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Vipers (our time to shine) Take 2

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Posts: 19,967
01:47 Fri 26 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
lol huts again ur player made noo attemp till a few days ago soo like i said huts works both ways in my book

myself , vice capt and deitch has made every effort stating you have been offline ages and asking for subs which has been ignored it seems . beth answered once to let us know u dont come on much and u get messages via your phone .

u really need to be more active at times.

No, you've just said sub please a lot and clearly haven't had much contact with your player or even made effort to check your player. He's made one post on the forum in this fixture set which was 3 days in and made no mention of having trouble with the game so that is a blatant lie. Looking at his results he didnt play for at least 2 days and didn't play much from when he did come on so he's not particularly active if he's only popping on for between 5 minutes and half an hour a day and is making no effort to message or even look for his opponent till halfway in. Harry said we'd need a sub if girl_power didn't start logging in and she's started to. She stays on for more than half an hour so she actually has a chance to play
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02:58 Fri 26 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Is it me or does huts do this in every fixture set?
Posts: 38,097
03:15 Fri 26 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
bad captaincy?

one thing i like about zak is that he checks his facts before posting so he does not make a fool of himself
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03:28 Fri 26 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Unlike you James, But then again we already know ure a fool
Posts: 8,885
06:29 Fri 26 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
oki blackhorse havnt seen much of him at all maybe diffrant times and that and underdogs game saw him once in the whole fixture soo will try play soon
Posts: 19,967
13:19 Fri 26 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Haha, thanks James nice to know there's one thing you like about me
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14:28 Fri 26 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Announcement
(28th April 2013 - 12th May 2013)

Hello Clanners,

I need teamsheets for the upcoming fixture, but as before due to the folding of some teams there are some BYE's

The League games for set five are...

Unbeatables vs Fighting Eagles
Snooker Squad vs Pocket Dynamos
Elite Force vs Underdogs
The Professionals vs Vipers

I also need the following teamsheets for the Cup Games (even though some of you might get knocked out)...

The Professionals (Q)
Uprising (?)
Snooker Squad (?)
Unbeatables (?)
Fighting Eagles (?)
Underdogs (?)
Vipers (?)

Can all teamsheets please be sent to me by Saturday @ Midnight (UK time).

Any clans who have not submitted a teamsheet will have their lists chosen at random.

Killer Cup Semi Finals will be released shortly.

Cheers lovelies
Jema - FBL League Runner
Posts: 68
20:58 Fri 26 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
been away people soz. am back now so be nice to here from staffie
Posts: 68
23:19 Fri 26 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
can some one pm me plz and tell me if i need to take pic down or not ;)
Posts: 22,512
01:21 Sat 27 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  

Kenny (staffie_man) has been offline a long time due to some personal reasons.

As far as FCL goes your still named as on this team though, but the FCL season is over for Vipers and a few other clans.
Posts: 19,967
01:59 Sat 27 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Best speaking to fry or Beth, they're the 2 who'll be in the know about what's happening
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02:09 Sat 27 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
DONT give me straight lol
Posts: 22,512
03:32 Sat 27 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Discussion Thread

If you have a spare few minutes can you please read the discussion thread, any ideas and thoughts are welcome. I would also like the thread to remain civil please

Posts: 4,557
13:17 Sat 27 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Vipers v Elite Force
therev v walktall
girl_power7 v deitch

still to be played . Deadline is tomorrow night .
Deleted User
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14:30 Sat 27 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Vipers v Elite Force
therev v walktall
girl_power7 v deitch

still to be played . Deadline is tomorrow night .

I aint see walktall at all while ive been online
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:09 Sat 27 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Vipers v Elite Force
therev v walktall
girl_power7 v deitch

still to be played . Deadline is tomorrow night .

I aint see walktall at all while ive been online

So ya gunna give me a sub or what?
Posts: 19,967
15:55 Sat 27 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
tried to get killer sorted with Elite Forces, waiting around for a 3rd player for them the last half an hour but they've got no one yet and i'm gonna have to go off now
Posts: 5,702
23:59 Sat 27 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL sub
Unbeatables vs Vipers
blackhorse vs thegreatone7
is now
im_crap_adam vs thegreatone7

Message me with a time you can make it tomorrow if you could pleaseee or tonight, which ever suits
Posts: 5,702
01:27 Sun 28 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL sub
UB vs Vipers
hacker vs therev
is now
turtle1560 vs therev
Posts: 4,557
01:55 Sun 28 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
i have dessie_22 online that i can sub in u have anyone?
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Vipers (our time to shine) Take 2

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