad_matt
greenie1983 (8) v (7) hippesville
chisisdovev (9) v (6) dbno
emmajane (4) v (11) turtle1560
clarebye (6) v (9) rynocov
bluenose1872 (9) v (6) poolbiird
i_am_blessed (10) v (5) msl
snowden (9) v (6) no1hustl3r

FCL Cup Quarters

Untouchables (53) v (37) Unbeatables

Fixture Completed

Deadline: 11/08/13
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:51 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Was told John would be online at 7pm tonight and this game would definitely get played tonight, it's now near 11 and still no sign of him I've been browsing pretty much from 7 until now and will continue to do so for another hr or 2 just in case John turns up and can play.
Posts: 851
02:25 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Nice win there greenie, gets us over the the line in the fixture, just need mrmagic to pull his finger out now and get the last 5 frames played there

Any idea when you are playing born_killer yet greenie?

Alright alright. He said he'll be on from 7pm tomorrow so ill get it done then. mrreliable, that's me
Deleted User
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02:27 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Nice win there greenie, gets us over the the line in the fixture, just need mrmagic to pull his finger out now and get the last 5 frames played there

Any idea when you are playing born_killer yet greenie?

Alright alright. He said he'll be on from 7pm tomorrow so ill get it done then. mrreliable, that's me

Haha nice1 mate, no disrespect to your opponent or anything, but i am hoping u bring a 5-0 back in uk, just need as many points as we can get and 5-0 would be perrrrrfect lol

I'd say u should change ur name to mrreliable, but none of UT want to wait a month for you to be able to play
Posts: 851
02:31 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Hmm not a bad idea. I'm totally worth the wait
Posts: 851
02:36 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Also, I'll be very surprised if i get the 5-0. UK has been my worst table recently! Just a heads up for when you put in the next FBL lineups
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02:41 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Haha, have a word with mich, he sends in the list's these days you opponent is a very good player so it wouldn't surprise me if he nicks a couple there but I have faith in a 5-0 (wishful thinking) lol

lmao we need ur big scores in the next couple weeks mate, cant afford to have you not playing
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03:25 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Been sat waiting for this 9us game to get played vs John for the last 5 hours, I'm not prepared to do any more waiting tonight.
Posts: 22,512
03:38 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Just don't do any more waiting at all mate.
Posts: 22,512
04:02 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  

While sorting out some league issues on the website and updating games i came across an error on the google docs page for the golden cue. Basically some results are not matching up or players who have played are not showing up at all. I can't think of another way to sort this but start from set one and work my way up again so you all have a good idea where you are on the table. This is going to take hours to do so in that time until i post again can all players/captains NOT post results on result page. I am marking it will a bolded line to stop me getting confused. I hope i can get it done tonight, so please bare with me.

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05:43 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
02:42 Thu 08/08/13
Straight Pool - i_am_blessed got 81 successive pots

1st game in a while.
Deleted User
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20:00 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  

Chop chop and get the golden cue finished already
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20:03 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Spoke to Tortoise and come to the following conclusions...

When Lee finishes his FCL game vs mad_matt later, mad_matt will sub in and play him in fbl too.

giantfish is on at around 1 am ish at the earliest, so if ANYONE can be on at that time to play it would be fantastic.

If anyone can then Tortoise my sub in for serious_game if he fails to show.
Deleted User
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20:15 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
8UK emmajane v markselby7
is now
emmajane v woodwizard

markselby , has permission to sub back into this game if you do catch him online emma,
Posts: 3,250
20:15 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
lol never mind
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22:06 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Well i could have made 1am if i hadnt already played...
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The Untouchables

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