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02:27 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Announcement

Fixture set four has now been released, you can find your games using the links below...

Div 1:
Div 2:
Clan Cup:

Deadline for these games to be completed is 19th August 2012.


Deleted User
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02:29 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I will have a chat with sniper as i have told him before.i dont like FCL games sry.
Posts: 8,885
02:45 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  

me vs sniper

0 - 3

ggs shoulda won first 2 got robed lol


me vs cke1982

9 us 4 -2 win

ggs hun ul
Posts: 8,885
02:54 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL fixture set 4

Mouseketeers Vs The Legend Killers

8US fleetwood vs blueberry
8US samwisemac vs khukuri

9US playa87 vs wade_
9US thegreatone7 vs sniper

8UK nick79theman vs relisys
8UK mastroianni vs familyguy0

Straight punkpoet vs haste
Straight marksmith vs se7en

Killer vs

Untouchables (4) Vs (2) Mouseketeers

8US banana vs samwisemac
8US vendetta vs stephenball

9US polar_bear vs tartanrox
9US mr_pink_eyes vs playa87

8UK its_me vs ryanbelfast
8UK fuunky (4) vs (2) thegreatone7

Straight dbno vs punkpoet
Straight r1p0m4n vs marksmith

Killer vs

19th August 2012

Edited at 00:29 Mon 06/08/12 (BST)
Posts: 8,885
03:02 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL cup

Mouseketeers Vs Team Angry

8US samwisemac vs greyhound
8US stephenball vs najork

9US playa87 vs mooksterman
9US ryanbelfast vs mrmtp

8UK fleetwood vs player28
8UK firepower vs poolbiird

Straight marksmith vs ipotalot
Straight punkpoet vs therev
Posts: 8,885
03:24 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
fbl me vs fuunky

2 - 4

was unlucky not to draw but ahh well

Posts: 19,819
03:25 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL fixture set 4

Untouchables (58) Vs (17) Mouseketeers

vendetta vs marksmith
fuunky 13 vs 2 samwisemac
the_unknown 13 vs 2 fleetwood
jimmy__1878 (9) vs (6) playa87
banana (10) vs (5) stephenball
its_me vs ryanbelfast
madmiketyson vs nick79theman
mr_pink_eyes 13 vs 2 firepower

Mouseketeers 34 Vs 26 The Legend Killers

nick79theman 9 vs 6 blueberry
playa87 vs haste
mastroianni vs mighty_zeus
samwisemac 7 vs 8 relsyies
punkpoet (13) vs (2) sniper
thegreatone7 (6) vs (9) kingywhu
marksmith vs wade_
stephenball vs khukuri

FCL CUP semi final

Mouseketeers 12 Vs 48Snooker Squad

marksmith 5 vs 8 meadow
samwisemac vs pirate_steve
punkpoet 0 vs 15 lethal_lures
fleetwood 2 vs 13 slatty
stephenball vs kilimanjaro
nick79theman vs dgeneratio
playa87 (3) vs (12) jose_enrique

Deadline 12/8/12

Edited at 00:29 Mon 06/08/12 (BST)
Posts: 2,106
03:27 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Untouchables vs Mouseketeers

mr_pink_eyes vs firepower

8ball US 5-0
9ball US 4-1 (didn't realise till Matty pointed out I had 2 runouts lol)
8ball UK 4-1

Overall 13-2 to mr_pink_eyes

Enjoyed the games mate, I certainly had the luck in a few frames and you had none, thanks for playing.
Posts: 19,819
03:28 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Untouchables vs Mouseketeers

mr_pink_eyes vs firepower

8ball US 5-0
9ball US 4-1 (didn't realise till Matty pointed out I had 2 runouts lol)
8ball UK 4-1

Overall 13-2 to mr_pink_eyes

Enjoyed the games mate, I certainly had the luck in a few frames and you had none, thanks for playing.

