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cant get the hang of spin

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13:34 Tue 20 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
anyone explain?
Posts: 1,473
14:00 Tue 20 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
the spin has a black dot in the middle of the circle as you might know,when you are taking a shot and want the white ball to track nicely forward to set up your next shot you click the dot forward in the circle,judge how far you have to put it up depending how far you want the white ball to go,eg.if your potting a red and you dont have another shot on after it because the balls are all together,put full spin forward to the angle were it will smash the reds and set u up with another shot,same go,s for back spin,if you want to set up your next shot judge the power to track or smash.
Posts: 1,473
14:01 Tue 20 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
best way to get the hang of the spin is to play on the practice table,tracking each of your shots as you pot.
Deleted User
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14:49 Tue 20 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
topshot said:
best way to get the hang of the spin is to play on the practice table,tracking each of your shots as you pot.
good advice also you could just mess about with the spin so you gain an experience of what sort of spin is needed on each shot.
Posts: 1,363
14:59 Tue 20 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
it does take some time to adjust to using spin. i am still messing up alot of shots due not using the right spin
but follow topshot's advice and you will get there just when practicing the spin play freindlies or on the practice table
Deleted User
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10:28 Wed 21 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
ity m8 but its the side spin that is hard
Deleted User
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11:03 Wed 21 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
side spin.. watch where the cue goes if u know what i mean, which side of the white it goes.
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cant get the hang of spin

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