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09:51 Wed 17 Jan 07 (GMT)
hi,i just thought i would make this thread so that new people that join can under stand what people mean when they say for example asl,asl=age sex location,gl=good luck,gg=good game,wp = well played,vwp=very well played,ge =good effort,ns=nice shot and ul=unlucky. if anyone else wants to contribute to this list feel free to post.
Deleted User
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02:14 Thu 18 Jan 07 (GMT)
Who's fred?
<confused smiley>
<confused smiley>
Deleted User
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02:48 Thu 18 Jan 07 (GMT)
dont know if this will help but hes the link for the last time we all brought this up
07:19 Thu 18 Jan 07 (GMT)
LOL you beat me to it!
(hey, how come i got a reprimand for swearing but mekongmarcus doesn't..)
Edited at 13:19 Thu 18/01/07 (GMT)
(hey, how come i got a reprimand for swearing but mekongmarcus doesn't..)
Edited at 13:19 Thu 18/01/07 (GMT)
Deleted User
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13:06 Thu 18 Jan 07 (GMT)
Yup knew youd look for it so decided to save you the time
spinner said:
LOL you beat me to it!
Yup knew youd look for it so decided to save you the time
Deleted User
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14:28 Thu 18 Jan 07 (GMT)
(hey, how come i got a reprimand for swearing but mekongmarcus doesn't..)
How dare you take fred's name in vain..
spinner said:
(hey, how come i got a reprimand for swearing but mekongmarcus doesn't..)
How dare you take fred's name in vain..
Deleted User
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07:11 Sat 20 Jan 07 (GMT)
Says Magic who, on a different thread said Swinging off topic annoys me!!
PMSL! (u all know what that means)
PMSL! (u all know what that means)
Deleted User
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15:00 Tue 13 Feb 07 (GMT)
ty=thank you,lol=laugh out loud,yw=your welcome,rofl=rolling on the floor laughing and gs=great shot.
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