Cheers for posting :)
Posts: 19,819
03:32 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
killer vs LKS

1 relsys
2 se7en
4 punkpoet
5 blueberry
6 nick79theman

Nick computer disconnected, We asked for the game to be restarted as I beleive i would and have in the past done. Lks decided not to do this and I feel this lead to the win, taking nothing away from se7en and relisys thye played great (poach ;)) But yeah left a sour taste in my mouth and if i play an LK and it happens i think i will take the point LOL
Posts: 19,819
03:47 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
fbl me vs fuunky

2 - 4

was unlucky not to draw but ahh well


good result there
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:06 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
killer vs LKS

1 relsys
2 se7en
4 punkpoet
5 blueberry
6 nick79theman

Nick computer disconnected, We asked for the game to be restarted as I beleive i would and have in the past done. Lks decided not to do this and I feel this lead to the win, taking nothing away from se7en and relisys thye played great (poach ;)) But yeah left a sour taste in my mouth and if i play an LK and it happens i think i will take the point LOL
Now i know..sorry it wasnt restarted.
Posts: 19,819
04:08 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
killer vs LKS

1 relsys
2 se7en
4 punkpoet
5 blueberry
6 nick79theman

Nick computer disconnected, We asked for the game to be restarted as I beleive i would and have in the past done. Lks decided not to do this and I feel this lead to the win, taking nothing away from se7en and relisys thye played great (poach ;)) But yeah left a sour taste in my mouth and if i play an LK and it happens i think i will take the point LOL
Now i know..sorry it wasnt restarted.

Its in the rules that the opposing team that was LKs have the deiscion and it wasn't I am fine with it and turned out to be a good game. Just was abit sour, Thanks for the apoligy
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:09 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
killer vs LKS

1 relsys
2 se7en
4 punkpoet
5 blueberry
6 nick79theman

Nick computer disconnected, We asked for the game to be restarted as I beleive i would and have in the past done. Lks decided not to do this and I feel this lead to the win, taking nothing away from se7en and relisys thye played great (poach ;)) But yeah left a sour taste in my mouth and if i play an LK and it happens i think i will take the point LOL
Now i know..sorry it wasnt restarted.

Its in the rules that the opposing team that was LKs have the deiscion and it wasn't I am fine with it and turned out to be a good game. Just was abit sour, Thanks for the apoligy
No problem pal, i would have restarted it. But thats in past now. So you played blueberry? he won?
Posts: 19,819
04:10 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
killer vs LKS

1 relsys
2 se7en
4 punkpoet
5 blueberry
6 nick79theman

Nick computer disconnected, We asked for the game to be restarted as I beleive i would and have in the past done. Lks decided not to do this and I feel this lead to the win, taking nothing away from se7en and relisys thye played great (poach ;)) But yeah left a sour taste in my mouth and if i play an LK and it happens i think i will take the point LOL
Now i know..sorry it wasnt restarted.

Its in the rules that the opposing team that was LKs have the deiscion and it wasn't I am fine with it and turned out to be a good game. Just was abit sour, Thanks for the apoligy
No problem pal, i would have restarted it. But thats in past now. So you played blueberry? he won?

This was the killer mate
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:13 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
No i mean for SL...we won the tiebreaker right?
Deleted User
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04:19 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
wade_ vs marksmith is now

familyguy0 vs marksmith
Posts: 38,097
14:09 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi! could you send default information for following games to dgeneratio by Tuesday midnight. After this time it will be done with or without support info.

Mouse vs Underdogs

playa87 0-0 lfc07
fleetwood 0-0 9balljay

Subs in Spoiler New Fixture in ()
3/8 samwisemac vs lfc07 (playa87 vs lfc07)

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:31 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  

samwisemac vs khukuri is now

samwisemac vs familyguy0


familyguy0 vs marksmith is now

khukuri vs marksmith
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:32 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
killer vs LKS

1 relsys
2 se7en
4 punkpoet
5 blueberry
6 nick79theman

Nick computer disconnected, We asked for the game to be restarted as I beleive i would and have in the past done. Lks decided not to do this and I feel this lead to the win, taking nothing away from se7en and relisys thye played great (poach ;)) But yeah left a sour taste in my mouth and if i play an LK and it happens i think i will take the point LOL
Is that killer score 5-1? please reply on my thread, im going to sleep, and wont remember to check this. Thanks Zac
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