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Getting thrown out of finals

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Deleted User
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07:51 Sat 27 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
It's happened again for about the 5th time. The score reads Martin Blank 3 - 0 me but Martin was the one with the lag, why am I the one who yet again loses a final because I'm automatically logged out?


edit.please do not try bypass the swear filter.thank you

Edited by forum moderator topshot, at 14:42 Sat 27/01/07 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
07:57 Sat 27 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Firstly watch the language please edit it out of your post as there is no place for it here.
Secondly You must have been unlucky and your connection went down.. I assure you it's not as a result of martin_blanks position on the site *looks away innocently..*
How many tourny wins is that ?!

Check you have your dsl filters in, otherwise every time the phone rings you'll get disconnected.

Oh and game queries would be the place for this but it's your first post so hey, lesson's learned!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
08:11 Sat 27 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
It can only be a problem from your system unless there was a problem with the server. As both of you had lag this could be the source. It depends if it only happened to both of you alone.

It could be just coincidental that it happened in the final although im guessing it could happen anyway through the tournament. The final usually gets highlighted the most for obviouse reasons.

But like i say, if the server crashed in some way, then both of you would have logged out. And if it's lag, it most likely is from your end.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
08:15 Sat 27 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm not here to cause trouble but that word isn't even rude and there's a star in it. And I'm not suggesting martin abused his position at all, I'm just venting because of all the times to be logged out of the server it happens in finals way more than other matches. There is nothing wrong with my connection - if I open another firefox window I can access any site I choose but sometimes the funkypool site main page won't load which means it's a problem at your end, not mine.

I was really up for that match, and now I'm away for over a week so won't be here again till I get back. As I said, my opponent was the one experiencing "lag" which meant in my window the clock always ran completely down on his shots and the message that he was "not respond....started responding" was appearing in the text bar so what does that tell you?

Anyway, a rematch will happen in time I'm sure, but I was robbed!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
08:20 Sat 27 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
farren2 said:
It can only be a problem from your system unless there was a problem with the server. As both of you had lag this could be the source. It depends if it only happened to both of you alone.

But like i say, if the server crashed in some way, then both of you would have logged out. And if it's lag, it most likely is from your end.

No! Martin played a shot at 1mph which is classic lag, I experience no lag whatsoever on my shots and none at all during the tournament up till that point! I thought he'd have been logged out, not me.

Anyway, I know that if he'd have been logged out I would've claimed the tourny win for myself ! Whilst I'm here, it would be good if the tourny win table was top 100 and not top 50 beause I want to be on it but the bottom score has moved from 13 to 20 in the last week!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
08:26 Sat 27 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
That word is offensive and if you want to behave like that go someplace esle, there is no place for that on our forums. Look around, that is the ONLY offensive language on these forums. I will not be helping you with this issue until you cop on a bit. Respect is a two way thing.

I urge non of our mature users to offer advice on this until you have edited your post and accepted our forum rules.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
08:29 Sat 27 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
In that case, it's either:

a) martins fault for getting lag


b) there is something wrong with the server because for some reason it only kicks you out when your in a tournament.

In my opinion i can't see it being either. Thats unless it happened to everyone in a torn final or some kind of error.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
08:31 Sat 27 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
farren2 said:
In that case, it's either:

a) martins fault for getting lag


b) there is something wrong with the server because for some reason it only kicks you out when your in a tournament.

In my opinion i can't see it being either. Thats unless it happened to everyone in a torn final or some kind of error.

lol martin's lag has no effect on his oppositions computer!! shot time is relative m8, only your set-up can effect it!

There is nothing wrong with the server, it's not vindictive!!!!!!!

So its a problem with our poor victims set-up and I'd be happy to troubleshoot it with him when he's mature enough to edit his post and accept our forum rules.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
08:35 Sat 27 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
I said it as a joke haha

Of course they are not the reasons.

Just seems like another excuse for getting kicked out to me. It's always the servers fault.
Posts: 1,473
08:45 Sat 27 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
moved to Game Queries
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
09:26 Sat 27 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
haha was about to edit it that word but seens it's already been done. Seriously mate, who gets "offended" by that word? It's tame! If you're offended by such a tame word you should get out more. You'd be shocked at some of the language that's been directed at me by silly kids whose butts I've kicked at 8 ball and all when I've been completely polite and a good sport to them.

Anyway, any advice on how to combat the problem of being logged out will be gratefully received and it's nothing to do with my broadband connection. When I do get thrown out and it tells me I've been logged out due to the server being too busy, at the same time I go to a seperate firefox window to the game window and the main page doesn't load even though every other website I go to works. Then eventually the site is back up and I can log back in to the server but by that time my tournament is over.

When that happens why can't you go back into the tournament game room as a player instead of a watcher?
Posts: 1,473
09:40 Sat 27 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
i told you dont bypass the swear filter its a rule dont do it,simple.

you cant get back in because the game as already started,we will check if theres a problem with the server,sometimes we will have problems,seldom though,check things that could slow up your connection and check with your service provider.
Posts: 8,939
10:12 Sat 27 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
First off, the issue isn't whether anyone finds the word offensive, its against the rules and thats all that matters.

It couldn't be a server issue if it was only you who was logged out.

It doesn't have to be a problem at your end as it could be any one of the many nodes between yourself and the server (common with unreliable ISP's such as BT and AOL).

However, if an opponent appears to stop responding it is quite often your own computer with the problem.

Finally, and most important, you gave away that you were using Firefox, which is famous for crashing and not displaying things properly, so i suggest moving to IE7 or Opera to ensure you enjoy the site properly in future.

That'll do from me!

Edited at 16:14 Sat 27/01/07 (GMT)
Posts: 4,347
12:01 Sat 27 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Meant to mention that to you when I saw you next fats.

I lagged for first two or three shots and it cleared.

Then the message came up 'myfriendfats is not responding'. After a few mins you logged out, or were logged out

Very unlucky, and it's a bitter pill when you've played all those games to get there. I've lost finals that way too, and I don't like winning them that way at all.

If there's a way of replaying it I'd be happy to, as we'd only played half a frame.
Posts: 3,731
12:43 Sat 27 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah, I was in a final once, and my opponent was logged out, we consulted nick, and he let us finish the match, and I kept my tourny win as technically i won it, and my opponent won the rest of the final when we replayed, so he was given a tourny win as well...fair enough?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:07 Mon 5 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm back from my skiing holiday now so will back playing soon so watch out everyone

I've just read this thread back and see I came across as a bit of a *moron* by going on about the swearing so forgive me for that. I come here to play pool, not to get round the swear filter!

Look forward to meeting you again martin, and I bet you'll kick my *backside* again after all this fuss!

* ha, got caught out by the filter again inadvertantly. Quite funny really that a slang term for a bottom is considered offensive. Oops, there I go again

Edited by forum moderator martin_blank, at 19:53 Mon 5/02/07 (GMT)
Posts: 4,347
13:54 Mon 5 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
I've haven't beaten you at all yet!

I think we can probably cap this now, as the possible causes of the loss of connection seem to have been covered

Look forward to playing you again soon.

Edited at 19:59 Mon 5/02/07 (GMT)
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Getting thrown out of finals

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