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A rule change sergesstion

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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:23 Wed 31 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
OK, I was playing in the quarter finals of the 8 Ball UK torny and my opponet did a legal move that I think should be changed to illegle!

It was 1-0 against me, I had one red left and he had 5 yellow up. He used his balls to block off my shot. I foul and he gets a carry.

Now, my red ball is near a pocket, he hits his Yellow ball, onto my red, sinks it and gets no penilty!! From there he goes on, wins the game 2-0!!

Now, I have done so much hard work to get to that point and its ruined because of a stupid technicality and now he just won the whole tournament!!

Now u may ask, would I say the same if I did it?? Yes I would!! I dont like this thing and I wont use it as i am honest. I think that that should be classed as a foul as it is an un honest way to win a game of pool!!

Im open to any feedback!!

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:09 Wed 31 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Think you will find this is a free ball and totally legal, have yoiu never used it in a game of funkypool or real life pool?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
05:20 Wed 31 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
In fact he was being kind by hitting his ball first, on the very first carry shot he could as easily have potted yours directly to maintain the carry. I use this a lot to empty the table out, open up the balls or position myself for a clearance.
You're the one that fouled!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
08:09 Wed 31 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
If your opponent or yourself get a carry, then they can pot any ball they want (accept black and cue ball of course) and still have a carry (can only be used once though).

If this wasn't the case then people would use this as an advantage to snooker the other player.

For example, say a red was mm from a pocket and his yellow was just infront of it blocking the red from being potted. Then he would be left wondering where to hit his yellow without sinking the red just because you had a foul. Remember that the opponent must have an advantage if this happens, which is as fair as you can get!

Edited at 14:11 Wed 31/01/07 (GMT)
Posts: 31,220
12:15 Wed 31 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
He was completely correct to do what he did, and he exploited the rules properly.

He needed to remove your ball from that pocket, so he caused you to foul so that he could pot your ball. Absolutely 100% within the letter and spirit of pool on this website. And if I were you, I'd have bene thinking "Jeez, I hope he doesn't snooker me and draw a foul and pot my ball and clear up." In fact, I'd be very disappointed in him if he didn't! says this: "A foul will lead to the opponent getting two shots from behind the line. The ball can be played in any direction, and can hit any ball first. Any ball can be potted (aside from the black ball) on the first shot after an opponents foul (known as a free ball), and the two shots will still carry. Two shots carry even on the black ball." Those italicised parts are the ones pertinent to your case. Not a stupid technicality, but the rules.

I know, it's...
Posts: 31,220
12:19 Wed 31 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
...a pain in the short and curlies when something happens, but all ya can do it read the help pages and the forums and see what you can glean from them. And leave a post too and see what the rest have to say.

By the way, in case you're wondering: if you're on the black and your opponent fouls and you're snookered on the black, then YES, you can plant the black in. On that shot. And if you miss, you've still another shot. If you missed the black on that shot but potted one of this balls, you've still two shots. And if on that first shot after the foul you potted both black and an opponents ball, it's still legal because Any ball can be potted (aside from the black ball) on the first shot after an opponents foul - except in this case you're on the black so of course you can pot it. I've seen it happen.
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A rule change sergesstion

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