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Hard-drive Siren Noise

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Posts: 8,940
13:51 Sat 20 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ah, by hard drive you mean the main box?

Yes, this is a cooling failure, probably the CPU fan itself.

You're not seeing any problems till you start surfing the net because the load is low so its not overheating. Your comp has to work quite hard to run FP, as evidenced by the problems you had with lag.

Sorry dude, but shut it down immediately and take it to get a new fan fitted. Shoudlnt cost any more tha £10 - £15 for the fan..
Deleted User
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13:52 Sat 20 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
well having a bust fan can result in the overheating and malfunction of other internal components so in some cases i would say it is far worse than just a bust up HD.

by the way how do u know the sound is coming from the HD?
Deleted User
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13:54 Sat 20 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
btw can i say i did state that it is probably a bust fan...
Deleted User
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14:10 Sat 20 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah it's coming from the gaps in the main box( the fan ) i will take it and get a new fan... No more use on it till then too!
Deleted User
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13:56 Sun 21 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Spinner, do i mention the new avg version keeps popping up telling me to download it? Have you got the new free version mate if so shall i get it and will it help?
Deleted User
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15:38 Sun 21 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Its completely irrelevant. Your CPU is overheating. it could be oveer worked, hit ctrl-alt-dlt and tell us the percentage the cpu is working at if you could, do this with an internet explorer page open.
Posts: 8,940
16:07 Sun 21 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
What percentage the CPU is running at is relevant to the individual setup, and we know Steve had lag issues so FP runs close to 100% anyway.

Main thing is not to run ANYthing till the coolings sorted!

Regarding AVG - ignore the messages saying you have to buy a new version and download the updated free one here :

Be careful with the new AVG and make sure you get it from Grisoft's website, since there are a lot of dodgy versions out there on sites like etc..
Deleted User
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04:04 Sat 3 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Spinner, the modem broadband box is situated on top of the hard-drive and it was burning hot the other day is this affecting the hd do you think causing it to other-heat?
Posts: 8,940
08:58 Sat 3 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Depends which one was getting hot!

Seperate them and see, if the Broadband Router is getting hot then i'd contact your supplier ASAP for a new one as there is no way that should be happening unless a componing has developed a fault. Be careful as thats a potential fire risk.

However i'm guessing the heat came from the main box, did you get it checked out?
Deleted User
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09:05 Sat 3 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
spinner said:
What percentage the CPU is running at is relevant to the individual setup, and we know Steve had lag issues so FP runs close to 100% anyway.

If your CPU ran at 100% for any extended period of time you will see failure. They are not designed to do so. Lag would be more likely cause by Java and your graphics card. I can have reasonable lag and my cpu running at 1-2% if I don't allocate enough space on my graphics card.

this is not a technical forum. The problem is not funkypool related. Bad advice could have severe consequences.

Steve I suggest you find a technical forum where people will be far more qualified to give you advice. Otherwise go and have your computer seen by the relevant professionals.
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09:07 Sat 3 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  

Edited at 15:07 Sat 3/02/07 (GMT)
Posts: 8,940
16:46 Sat 3 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
magicblack said:
spinner said:
What percentage the CPU is running at is relevant to the individual setup, and we know Steve had lag issues so FP runs close to 100% anyway.

If your CPU ran at 100% for any extended period of time you will see failure. They are not designed to do so. Lag would be more likely cause by Java and your graphics card. I can have reasonable lag and my cpu running at 1-2% if I don't allocate enough space on my graphics card.<snipped>

Magic - with all due respect, running at 100% is precisely what CPU's are designed to do!

As i pointed out, and as quoted above, we know its processor load with Steve's system from previous discussions.

Sure, other conflicts can cause lag, most notably MSN and ATI Gfx drivers. Or, indeed, if you are referring to network lag, there will be absolute zero processor load!

The thing i want to know is, how do you "assign space on your graphics card"?
Posts: 8,940
16:50 Sat 3 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
magicblack said:
this is not a technical forum. The problem is not funkypool related. Bad advice could have severe consequences.

Steve I suggest you find a technical forum where people will be far more qualified to give you advice. Otherwise go and have your computer seen by the relevant professionals.

Very sound advice on getting things seen by relevant pro's, however i urge people to be very wary of some "technical" forums.

As Magic said - "Bad advice could have severe consequences"

If ANYTHING overheats, literally anything (I've had a blackberry melt on me) shut it down immediately and dont use it till its checked!
Deleted User
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18:30 Sat 3 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
in windows? not sure.
From a forum:
start-control panel- admin tools- services- device manager- display adapters- your graphics cars- properties- voila. Resource settings (memory)

But I use a different os so I can't prove it.

either way it has a physical and logical preset memory.

a technical forum is certainly more reliable than For all your technical expertise.

Edited at 00:32 Sun 4/02/07 (GMT)
Posts: 8,940
18:33 Sat 3 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
LOL in windows the locical memory is the same as the physical memory. Which is, obviously, logical.

Forgot you were on Linux dude.. Memory allocation is something proper OS's deal with for you..

Edited at 00:41 Sun 4/02/07 (GMT)
Deleted User
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18:35 Sat 3 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol, sure we'll leave it at that.

You really like the damn quote feature eh?!
Posts: 8,940
18:41 Sat 3 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
magicblack said:
lol, sure we'll leave it at that.

You really like the damn quote feature eh?!

What made you think that!

It does make things easier to follow, though i admit i was on auto-pilot there!

(nice negotiating trick that, saying lets leave it the finishing with a question.. I love that one.)

Deleted User
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18:44 Sat 3 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Always with the last word eh?!

I love catch 22's!
Posts: 8,940
11:23 Sun 4 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well, for anyone thats interested, Steve's system is sorted now.

Turns out the modem was hot because it was sitting on the only vent in his case, and thus causing the PC to overheat.

Modem/Router is now on the floor and everythings fine.

What was that about technical advice?

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Hard-drive Siren Noise

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