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Top Pool Aces (RETURN PART 2)

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Deleted User
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13:30 Sat 3 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
hi team

just let most of you no i can not put players in that not active in the fixture until i see you are then i will start putting back into the fixture
its only fair on the players that are on quite a bit that i put in the fixture
Deleted User
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13:31 Sat 3 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

Snooker Squad 17 vs 10 Top Pool Aces

tinie 7 v 0 greyhound

meadow 2 vs 4 jpenny3

jose_enrique 2 v 4 big_mouse

whocares8x8 6 v 2 cleensheet

pirate_steve v dementedmind

Game Format

- 2 racks each of US8, UK8 and US9 (6 racks in total)
- 1 point for each rack won
- 1 point for each 'event' achieved (Golden Break or Run Out)

Games to be played by Midnight (UK) on 7/3/12.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:32 Sat 3 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Crazy Eights 8 v 4 TPA

8 us huts24 5 v 1 dementedmind
8 us skunkyfool v rustybmf

9 ball diamond_jem 3 v 3 cleensheet
9 ball andy2b v ads19

8UK man_up v great_player
8UK bri1974 v run_outt

Straight dee v yetti
Straight sly_fox v fleetwood


TPA 11 v 7 Assassins

8 us dementedmind v strikelucky8
8 us rustybmf 6 v 0 scallo

9 ball cleensheet v xxx
9 ball ads19 1 v 5 pricer73

8UK great_player v rocketweaz8
8UK run_outt 4 v 2 letsgamble

Straight yetti v aces_back
Straight fleetwood v sxs000

Deadline : 11/3/12 @ midnight(gmt)

please message all your opponents

8 ball uk 6 frames
8 ball us 6 frames
9 ball us 6 frames
straight 3 frames

if these games are not been arrange in a week then have no alternative to start making subs for them
if you have arrange them but not heard nothing from the other party please inform me so i can get them sorted

thanks rick
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:32 Sat 3 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Clan Grand Slam - The Players Championship

Round 1 Draw (selected) - Any players not shown have a bye to Round 2

(TPA) fleetwood v (CR8) bri1974
(TPA) pennyarcade9 v (FE) flash_is_bac
(TPA) run_outt v (VIP) fry06
(TPA) yetti v (ASN) xxx
(SS) pilbyjoel v (TPA) _dntbmad_
(SS) cymmerboy v (TPA) ads19
(LL) red4ever v (TPA) cleensheet
(CR8) dee v (TPA) jpenny3
(SS) meadow v (TPA) sr20_mick

Deadline is Midnight (UK) 10/3/12. Failure to notify a result by the deadline may lead to an automatic DQ for both players.

All games will consist of 9 racks in total (3 each of US8, UK8 and US9). In addition to one point per rack there will be bonus points for any events achieved (Golden Breaks/Run Outs). Should the scores be level following the 9 racks there will be a sudden death deciding rack. The game type for this 10th and deciding rack will be chosen by the player who won the preceding (9th) rack.

This a voluntary tournament so there is no requirement to play or attempt to play if you wish not to. Please do not badger or harrass opponents if they do not reply or do not wish to play, simply retain evidence of contact and effort.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:33 Sat 3 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
super cup league
Players eligible for last game vs snooker squad when they have a sub available all have permission to sub in. as your player be of for a day

Posts: 38,097
15:14 Sat 3 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
pirate_steve v dementedmind

is now

dgeneratio v dementedmind
Posts: 8
15:48 Sat 3 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Snooker Squad 17 vs 10 Top Pool Aces

tinie 7 v 0 greyhound

meadow 2 vs 4 jpenny3

jose_enrique 2 v 4 big_mouse

whocares8x8 6 v 2 cleensheet

pirate_steve (Dgenerario subbed) 2 v 4 dementedmind
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:35 Sat 3 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
well done simon in your game m8 a good result
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:36 Sat 3 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Snooker Squad 19 vs 14 Top Pool Aces

tinie 7 v 0 greyhound

meadow 2 vs 4 jpenny3

jose_enrique 2 v 4 big_mouse

whocares8x8 6 v 2 cleensheet

pirate_steve (Dgenerario subbed) 2 v 4 dementedmind
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:55 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fixture Sets 5 & 6 released on website. Deadline for these games is Midnight (UK) on 18/3/12.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:47 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

