A Few Suggestions

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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
07:13 Wed 7 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
As ranked games are more important than friendlies I suggest that the 'ranked points game' be checked by default. This would be more convenient for registered members and less convenient for guests, which might encourage them to become registered members.

In the find game box it gives various bits of information, the game status field is quite useless, I suggest that it be replaced with a field informing me of the waiting occupants rank. Alternatively rank could appear next to the occupant's name.

Conflict arises from players who do not have an appropriate rank joining a room and refusing to leave (prone to become offensive when politely informed their rank is too low/high). As it is reasonanble to request 750+ or whatever, why not create the facility for players to set a criterium which must be satisfied by any prospective opponent as a condition of their joining game. If they don't meet requirement they cannot join, similar to when a guest tries to join a ranked game
Posts: 8,940
07:48 Wed 7 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
First point is a good one, and easy to impliment.

points 2 and 3... All together now....

Sorry dude, i asume you are new to the forum (as evidenced by your low post count) but the second and third points have been debated at great lenght, indeed the third point has been the subject of discussion dating back years.

I'm sure the debate will rage again but i suggest reading some of the previous posts (you can use the search function to simplify this) so that points which may seem obvious, and therefore only briefly mentioned by others, are more clearly understood.

Welcome to the forums!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:54 Wed 7 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
i always play friendlies
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A Few Suggestions

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