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Uprising - Vive La Revolution

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21:32 Sat 3 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL: uprising v sinners

straight: w_hoolahan (2) v (4) jgo3000

frame 1: 47 - 14
frame 2: 32 - 38
frame 3: 32 - 38

very good games! both played v well.. if a 3-3 was possible in straight that would of been the correct scoreline on this match! both had 2 runs od 25 - 30.. missed a shot which should of potted in 2nd frame to win it though. could of been 4-2 either way.
Deleted User
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22:34 Sat 3 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
hotdave said he would be on at 7pm and it is now 8:30 n he aint shown up
Deleted User
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01:16 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
hotdave said he would be on at 7pm and it is now 8:30 n he aint shown up

nope i was running late but as soon as i did show up and sent you a pm and asked you if you wanted to get our games done you didnt reply but you were logged on browsing thats why i sent you a pm then 28 minutes after i sent you the pm you logged off without replying so i tried to get things done as soon as i came on and seen you were on but you didnt want to so it would seem considering you didnt respond to the pm i sent you.
Posts: 22,512
01:21 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
28 minutes? then he was logged off the server for not being at the computer mate. I not long text him and messaged him on snooker so will tell him you are about if he messages me back.
Deleted User
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01:44 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
28 minutes? then he was logged off the server for not being at the computer mate. I not long text him and messaged him on snooker so will tell him you are about if he messages me back.

if he was browsing then he at the computer is he not
Posts: 22,512
01:49 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
no mate, you also get logged out after 20 - 30 mins if your browsing but not at computer
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01:55 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
no mate, you also get logged out after 20 - 30 mins if your browsing but not at computer

well i still believe he seen my message but hey hoh i guess i will be wrong what ever i say so i suppose it dont matter.
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02:27 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
So you want me to log in now and play you after waiting over 2hours for you to show?

Your having a laugh as im now on the Ps3
Posts: 19,967
02:30 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
he's offline anyway mate
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02:40 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL game

Hey mate, when is the best time for you to play this game?
Sent 2 days ago

hiya mate should be able to get this played either tonight friday or saturday about 7 ish. cheers.
Sent a day ago

games to play
alright m8 u fancy playing our games
Sent about 2 hours ago

If he aint around tomoz, during afternoon or night time by about 10pm sub me out n get someone else to play
Posts: 4,971
12:27 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
uprising v underdogs

was: scallo v knockout

now: w_hoolahan v fast_one11
Posts: 4,971
12:52 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FSL: Uprising v Underdogs

w_hoolahan v fast_one11

8 ball us: 1 - 1
9 ball us: 2 - 1 (run out for me)
8 ball uk: 2 - 1 (run out for me)

overall: w_hoolahan 5 - 3 fast_one11

Uprising (19) - (13) Underdogs - FIXTURE complete
Posts: 62
14:10 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FSL: Uprising v Underdogs

w_hoolahan v fast_one11

8 ball us: 1 - 1
9 ball us: 2 - 1 (run out for me)
8 ball uk: 2 - 1 (run out for me)

overall: w_hoolahan 5 - 3 fast_one11

well dome mate ul chaz too good runout's

Uprising (19) - (13) Underdogs - FIXTURE complete
Deleted User
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15:45 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Individuals Annoucement

Fixture Set 4 of the Individuals has now been released.

A list of all opponents including all remaining games from fixtures 1, 2 & 3 and the new fixtures can be found on the Individual Fixture thread. Link below...

Fixture 2 results will be updated on the league tables after midnight tonight.

As ever good luck everyone!
Deleted User
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17:04 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
so can someone tell me if cool_dude is still in ur clan as he told shadwell17 he aint no longer in the clan and to stop messaging him
Posts: 19,967
17:33 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deadline for FCL games is today. hotdave vs therev is underway so theres just one game left in both sets not started. if there are players online for the opposition i am available to play both games.

Getting the FBL game vs Sinners played in an hour or so
Posts: 2,182
17:37 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Season 18 - Fixture set 1

Ninja Warriors 36 v 74 Uprising

thegame26 9 v 6 walktall
pixie_dust 5 v 10 skunkyfool
_itsjustme_ 5 v 10 therev
puddintane 8 v 7 irish_ninja
sniper 0 v 15 w_hoolahan
jack_86 4 v 11 derik_dalton
seanallen 1 v 4 huts24 TBC
powerfool 4 v 11 stoatroaster

Uprising 53 v 20 Inpossibles

therev v hotdave
w_hoolahan 11 v 4 winter64
derik_dalton 11 v 4 tamtheman
stoatroaster 15 v 0 sergiov27
slimeball v mark82
huts24 8 v 2 _danny17_ TBC
cool_dude 2 v 1 shadwell17 TBC
i_am_rubbish 6 v 9 rhinofool

Deadline: 4/11/12 @ Midnight!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:41 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
therev v hotdave(FCL)

us8: 2 - 3

Carryin on in a few hours as i had to go have my dinner and dave had to pick up his kid and have his dinner
Posts: 93
18:37 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture - Set 1

Snooker Squad v Uprising

whocares8x8 2 - 4 psychosis

Pretty good games. He seems a decent player. Wasn't playing too well, so was happy to get the win. Sorry 'bout dropping a frame chaps
Posts: 4,971
18:42 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
sorry about dropping a frame! a wins a win mate.. a excellent result vs a v good player!
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Uprising - Vive La Revolution

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