can someone explain this please

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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:53 Tue 9 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
i have been on funkysnooker for a while and while playin snooker with the 2 internet windows i have also had a music program (imesh) running. HOWEVER i have not endured much lagg only once everytime i go on due to some random adverts i think...

If i was to come on funkypool and do the same thing i get serious lagg. If i close imesh and jus play pool i get alot of lagg. Why isit different on the two sites, can someone explain?

I have noticed that on snooker if i right click on the adverts (9/10 times) a big options thing pops up and i can't do much (altho i dnt have to do anything as i get no lagg) whereas on pool a smaller options thing pops up and only on pool can i 'stop', 'forward', 'rewind' etc to try and stop the laggin so much.

Can someone please explain? (nick, spinner?) thank
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:54 Tue 9 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
IF YOU had actually read this pool_life you would realise im asking a question as to why there is such a difference in lagg on the 2 sites, well that was what i was aiming at, im not moaning about lagg or anything, jus merely asking a simple question on the GAME QUERIES section of the forum... you kno the forum that was created for this exact purpose!!!!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:40 Tue 9 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Tread are you actually joking here? i've has to spend a day tryin to stop all these arguments in general chat because somebody doesn't like you; and now this?
I don't think you really want posting abilities anyway..

Edit, I'm not going to bother explaining it to you again. wast of general wear and tear to my keyboard. Spinner alreadyp answered your question in the real lag thread. Pool_life already told you why this thread was a silly/arrogant waste of time.

Edited at 09:43 Tue 9/01/07 (GMT)
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can someone explain this please

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