Team Angry VS Top Pool Aces

chalkie35 vs rustybmf

mattywellie vs run_outt

poolbird vs chanel

pool_king vs _dntbmad_

scott7a vs greyhound

Latin Legends B vs Top Pool Aces

toluca321 vs fleetwood

king8ball1 vs jpenny3

skiller10 vs rustymbf

champof9ball vs great_player

zantetsukenz vs greyhound

Game Format

- 2 racks each of US8, UK8 and US9 (6 racks in total)
- 1 point for each rack won
- 1 point for each 'event' achieved (Golden Break or Run Out)

Games to be played by Midnight (UK) on 18/3/12
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:30 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
av messages andy2b twice now he got bk 2 me once but aint seen him online since the message
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:31 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
av messages andy2b twice now he got bk 2 me once but aint seen him online since the message

ok m8 i try and sort that out m8
Posts: 22,512
18:41 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Announcement

Fixture set one has now been released. You can find your games located in the link proided below.

FCL Fixtures -

Please not that some teams still show old players that have been removed from there team, this is because i was not notified by offline message about a replacement.

Deadline for these games is: 18/03/12 @ Midnight

Thank you.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:25 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
MVP 17 v 13 Top Pool Aces

eemad v _dntbmad_
cphaynes v fleetwood
bluenose1872 6 v 9 greyhound
polar_bear v jpenny3
dvz v rustybmf
andyw1 v run_outt
beenjammin 11 v 4 dementedmind
potlimit v chanel


Shooters Revenge v Top Pool Aces

lethal_lures v _dntbmad_
mdj v fleetwood
its_me v greyhound
w_hoolahan v jpenny3
eggfriedrice v rustybmf
playa87 v run_outt
mrflibble v dementedmind
doubted2 v chanel

Deadline: 18/03/12 @ Midnight.

5 frames of each type us8 us 9 uk
Good luck all, message and add your opponent(s) as a friend.

Edited at 22:05 Sun 04/03/12 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:30 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Crazy Eights 8 v 4 TPA

8 us huts24 5 v 1 dementedmind
8 us skunkyfool v rustybmf

9 ball diamond_jem 3 v 3 cleensheet
9 ball andy2b v ads19

8UK man_up v great_player
8UK bri1974 v run_outt

Straight dee v yetti
Straight sly_fox v fleetwood


TPA 11 v 7 Assassins

8 us dementedmind v strikelucky8
8 us rustybmf 6 v 0 scallo

9 ball cleensheet v xxx
9 ball ads19 1 v 5 pricer73

8UK great_player v rocketweaz8
8UK run_outt 4 v 2 letsgamble

Straight yetti v aces_back
Straight fleetwood v sxs000

Deadline : 11/3/12 @ midnight(gmt)

please message all your opponents

8 ball uk 6 frames
8 ball us 6 frames
9 ball us 6 frames
straight 3 frames

if these games are not been arrange in a week then have no alternative to start making subs for them
if you have arrange them but not heard nothing from the other party please inform me so i can get them sorted

thanks rick
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:31 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

Team Angry VS Top Pool Aces

chalkie35 vs rustybmf

mattywellie vs run_outt

poolbird vs chanel

pool_king vs _dntbmad_

scott7a vs greyhound

Latin Legends B vs Top Pool Aces

toluca321 vs fleetwood

king8ball1 vs jpenny3

skiller10 vs rustymbf

champof9ball vs great_player

zantetsukenz vs greyhound

Game Format

- 2 racks each of US8, UK8 and US9 (6 racks in total)
- 1 point for each rack won
- 1 point for each 'event' achieved (Golden Break or Run Out)

Games to be played by Midnight (UK) on 18/3/12
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:07 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

all my outstanding opponents in FCL, FSL and Players Championship messaged. already in discussion with W_hoolahan for FCL game.

Posts: 543
23:17 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
greyhound v bluenose1872
3-2 8ball
4-1 9ball
2-3 uk

ggs m8 9ball was a bit scrappy could have gone either way wp and gl in future games
Posts: 22,512
23:19 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Great games pal, pleasure to play you. Agree they could have gone either way to be honest but the best player won on the day . Good luck to you and TPA in future games.
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Top Pool Aces (RETURN PART 2)

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