players not responding !!!!
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14:25 Sat 24 Mar 07 (GMT)
i havent been a member of funky pool that long so this might of been explained before. when your playing a game occasionally it says "player not responding" some times they start responding again but sometimes they just leave the room. its very annoying and i just wondered why it happened?
14:36 Sat 24 Mar 07 (GMT)
they loose connection to internet i beleave , that causes them get logged out if they are not reconected in a certain time period
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14:48 Sat 24 Mar 07 (GMT)
Yep, like psmon said. I do think that the internet connection fails, then what I've found is that the internet frezes and then the internet windows close down automatically and then you get logged out. Personally, i don't mind this because, firstly, is that its not thier fault and secondly, you win automatically
14:49 Sat 24 Mar 07 (GMT)
Yeah thats pretty much it psmon!
Its caused by anything that interrupts the players connection to the funkypool server.
If it happens to you, you will see a couple of numbers appear at the top right of the table, starting 1/8, 2/8 etc. This is your game trying to connect to the server. Obviously, if it gets to 8, you are disconnected.
Its important to remember this really isnt anyone's fault, just the nature of the internet, so try not to let it wind you up too much.
Its caused by anything that interrupts the players connection to the funkypool server.
If it happens to you, you will see a couple of numbers appear at the top right of the table, starting 1/8, 2/8 etc. This is your game trying to connect to the server. Obviously, if it gets to 8, you are disconnected.
Its important to remember this really isnt anyone's fault, just the nature of the internet, so try not to let it wind you up too much.
15:20 Sat 24 Mar 07 (GMT)
one thing i dont agree with is the point loss because it is not your fault the connetcion has been lost a know its nothing to do with the pool server just wondering if anything could be done about this, also the abandoned game that gets added on your account i try to leave abandoning games to a minimum but sometimes you have to
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15:47 Sat 24 Mar 07 (GMT)
Yeah, me too, but the other player will just say that its just unlucky your connection went down. Can't win.
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15:57 Sat 24 Mar 07 (GMT)
thanks for the help people!!
it never happens to me so how does it happen to some and not others?
it never happens to me so how does it happen to some and not others?
16:36 Sun 25 Mar 07 (BST)
Unfortunately we have to treat all disconnections as a loss because we can't distinguish between accidental and deliberate disconnections.
_psmon_ said:
one thing i dont agree with is the point loss because it is not your fault the connetcion has been lost a know its nothing to do with the pool server just wondering if anything could be done about this, also the abandoned game that gets added on your account i try to leave abandoning games to a minimum but sometimes you have to
Unfortunately we have to treat all disconnections as a loss because we can't distinguish between accidental and deliberate disconnections.
17:12 Sun 25 Mar 07 (BST)
well its something we have to just deal with then
17:25 Sun 25 Mar 07 (BST)
Well lost connections are rare, so it shouldn't affect you that much. Compare that to what would happen if everytime you were about to win, the opponent just closed thier browser to avoid losing rank.
That would be much more frustrating yeah?
That would be much more frustrating yeah?
17:31 Sun 25 Mar 07 (BST)
yep i agree 100 % , but if only there was some way to establish the diffrence between loosing connection and just being a plain old sore looser
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03:26 Mon 26 Mar 07 (BST)
i agree with psmon. but its good if they logged out of your playin are higher ranked player but not good when you get logged out! so there's 2 parts to this.
04:26 Mon 26 Mar 07 (BST)
Just a Tip if you have a problem with Pinging out then its best to upgrade to a faster modem. A Ping is a signal thats sent from your browser to a site. Lag happens when the signal (A Pong) isnt being returned from the site, it will try repeatedly to connect and after a certain time it gives up and results in you being disconnected (you ping out). If the signal does reach there eventually then it results in a long pause before you see whats happening on the site.
ISPs (Internet Service Providers) usually give higher speed connections better routing. If the problem carries on then you might want to change providers. I hope I'm making sense and it gives you a batter idea of whats going on.
ISPs (Internet Service Providers) usually give higher speed connections better routing. If the problem carries on then you might want to change providers. I hope I'm making sense and it gives you a batter idea of whats going on.
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06:06 Mon 26 Mar 07 (BST)
thanks domi !!! it doesnt happen to me but now i no why it happens to others
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08:39 Mon 26 Mar 07 (BST)
my ranking always goes down cause my pc freezes and i try to wait for it to come back but find out ive lost does my head in
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players not responding !!!!
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