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Legend Killers (Losing is not an option)

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20:54 Thu 12 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Cool mate no worries.
and you have permission to sub my guys in :)
just easier that way when the deadline starts to appear closer lol
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21:33 Thu 12 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Cool mate no worries.
and you have permission to sub my guys in :)
just easier that way when the deadline starts to appear closer lol
Cheers Zac
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22:45 Thu 12 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Team list:
1. ads19 (captain)
2.sniper (co captain)
3. familyguy0 (Vice captain)
4. wade_
5.fuunky (UK Only) so FBL only.
6.relisys (active)
7.davey_1985 (active) snooker player
8.r1p0m4n (active) snooker player
11.swarley Eligible to play 7/21
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22:55 Thu 12 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Set 2

Viper (21) vs (54) The Legend Killers

matthew95_8 3 Vs 12 r1p0m4n
master8ball 3 Vs 12 sniper
rhinofool 9 Vs 6 relisys
pusher 3 Vs 12 be_happy
hotdave Vs haste
fry06 Vs ads19
blackcabman7 3 Vs 12 davey_1985
_hot_potter_ Vs familyguy0

Legand Killers (33) Vs (42) Mouseketeers

r1p0m4n Vs ryanbelfast
sniper 5 Vs 10 samwisemac
haste Vs nick79theman
be_happy 13 vs 2 eggfriedrice
relisys Vs firepower
ads19 (6) Vs (9) mastroianni
davey_1985 5 Vs 10 punkpoet
familyguy0 4 Vs 11 marksmith

5 games each of 8 ball US 8 ball UK and 9 ball!

Deadline for these games is 15/7/12

Edited at 20:43 Thu 12/07/12 (BST)
Deleted User
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22:55 Thu 12 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set II

6 Games of your game type, 3 of straight

The Legend Killers (9) vs (3) Mouseketeers

8US be_happ (4) vs (2) marksmith
8US wade_ vs samwisemac

9US mighty_zeus vs fastboysam
9US relisys (5) vs (1) thegreatone7

8UK khukuri vs mastroianni
8UK r1p0m4n vs nick79theman

Straight davey_1985 vs eggfriedrice
Straight haste vs punkpoet

Killer Legend Killers vs Mouseketeers

Vipers (5) vs (13) The Legend Killers

8US hotdave (2) vs (4) relisys
8US mfc_ss vs mighty_zeus

9US staffie_man vs sniper
9US pusher vs wade_

8UK howhigh vs haste
8UK x_connor (1) vs (5) fuunky

Straight ripped_rank vs khukuri(s)
Straight pixie_dust (2) vs (4) r1p0m4n

Killer Vipers vs Legend Killers

Deadline is 22nd July 2012
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22:58 Thu 12 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
The Players Championship

Round 3 can now be found here...

Deadline for these games is Midnight UK Thursday 19th July.

Deadline for requesting any default in any unplayed game is Midnight UK Friday 20th July.

(TLK) davey_1985 v BYE
(TLK) familyguy0 v BYE
(TLK) r1p0m4n v BYE
(TLK) the_pun1sh3r v BYE
(TLK) kingywhu v (MVP) man_up

Edited at 20:21 Thu 12/07/12 (BST)
Deleted User
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23:07 Thu 12 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Re you recent changes Super League has you with 16 players before any addition of kingywhu. Please can you confirm your team?
Deleted User
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23:13 Thu 12 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Re you recent changes Super League has you with 16 players before any addition of kingywhu. Please can you confirm your team?
Sorry chris, hes been off for ages, and i removed him from our team, but didn't post on Super league sub/swaps.

I looked back to page 11 i think, when i subbed him out...

That was 26 days ago or sum odd...

But yeh never removed him til now
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23:15 Thu 12 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
or on the FCL and FBL team changes which I use?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:16 Thu 12 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
or on the FCL and FBL team changes which I use?
Apparently so!

I love doing all the work, means i can't blame nobody but me!
Posts: 19,819
23:20 Thu 12 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
relisys vs fleetwood

is now

relisys vs firepower

should be played after relisys tourney :)
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00:42 Fri 13 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
relisys v firepower

8 - 7 to me very close games

ggms m8 wp take care
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02:00 Fri 13 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Set 2

Viper (21) vs (54) The Legend Killers

matthew95_8 3 Vs 12 r1p0m4n
master8ball 3 Vs 12 sniper
rhinofool 9 Vs 6 relisys
pusher 3 Vs 12 be_happy
hotdave Vs haste
fry06 Vs ads19
blackcabman7 3 Vs 12 davey_1985
_hot_potter_ Vs familyguy0

Legand Killers (41) Vs (49) Mouseketeers

r1p0m4n Vs ryanbelfast
sniper 5 Vs 10 samwisemac
haste Vs nick79theman
be_happy 13 vs 2 eggfriedrice
relisys (8) Vs (7) firepower
ads19 (6) Vs (9) mastroianni
davey_1985 5 Vs 10 punkpoet
familyguy0 4 Vs 11 marksmith

5 games each of 8 ball US 8 ball UK and 9 ball!

Deadline for these games is 15/7/12
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02:01 Fri 13 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
We are now only down 8 points againsts mouseketeers!! We can pull it back guys! Lets doooo it
Posts: 19,262
02:02 Fri 13 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
sniper u ok to play and i'll sub in?
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02:04 Fri 13 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
samwisemac (6) (0) wade
sorry guys had several chances to win but i miss he ran out Great player.
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03:31 Fri 13 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
sniper u ok to play and i'll sub in?
Sure mate, i don't have my mouse though.
Posts: 19,262
03:32 Fri 13 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Well if ya wanna play now i can or if u wanna wait im not fussed pal
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03:38 Fri 13 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Well if ya wanna play now i can or if u wanna wait im not fussed pal
Mouse just aint working, i turn it on then light goes on and back off.

Won't work.

So ill jus play u
Posts: 19,262
03:40 Fri 13 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
ok mate ready when u r
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Legend Killers (Losing is not an option)

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